Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1450 Little Demon in the City (3)

Ling Wu's actions made Bai Suyun uncontrollably scream, this red rabbit has grown up, right?

Don't say it, Bai Suyun has the truth at this moment. But it's not a spirit, but a demon.

He looked down at his empty breakfast plate, then at the red rabbit sleeping on the sofa.

Swallowing her saliva, Bai Suyun cautiously walked over to Ling Wuwen and squatted down, looking at Ling Wuwen as if she was looking at a new creature.

"Wow, Xiaohong~ Let me ask you, can you understand me?"

Ling Wuxi opened her eyes, and looked at Bai Suyun with her shiny black eyeballs.

When Liangyu transformed into a human form, Bai Suyun was the first to see her.

After knowing that she was a demon, Bai Suyun was not afraid, nor did he look at her strangely.

So Ling Wuyi is not afraid of Bai Suyun knowing that she is a demon, he is a good person just like the heroine Kong Linglong.

To Bai Suyun's question, Ling Wuxi blinked and nodded.

Bai Suyun's eyes widened again, he was so surprised: "You...you can really understand what I say?"

Ling Wuxi nodded again, indicating that she really understood.

"No, maybe you are nodding habitually? Shake your head twice and then nod three times to show me."

Ling Wuwen: "..."

If she hadn't been able to speak yet, she really wanted to answer Bai Ruoyun.

Shake your head twice, then nod three times.

Now, Bai Suyun should believe it, right?

Bai Suyun didn't speak for about several minutes, he was trying to adapt to the strange red rabbit in front of him who could understand people's words, and could nod or shake his head in response.

But on second thought, maybe this red rabbit has an owner, and then the owner taught her to understand human language?

Thinking about it this way, it seems to make sense.

Aren't there cats and dogs who know how to buy groceries? It doesn't seem very unusual for rabbits to understand human language.

If there really is an owner, then the owner should be worried about losing such a human rabbit?

Bai Suyun asked Ling Wuwen: "Xiaohong, let me ask you, do you have a master? Do you know where your master lives? Do you know how to contact your master?"

After asking a series of questions, Bai Suyun was dumbfounded.

He patted his head, no matter how human an animal is, it can't be a human, how can he talk to animals with the same mentality when talking to people.

When Bai Suyun was thinking that Ling Wuwen would definitely not answer him, Ling Wuwen actually nodded.

What does this nod mean?

Bai Suyun asked tentatively: "Do you have a master?"

Ling Wuxi nodded.

Bai Suyun asked again: "Do you know where your master lives?"

Ling Wuwen nodded again.

Bai Suyun asked again: "Do you know how to contact your master?"

Ling Wuxi nodded again.

After some conversation, Bai Suyun really believed that the red rabbit was completely human.

After thinking about it, Bai Suyun took out the phone and unlocked it and handed it to Ling Wuying: "Then you call your master."

Of course, Bai Suyun didn't expect Ling Wuyi to call anyone, he was just joking and wanted to tease her.

Bai Suyun has already decided to take a photo of Ling Wuwen and post it on the Internet later, to see if anyone can come to claim it.

Red rabbits are so rare, it should be easy to find an owner.

Bai Suyun, who was thinking about which website to send the photos to, did not expect that Ling Wuyi actually made a phone call.

And the caller she made was none other than his cousin Yan Yu.

The call got through, and it was picked up quickly over there.

"What's the matter?" Yan Yu's voice came from the phone.

After being stunned for a moment, Bai Suyun immediately picked up the phone, and said somewhat stammeringly: "Cousin cousin..."

"What?" Yan Yu's voice has no ups and downs, not cold, but definitely not warm.

"Where are you now, that cousin?" Bai Suyun looked down at Ling Wuwen, still in disbelief.

Does his cousin even keep pets? ! How come you haven't heard of it since you were a child?

"Company." Yan Yu said.

Bai Suyun paused and said, "Oh, then I'll take you to the company."

Yan Yu over there is still a little strange, why send him to the company?

Because they were in a meeting, Yan Yu didn't tell Bai Suyun much, just hummed and hung up the phone.

Hearing the sound of "beep beep beep" over there, Bai Suyun curled his lips, then looked down at Ling Wuwen: "Xiao Hong~ Are you sure your master is Yan Yu? My cousin?"

Ling Wuxi nodded, of course she had to say that! Otherwise, how could Bai Suyun send her to Yan Yu?

When Bai Suyun asked her if she had a master just now, she thought that Yan Yu was her master.

Bai Suyun sent her there, so she didn't have to think about how to get to Yan Yu's side!

As for how to get Yan Yu to take her in, she still has a way.

Bai Suyun put Lingwu catkins in the cage, took the medicine prescribed at the veterinary hospital last night, and drove to Yan Yu's company——

When he arrived at Yan Yu's company, he hadn't finished the meeting yet, Bai Suyun and Ling Wu were waiting for him in the office.

Yan Yu, who was in a meeting, heard that Bai Suyun had come to the company, and specially asked his secretary, Kong Linglong, to pour him a glass of milk.

Kong Linglong poured a glass of milk for Bai Suyun and sent it to Yan Yu's office, just in time to see him talking with Ling Wu in his arms.

"Xiaohong!" Kong Linglong yelled directly, with a joyful tone, and almost threw away the milk in her hand.

Kong Linglong is Yan Yu's secretary, and Ling Wuyi had already thought of this before coming to the company, so she was not surprised to be recognized.

On the other hand, Bai Suyun was stunned and then thought, maybe it's because my cousin brings rabbits with him when he comes to work?

Thinking of this, Bai Suyun felt that his cousin really loved the rabbit.

"So your name is really Xiaohong?" Bai Suyun asked Ling Wuyi with a smile.

Ling Wuqian shook her head, she didn't want to be called Xiaohong! You can't just call her Xiaohong just because her hair is red!

What's the difference between naming her Ling Wu Nie when her serial number is 0051?

"Eh? Isn't your name Xiaohong? Then why did she call you Xiaohong?" Bai Suyun looked at Ling Wuwen, then at Kong Linglong.

Ling Wuwen also turned her head to look at Kong Linglong, she was just as her name suggests, petite and exquisite.

Although the appearance is not very outstanding, but the advantage is that the temperament is very agile.

Kong Linglong didn't lose her composure, and walked up to Bai Suyun and handed him the milk: "Mr. Bai, our chairman specially ordered the milk to be prepared for you."

It is different from the scene and state of Kong Linglong meeting Bai Suyun for the first time mentioned in the plot. I don't know how the two will spark again?

In the plot, the first time Kong Linglong met Bai Suyun was because Yan Yu ordered her to deliver medicine to Bai Suyun who was sick at home.

When I went to Bai Suyun's house, I was very excited when I saw Liangyu, and then regarded Bai Suyun as a rabbit thief, and a series of interesting things happened.

Bai Suyun took the milk and thanked Kong Linglong with a polite smile.

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