Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1479 Kind Vampire (4)

He stretched out his hand and gave Ling Wuxi a hug: "It's okay, brother will find you a better man!"

Although Ye Tianhen was angry that Lou Lanting was still unwilling to accept his sister, but he knew that Lou Lanting was loyal to the Ye family and to Eternal Night City, there was no doubt about it.

Ling Wuxi shook her head lightly: "Brother, I don't want to think about these for now."

"Okay, brother will listen to you!"

Ye Tianhen stayed in Lingwu's yard for a long time before leaving.


After that, for a long time, Ling Wuwen didn't go to Lou Lanting again, and went to Eternal Night City every day when he had nothing to do, or stayed in his own yard.

Occasionally, she would also visit Chaoxia.

Even though he was offered delicious food and drink every day, Zhaoxia still couldn't stand the blood shed three times a day.

Originally, she was thinking of finding a way to escape, but those cold-faced vampires had no human touch at all.

In addition to bloodletting every day, she was bloodletting, and she was so weak that she could only lie on the bed!

Gradually, she even needed someone to feed her meals.

Zhaoxia really wanted to die, but those vampires watched too closely, she couldn't even commit suicide.

I want to run out...the surroundings are pitch black, even if I tried my best to adapt to the darkness, I could barely see the outline.

Really, nowhere to go!

Chaoxia was helpless and didn't know what to do.

So the loopholes in this world are small loopholes, because the halo of the protagonist on Chaoxia's head is really easy to get rid of.

In just two months, the halo of heroine on her head was completely gone.

In fact, Ling Wuyi didn't want to kill Zhao Xia, but she was a loophole, and she wanted to fix the loophole, what could she do?

She is a vampire princess, no matter how kind she is, she will not take the initiative to let humans go——

Recently Ling Wuyi knew that Lou Lanting was leaving Eternal Night City and was going to Xuanyuan Palace to attend a banquet.

After being silent for two months, no matter what she said, it was time for her to act!

So, Ling Wuyi went to ask Ye Tianhen to agree that she would also go to Xuanyuan Palace.

"No, you have never gone out. Most of the humans outside are treacherous people. My brother is worried about you."

"Brother~~ I promise, I just go out and have a look, to see what the world is different from Eternal Night City!"

Hearing what Ling Wuwen said, a smile flashed across Ye Tianhen's eyes: "It's not the same as our Evernight City."

Indeed, it is similar to Eternal Night City, because wherever a high blood vampire goes, the sky will be blackened.

The vampires in the novels and movies I read before are all afraid of the sun, but the setting in this world is good, the sun is afraid of vampires!

It's hard to imagine how powerful Zhao Xia was to destroy the mighty Eternal Night City and plunge the entire Dark Sky Continent into darkness.

But now Chaoxia will not pose a threat, even Ling Wuyi doesn't dare to release her, maybe after she is released, she will regain the aura of the protagonist, that would be bad!

"I don't care~ I'm going out! Brother, if you don't agree, I'll sneak out by myself!" Ling Wuxi said angrily, pouting.

Ye Tianhen was also worried that Ling Wuyue would really sneak out by himself, so he could only nod helplessly in agreement.

"But you have to promise brother that you can't run around after you go out, and you have to listen to the housekeeper!" Ye Tianhen told Ling Wuxi worriedly.

As long as you can go out, everything is easy to talk about!

Ling Wuyi nodded with a bright smile in agreement with Ye Tianhen, and also promised that she would be obedient——

Soon, they will leave for Xuanyuan Palace.

Ling Wuwen only brought Guman, Lou Lanting brought three attendants, and they also had eight sedan chair bearers.

The horror of vampires, before getting close to the horse, the horse's legs were already limp and kneeling on the ground.

If they want to travel, they have to rely on bearers to carry the sedan chair.

Fortunately, vampires are tireless and even very fast, which can completely replace the carriage.

Besides these vampires, they also brought Zhao Xia.

Why bring Chaoxia? Not to let her go, but because Ling Wu needed her for three meals a day.

When they set off, she and Zhao Xia sat in Ling Wu's sedan chair, and Guman followed outside the sedan chair.

Lou Lanting's sedan chair is in the front, and her sedan chair is in the back.

Zhao Xia didn't know where she was going to be taken, but she just looked hopeless.

She leaned there, weak.

Ling Wuwen tilted her head and looked at her, hesitating whether to speak or not.

He probably thought that the ones with her in the sedan chair were usually those vampires who wouldn't respond to her no matter what she said, so Zhaoxia started talking.

"When I have a chance to stand up, I will wipe out all of you vampires!"

"When I go out, I will first kill that damn shit, the Lord of Evernight City and the Princess of Eternal Night City!"

"When I go out,..."

Ling Wuwen could take Zhaoxia's words as a motivation to encourage herself to live hard, but she didn't want to give Zhaoxia a chance at all.

She was not a kind person in the first place, not to mention that she was the opposite of the heroine this time.

Will people stop eating pork because they sympathize with pigs? Obviously not everyone can.

What's more, the vampires here must drink human blood. If they drink animal blood, they will not die, but they will be weaker than humans.

This is the law of survival!

"You won't have a chance." Ling Wuxi said softly.

Zhao Xia was stunned by her voice, and stared at the silhouette with wide eyes.

Although she had a bad memory, she remembered that the voice belonged to the vampire princess.

How...how did she stay with the vampire princess? !

"Why?" Chao Xia blurted out.

Ling Wuxi chuckled lightly, and said, "Because you have been sacrificed to Eternal Night City by Emperor Xuanyuan, you will not be free."

Zhao Xia froze for a moment, then sneered, "You vampires, do you treat us humans like livestock?"

"Yeah, it's like you guys can eat pork, beef, chicken, duck, and fish~" Ling Wuyi replied lightly.

After she said this, Zhao Xia stopped talking.

I don't want to admit it, but it's true...

Zhaoxia stopped talking, and Ling Wuwen also fell silent.

They had already left Eternal Night City, and wherever they went, a hundred miles around were plunged into darkness.

Such a sudden darkness let those humans know that the vampires were coming.

Even the surrounding livestock dare not gasp, let alone humans.

So the surroundings were very quiet, and those who had no time to leave on the road fell to the ground, trembling with fear.

Eternal Night City is some distance away from the capital, but their speed is very fast. If it is said that normal humans would take at least half a month to travel by horse-drawn carriage, they only need one day to arrive.

When they arrived, there were already people waiting outside the gate of the capital.

He already knew that Lou Lanting, the steward of the City Lord's Mansion of Eternal Night City, was coming, let alone the omen that it would be dark when the people of Eternal Night City arrived.

It was Prince Xuanyuan who came to greet them, as a token of respect.

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