Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1475 Little Demon in the City (End)

Yan's father went to Yan's house and went to the company, but he couldn't see Yan Yu. In the end, he even got on the news and scolded Yan Yu for being treasonous, cold-blooded and ruthless.

Seeing the news, Yan Yu just sneered and made a phone call, the station that reported the news went bankrupt——

Unknowingly, Ling Wuwen has been in this world for almost two years.

The new year is coming soon, Yan Yu gave the employees half a month off, and took Ling Wu to travel for the new year.

In a forest, they lived a New Year's Eve with just the two of them.

After entering the forest, Ling Wuwen no longer wore a necklace to suppress her demonic aura and power.

Anyway, in the deep mountains and old forests, you won't meet a demon catcher as perverted as Yu Qilin.

Even if she does meet, she won't be afraid!

Ling Wuwen, who didn't wear a necklace, flew freely in the sky with Yan Yu from time to time.

They discovered this forest half a year ago, and they had already planned to live here for a while, so they prepared a lot of materials and built a tree house by themselves.

It took at least two months beforehand to complete the treehouse.

Although the tree house is small in size, it has everything in it.

Ling Wuyi and Yan Yu agreed to stay for a month before deciding whether to go back.

Although it is a bit cold in winter, it still feels very good.

The weather was fine that day, and Ling Wuwen wanted to go out with Yan Yu to find food.

In the forest, there are many things to eat!

The two talked and laughed, walked for a while, and flew for a while when they were tired or wanted to see the scenery.

When passing a tree, Ling Wuyi saw two squirrels fighting.

One squirrel is bigger and one squirrel is smaller.

Obviously, the smaller one has been gradually lost.

It's very strange, why don't squirrels hibernate in winter?

Ling Wu is a rabbit demon, and she can understand the words of animals.

After standing under the tree and looking at it for a while, I knew what was going on.

Turning his head to look at Yan Yu, he interpreted for him: "The smaller squirrel is the owner of the cave, and they were supposed to collect food in winter to prepare for the winter. But the bigger squirrel didn't prepare for it, so it wanted to occupy it." The home of little squirrels."

"Of course the little squirrel didn't do it! Then there was a fight."

Yan Yu suddenly realized: "Then this bigger squirrel is wrong, do you want to help?"

Ling Wuxi shook her head and said with a smile: "Animals in nature have their own way of survival, and we shouldn't help them."

That's what I said, but when the smaller squirrel was pushed down from the tree by the bigger squirrel, Lingwu still moved.

She picked up the little squirrel and flew up to the branch, then yelled at the bigger squirrel, scaring it away.

Ling Wuwen put the little squirrel back, and the little squirrel thanked very politely: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, you are too weak and need to become stronger."

"Well! I will definitely become stronger! Just like you, I can cultivate a human form!"

Ling Wuwen smiled, but said nothing.

Jumped down from the tree, took Yan Yu's hand and continued to walk forward.

There are many animals in the forest, and now it is winter, there will be a lot less animals.

Ling Wuwen caught the pheasant that could only be cultivated into a demon, and found a lot of wild vegetables for Yan Yu, and the two returned to the tree house with a good harvest.

After returning, Ling Wuwen started to kill chickens and clean up. Yan Yu started cooking and chopping vegetables.

There is no electricity here, and rice cookers cannot be used to cook rice.

Fortunately, he learned how to cook rice without a rice cooker, so even if there is no electricity, it will not trouble him.

After eating, Yan Yu washed the dishes while Ling Wuwen watched from the side.

In the afternoon, they would sit in front of the fire and read.

It was Yan Yu who was reading, and Ling Wuwen was listening.

Yan Yu's voice became more and more gentle, the gentleness that belonged exclusively to Ling Wuwen.

The book he read is very nice.

Many times, Ling Wuyi fell asleep after listening to it.

Then Yan Yu stopped reading helplessly, carried her to the bed, and slept with her——

This kind of life in the forest is really, really good for Yan Yu!

No noise from cars, no hustle and bustle, everything is so peaceful and serene!

The most important thing is that no matter where he goes, there is always someone by his side——

After a few days in the forest, it's finally New Years!

In the morning, Yan Yu gets up first to cook the glutinous rice balls, and then wakes Ling Wuyi up.

"Happy New Year! Get up and eat glutinous rice balls, reunion!"

Ling Wuwen stretched her waist, and sat up with Yan Yu's arms: "Hmm...Happy New Year!"

After eating glutinous rice balls, they sat outside the wooden house together, wrapped in big quilts.

Shoulder to shoulder, looking at the forest away from the hustle and bustle.

"I really want to be here with you for the rest of my life!" Yan Yu said with a smile on his face, and looked down at Ling Wuwen, who was resting his head on his shoulder, full of affection.

Ling Wuyi tilted her head and smiled: "Okay~ If you want, then we won't leave!"

The favorability point had been increased to ninety-nine points two months ago, and she was thinking that it should be filled up soon.

As a result, just after thinking about it, the favorability is full!

Dazed for a moment, he turned his head to look at Xi Ziqiu.

After Xi Ziqiu recovered his memory, he first held Ling Wu's face and kissed her forehead, and then said to her: "Happy New Year!"

Ling Wuxi raised her lips and smiled: "Happy New Year!"


Xi Ziqiu recovered his memory, of course they should leave.

But before leaving, Xi Ziqiu took Ling Wuwen back first.

Grandpa Yan's company can't just be left there.

If you want to take care of it, who will take care of it?

There is a very good candidate, that is Bai Suyun!

"What!? Let me be the president of the company? I don't want it!!" When Bai Suyun heard that Xi Ziqiu wanted him to be the president of the company, he immediately jumped up from the sofa.

He knew it, he knew it would be a bad thing for his cousin to invite him home for dinner!

"I'm not asking for your opinion."

Xi Ziqiu's words made Bai Suyun almost cry.

"Hey cousin~ I'm just a songwriter! How can I manage the company well!"

"I believe in you." Xi Ziqiu said.

"But I don't believe in myself!" Bai Suyun exaggeratedly expressed his reluctance.

The rest of the Yan family wanted to join the Yan Group, but my cousin didn't allow it!

Why did Mao want to let him, a person who was beaten to death and didn't want to join Yan's group? And... still the position of president!

"I said, I'm telling you that you can hire your sister-in-law to be your secretary."

When it comes to this point, there is no room for Bai Suyun to refuse.

He turned his head pitifully and looked at his wife for comfort: "My wife~ I will sacrifice a lot of time for your husband~ Will you support me by my side?"

Kong Linglong smiled and nodded: "My husband, don't worry, I will never leave you!"

"Hmm~ Wife, you are so kind!"

"Husband, you are fine too!"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Xi Ziqiu: "..."

Show affection or something, have you considered the feelings of bystanders?

Is it for a show? Who wouldn't!

On that day, Bai Suyun and Kong Linglong were hit hard by the affection between Ling Wuyue and Xi Ziqiuxiu!

I thought the two of them were tired enough, but I didn't expect that there would be someone who was more tired than them!

Moreover, the greasy crookedness is too technical!

Hey~ They also have to learn——

After handing over the company to Bai Suyun and Kong Linglong, Xi Ziqiu and Ling Wuyi used the excuse of traveling around the world to leave...

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