Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1470 Little Demon in the City (23)

Yan Yu's work and rest has always been very regular, after taking a bath, it's time to go to bed after reading a book.

Ling Wuwen watched TV and went back to her room to sleep.

Today, Ling Wunian has gained a lot...

Not only did he return to Yan Yu's side, but he was able to follow him every day, and his favorability increased to as much as 89 points!

Eighty-nine o'clock, and it will soon break through ninety o'clock!

After breaking through ninety points, she will be able to confess, right?


After living with Yan Yu, it seems to have returned to the time when Ling Wuyi hadn't cultivated to adulthood yet.

The difference is that she is his secretary and has to help him during the day.

She couldn't sit on his shoulders like she used to, and she couldn't stand on the table while eating.

But even so, they still get along very well!

Although Yan Yu didn't say anything about his relationship with Ling Wuwen, they ate together every day and went in and out of the company together. Everyone in the company consciously guessed that they were a couple.

——Soon, it has been almost a week since Ling Wuwen returned to Yan Yu's side.

Today is Saturday, according to the usual practice, Yan Yu is going back to Yan's house for dinner.

While eating breakfast, Ling Wuwen said to Yan Yu: "Then I will go back to my brother's house today, and it happens that he also rests on weekends."

Yan Yu frowned slightly, then looked up at Ling Wuwen: "Why?"

"You're going back to Yan's house for dinner tonight, I'm bored by myself..."

According to Yi Fan, he did what Ling Wuying said, and he has successfully dealt with that girl!

So now, they have a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.

Ling Wuyi thought, it's just a good time to meet and see what kind of girl Yi Fan likes.

"You go back with me." It's not like I haven't been there before, although it was in the image of a rabbit before.

"Ah? But I'm just your secretary, isn't it suitable?"

Yan Yu didn't speak, but he just didn't allow Ling Wuyi to go back to Yi Fan's place.

Well... If you don't go back, you won't go back. It's not that she's afraid of seeing the Yan family——

In the afternoon, Yan Yu drove back to Yan's house with Ling Wuwen.

When they went back, Bai Suyun had just arrived at Yan's house with Kong Linglong.

Although the wedding has not yet been held, Kong Linglong is already Bai Suyun's wife in name.

Of course, Kong Linglong also wanted to join the family for dinner.

When seeing Ling Wuwen, Bai Suyun and Kong Linglong were both surprised.

This is the first time seeing the opposite sex around Yan Yu!

...Of course, except for Kong Linglong, who was Yan Yu's secretary before.

"Oh my cousin! I didn't expect your favorite type to be a little loli! So small...Little loli, are you an adult yet?" Bai Suyun was still cheerful, holding Kong Linglong's hand, looking in a good mood.

Kong Linglong's complexion also looks very good, with a smile on her face, decent and generous.

"Of course I'm an adult! I'm five..."

Ling Wuwen pretended to be leaking, but as expected, Yan Yu immediately interrupted: "Eighteen years old."

"Yes, yes! I am eighteen years old!"

Bai Suyun's eyes widened exaggeratedly: "Eighteen years old!? That's fourteen years younger than my cousin?! Tsk tsk tsk~ Cousin~ I really can't tell~"

Yan Yu didn't speak, just gave Bai Suyun a look, and successfully shut up the other party.

Kong Linglong next to her patted Bai Suyun lightly, then nodded to Ling Wuyi with a friendly smile: "Hi, my name is Kong Linglong, and his name is Bai Suyun."

"Hello! My name is Liangyu!"

As soon as Ling Wuyi's words fell, Kong Linglong was stunned, and Bai Suyun coughed violently, obviously choking on her own saliva.

"Cough cough cough... you said your name is cough cough... Liang Yu?!" Bai Suyun looked Ling Wuyue up and down, not to mention, the color of her hair was quite similar to that rabbit.

After Ling Wuyi nodded and said that her name was indeed 'Liangyu', Bai Suyun and Kong Linglong looked at each other, and they both saw the thoughts in each other's eyes.

But Bai Suyun and Kong Linglong didn't know that Ling Wuwen was the red rabbit. After all, monsters only exist in fairy tales.

What they were thinking was that maybe Yan Yu had missed the little girl for a long time, so even if he raised a rabbit, he would name it 'Liangyu'.

Tsk tsk tsk... I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! I didn't expect his cousin to be such a dedicated person!

"Liangyu, do you know that my cousin used to have a red rabbit named Liangyu?" Bai Suyun asked Ling Wuyi with a smile.

Ling Wuyi looked up at Yan Yu, nodded and said with a smile, "Of course I know! But the rabbit Liangyu is gone, so I'm here!"

Bai Suyun wanted to say something, but Yan Yu said first: "Go in." What are you doing standing outside? !

"Oh, go in first." Bai Suyun led Kong Linglong into the door of Yan's house.

Yan Yu glanced at Ling Wuyi, and said to her, "Let's go."


Ling Wuwen took Yan Yu's arm and entered the gate of Yan's house with him.

There are really many Yan family members. They haven't been back for several months, and all they see are familiar faces.

Ling Wuwen was still very polite. Although she didn't like the Yan family, she still greeted everyone.

Seeing that Ling Wu could call out the names of the Yan family so fluently, Kong Linglong, who still couldn't remember all the members of the Yan family, was envious.

The Yan family was very surprised. How could they know them even after meeting them for the first time?

Could it be that Yan Yu had already given an introduction?

Yan Yu's father looked at Ling Wuwen and frowned, but he could see that Yan Yu looked like his father.

"Who is this girl?" Father Yan asked.

Before Yan Yu could answer, Yan's stepmother spoke up: "There's no need to talk! It must be Xiao Yu's girlfriend... But Xiao Yu, does your girlfriend look too young? What do you do? Is it suitable for our family?"

Aunt Yan also spoke, a little sarcastic: "Little Yu, you are the head of the Yan family! You are different from us Ah Yun, you can't find a girl who is not from the right family!"

When she was speaking, Aunt Yan also looked at Kong Linglong a few times, which made Kong Linglong lower her head a little uncomfortable.

Bai Suyun held Kong Linglong's hand, and when he was about to speak, Yan Yu spoke first: "My aunt also knows that I am the head of the Yan family, so I don't need to ask for your opinions on who I want to be with, right?"

"How do you talk! We are your elders after all, and you are the head of the family, don't you need to listen to what the elders say?" Father Yan scolded Yan Yu.

Father Yan thought, if Grandpa Yan hadn't insisted on making a will to let Yan Yu be the head of the house, how could it be his turn to be the head of the house!

If it wasn't for Yan Yu holding all of Yan's property, a man who just stood up, could he really control his father?

It's a good thing that Yan Yu still supports these people. If they do not support them at all, they really have nothing to do.

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