Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1441 Koff's Pretty Widow (28)

After letting Gu's father and mother get used to it for a while, Ling Wuyi proposed to open a dessert shop on this street.

She has already taken a good look at the storefront, but the rent and the money for shopping need to be agreed by Gu parents and mothers.

After all... She is a poor ghost, and the one who wants to pay has to be Gu Fu Gu Mu.

They have eaten both the syrup and desserts made by Lingwu Ni, and they think they taste very good.

But Gu's father felt that it might not be possible to open a shop. He thought that Ling Wuyi was a woman after all.

This is in the city again, not in their small town.

Gu's father thought it was impossible, but Gu's mother thought Ling Wuyi's idea was good.

Originally, she had been thinking about how to subsidize her family during this period of time. The idea of ​​Ling Wuyi to open a shop... Maybe it can be done?

Asking Ling Wu how much it would cost, Mother Gu took out the money without saying a word.

Ling Wuyi was really touched by Gu's mother's trust.

After taking the money, he promised to Gu's mother that he would definitely return the principal with interest within three months.

Gu's mother just smiled and said that the family should stop seeing each other like this.

Yang Ling, who was on the side, still could only secretly envy——

Now that you have the money and the store is fancy, let's do it!

Ling Wuwen never procrastinates in doing things, and she will do what she says!

Pulling Gu's parents and Gu's mother to help, from the name of the decorated desserts, Ling Wuyi worked very hard to do it.

After two months, the dessert shop 'Sweet Honey' was finally opened!

Ling Wuyi specially chose the opening day to be when Gu Anteng was resting, so that he could also come to help.

Before the opening, Ling Wuwen stayed up all night to write a lot of 'coupons' and 'free tasting coupons'.

Some of the 'coupons' were kept for her to deliver on the street, and the rest were taken by Gu Andeng to the Imperial College.

Originally, Ling Wuyi didn't really want Gu Andeng to take it to the Imperial College, after all, it's a place to study, what if the husband doesn't like it? But Gu Andeng said to give him some friends.

In this case, Ling Wuyi prepared dozens of 'free tasting coupons' for Gu Andeng to take to the Imperial College for his friends.

The night before the opening, Ling Wuwen and Gu Andeng almost didn't sleep all night.

They were both excited and nervous, and Ling Wu was busy preparing something in advance.

On the opening day, the business was unsurprisingly bursting!

There were some who received Lingwu Nie's 'coupons' outside, but most of them were classmates of Gu Andeng Guozijian.

Tangshui, they also drank sour plum syrup and mung bean syrup, but Lingwu wrote the names of some syrups and desserts in the store behind the 'coupon' and 'free tasting coupon'.

Seeing the name of the dessert only makes people full of curiosity.

Since there is a discount, let's taste it!

Many people come to Ling Wu Nie's dessert shop with the mentality of giving it a try.

Whether it's dessert or sugar water, Ling Wu Nie has prepared a lot.

As a result, the sugar water and desserts were gone for half a day!

Parents and mothers who wash dishes in the backyard really feel that these hands are almost not their own!

And Yang Ling, who served tea and water in front, felt that not only her hands were tired, but her feet were too tired!

Fortunately, he is used to farm work, otherwise, after this day, he would really lose half his life——

However, it sold out all the sugar water and desserts just after it opened, which has exceeded Ling Wu's expectations.

Some people wanted desserts, so they had no choice but to apologize, saying that today's ones were sold out.

Someone asked again: "Then what time will it open tomorrow?"

Ling Wuyi pointed to the business hours sign outside the store, which said when the door was open and when it was closed.

"Okay, come back tomorrow!"

"Thank you for coming! Welcome to come again next time!" Ling Wuwen stood at the door with a smile to see off the guests.

Gu Andeng went to entertain his classmates and chat with them.

They all thought the desserts and sugar water tasted good, so they wanted Gu Andeng to order them for them.

"Tomorrow, I'll bring some back for my wife to try!" Hearing what a classmate of Gu Andeng said, Ling Wuwen walked over.

"Then I recommend that you ask for this ice muscle sugar water. If this woman drinks it regularly, it will make her skin smoother and more tender, and her skin will be like curdled fat."

Ling Wuxi had a decent and generous smile, and her skin was very good, so she spoke very attractively.

Hearing Ling Wuwen introduce this, all the scholars with wives at home said they would order it.

Ling Wuxi nodded with a smile, found a notebook and wrote it down, explaining that it will be done tomorrow.

She didn't say anything about paying first, and those scholars paid first.

After the dessert was finished, the guests of "Sweet Honey" gradually left.

Ling Wuxi closed the store first, and put up a sign outside saying 'Sold out today, early tomorrow please'.

Back in the store, Gu's father and mother also finished washing the dishes.

"Father-in-law and mother-in-law, thank you for your hard work!" Ling Wuwen was already thinking about asking a helper to come back to wash the dishes tomorrow.

Gu's father and mother smiled, and sat down on the stool: "It's not hard! It's not hard! I didn't expect the business to be so good on the first day of opening! Are they all sold out?"

"Yeah, they're all sold out. I haven't prepared enough." Ling Wuyi took out the money collection box and counted the money inside.

"Oh, it would be great if the business would be so good every day in the future!" Gu's mother helped Ling Wuwen count the money together.

Gu's father was also surprised that the business of this store was so good, why were the desserts and sugar water sold out on the first day of opening? That's amazing!

Gu Andeng on the side was also very happy. Although he was a little tired, he felt very fulfilled.

As for Yang Ling, apart from feeling tired, she was also in a bad mood.

She has worked so hard to show her face here, looking at the money, it's not hers!

That man who only has Ling Wu in his eyes... is not hers either!

"Mother, with today's business momentum, the principal will be returned to you in one month instead of three months!" Ling Wu said excitedly after counting the money.

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen ordered a portion and handed it to Mother Gu, saying, "Return some to you first, and I will save some desserts and sugar water for tomorrow's principal."

Gu's mother refused to answer, shook her head and said, "I don't want you to pay back the principal, you run the house well, and you will keep the money. I don't worry!"

Ling Wuwen quit, but still put the money into Gu's mother's arms: "That can't be done, it's a loan."

Gu's mother just refused to pick up, and she gave Ling Wuyue a look, and said, "No matter whether you borrow or not, we are all one family. Don't tell me you two want to separate from us?"

"Of course there is no separation!"

Ling Wuwen blurted out without even thinking about it, the old couple only had a son, Gu Andeng, what would they eat after the separation?

"That's all right. I'll leave the money here, and you'll be in charge of it from now on."

Since Mother Gu insisted on keeping the money with her, let it be.

Ling Wuwen nodded with a smile, and locked the money box: "Tomorrow, I will hire two helpers to save your father-in-law and mother-in-law from washing dishes so hard."

"It's not hard! We don't feel like we're useless if we have something to do, and it costs money to hire helpers. We can save a lot by doing it ourselves."

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