Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1468 Little Demon in the City (21)

It's only been a few months of study, but you have learned so many things?


At noon, Yan Yu saw that it was almost time for lunch, so he got up and left the office.

Ling Wuwen was working at the door of the chairman's office. As soon as Yan Yu came out, she also stood up: "Can we eat?"

Yan Yu paused, then nodded slightly: "En."

"That's great! I miss the food in the cafeteria!" Ling Wuyi hurriedly turned off the computer, and went out to press the elevator.

Yan Yu: "..."

Away for months and just miss meals in the kitchen? He also cooked meals for her for several months! Why didn't I hear her say I miss you?

"Yan... Chairman! The elevator is here, come here!"

Yan Yu came back to his senses, although Ling Wuyi quickly changed her words just now, but he also heard that she wanted to call him by his name at first.

Pursing her lips, she raised her foot and walked towards the elevator.

The two stood in the elevator, and Ling Wuwen kept talking about what she wanted to eat later.

Listening to Ling Wu's chatter, Yan Yu actually felt very at ease.

For several months, it has never been more stable.

It seems that his rabbit is back again, the red rabbit that only belongs to him...

When they arrived at the cafeteria, Ling Wuwen followed Yan Yu habitually.

Now it's not a rabbit, it can't stay on Yan Yu's shoulder, and it can't jump on the table, so sit opposite him.

Yan Yu didn't say anything, but habitually ordered Ling Wuyi's favorite meat dishes.

Those employees didn't dare to speak, but couldn't help but sneak a look at Yan Yu and Ling Wuyou——

After lunch, Ling Wuwen followed Yan Yu and left again.

As soon as Yan Yu left, as usual, the originally quiet cafeteria became lively in an instant.

But today, it just exploded!

Employee A: "Just now, the girl who had dinner with the chairman is the new secretary, right?"

Employee B: "Yes! I just came for an interview yesterday. At that time, the chairman called to say that she was admitted, so I came to report directly today."

Employee C: "Do you know what relationship she has with the chairman?"

Employee A: "Who knows~ Maybe it's a couple?"

Employee D: "Oh my god...it seems very possible! But that girl looks like a lolita!"

Employee E: "Don't talk about looks, even age is also a lolita! Eighteen years old, self-taught college diploma."

Employee C: "So amazing?!"

Employee E: "Isn't it amazing that the chairman will like it? The chairman must not only look at people's appearance!"

Employee B: "But that look...I didn't expect the chairman to like that one."


In the afternoon, Ling Wuwen was still working as a secretary very dutifully.

When it was time to get off work, Yan Yu was going to take Ling Wuwen home.

As soon as he got in the car, Ling Wuwen said that he wanted to call his brother and talk to his brother, and he needed to pack things.

"Brother? Is he also a demon?" Of course Yan Yu knew it wasn't.

Because he had someone check Yi Fan's information, from childhood to adulthood.

Unlike Ling Wuwen, who only has a name and address, she has everything else.

"No, he is a demon catcher."

Yan Yu frowned at Ling Wu's words.

Unexpectedly, Yi Fan is really a demon catcher! Then why does Ling Wuyi want to be with him?

Ling Wuwen said: "My brother...is the monster catcher. He has been chasing and killing me, but I haven't cultivated a human form before, and I can't talk to him."

"After you drove me away that day, I saw him outside. I scolded him. Even if I am a monster, I am a good monster! I haven't done anything bad, why do you have to drive me out?"

Speaking of this, Ling Wuwen still showed a very wronged look.

Looking at Ling Wu's head, Yan Yu really wanted to reach out and touch it.

Wei Wei clenched her fists and held back.

Ling Wuwen continued to talk about how she was taken in by Yi Fan afterwards, how Yi Fan regarded her as his younger sister...

In the middle of speaking, Yan Yu suddenly interrupted Ling Wuyue.

He asked her, "Then what did you do in Country Y before?"

After asking, Yan Yu was stunned.

This is not self-inflicted! He shouldn't know that she has been to Country Y!

At first, I was worried that Ling Wuyi would ask him: "Eh? How did you know that I went to country Y?"

Ling Wuwen is going to play a little-brained rabbit demon, so of course he can choose to ignore this problem.

She said: "My friends, they were locked up by a very bad demon catcher! It is because of him that our demons are on the verge of extinction. He wants to make the elixir of life, so he will drive all of us demons to extinction!"

"Knowing where my friends are, of course I have to save them!"

"Thanks to brother Yi Fan, if he hadn't helped me, I wouldn't have been able to rescue them!"

Yan Yu felt uncomfortable, he didn't know that his discomfort was called 'jealous'.

I just wondered why Yi Fan could help Ling Wuwen, but he couldn't help her at that time, and he didn't even know where she was!

"Where are your friends?" Yan Yu asked.

There are so many demons, the people he sent to monitor didn't seem to say that Ling Wuyue had too much interaction with people other than Yi Fan.

He was a little curious. Where did those demons go?

"We've all gone back! We demons don't live with humans, and most of them devote themselves to cultivation. There are only a few demons who are very bad, and improve their cultivation by absorbing human essence."

The job of a demon catcher is obviously to kill those demons who do bad things.

But later it evolved into, as long as the monster came to the human territory, it should be killed!

"Why don't you go back?" Why should you continue to stay on the human territory, why should you stay by Yi Fan's side?

"Because you...uh...because you want to stay here for a while..." Ling Wuyi lowered her head, not looking at Yan Yu.

Yan Yu was stunned for a moment, he had just heard that it was because of him that Ling Wuwen said that he couldn't go back!

The corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably, and his mood was so good that he was going to explode in an instant!

He didn't say anything, just drove away.

The place he brought Ling Wumi back was the villa he had chosen to live in before letting Ling Wumi leave, and he had already lived there some time ago.

The clothes, shoes and other things that I bought for Ling Wuxi before are also placed there, and there is a room specially reserved for her.

"Eh? Have you moved?" Ling Wuxi looked around curiously.

The decoration here is actually similar to the apartment where she lived before, but the room Yan Yu took her to was pink and tender.

Yan Yu said that it was her room.

There is a large wardrobe in the room, which is full of catkins.

Ling Wuwen was very happy, smiling so much that her eyes almost narrowed!

Seeing Ling Wuwen so happy, Yan Yu was also very happy: "Change into clothes and go out to buy vegetables."

Ling Wuyi snorted: "Then..."

Yan Yu had already left before he could say anything.

Ling Wuwen didn't change clothes first, but took out her mobile phone and called Yi Fan.

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