Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1488 The Kind Vampire (13)

He smiled and looked at her nervously, as if worried that she would not like the gift.

Ling Wu's eyelashes trembled, she lowered her eyes, and said to Lou Lanting shyly, "I like it very much, thank you Ting... Lou Steward."

Lou Lanting heaved a sigh of relief when Ling Wuwen said he liked it.

Thinking of Ling Wu's thin clothes, Lou Lanting turned around and said, "As long as the princess likes it, then I will leave first."

Lou Lanting finished speaking in a hurry, and left without waiting for Ling Wuyi to say anything.

After Lou Lanting left, Guman came in from the outside.

"Wow~ The housekeeper's gift to the princess is so special! Princess, this is exactly the same as the daytime we saw outside at the gate of the city!"

Ling Wuwen put the box on the table, and the light of the jade was shot outside.

Nodded: "Well, yes."

In the past, Ye Ziyang liked to go to the gate of the city every month to watch the priestess enter the city because she wanted to see the sunshine.

No way, they can't see the sun after they go out, because the day turns dark as soon as they go out.

"It's all right now. If the princess wants to see the daytime in the future, just open this one!" Guman tilted his head and said with a smile.

When it was over, Guman rolled his eyes, walked up to Ling Wuyi, and said in a low voice, "Princess, do you think Housekeeper Lou likes you now?"

Ling Wuxi lowered her head and said indifferently: "It's just a gift for me, how come you like me? Then there are many people who gave me gifts today, do they all like me?"

"Of course they like you! You are a princess! You are the city lord's most beloved sister!" Guman said as a matter of course.

Ling Wuyi smiled sarcastically: "They don't like me, they just like my identity!"

Guman was choked by Ling Wu's words, and of course she knew that most of those people liked Ling Wu's identity.

But Guman thinks that her princess is so good, there must be someone who really likes it!

He opened his mouth and was about to speak, but Ling Wuyi closed the lid of the box and said, "I'm going to rest, Guman, take this away and put it away."

"Ah? Princess, don't you like this?" If you put it away... how sad Lou Steward should be...

"I like it!" Ling Wuwen replied.

"Then...then why did you ask me to put it away?" Guman was a little puzzled.

Ling Wuwen walked up to Guman and tapped her on the head, then said: "You are stupid! It's so bright when I sleep, can I still sleep? Even if I want to see it, I have to wait until tomorrow, right?"

Only then did Guman chuckle: "Yes, yes, what you said, princess, is right! I will take it away now! I will take it away!"

With that said, Guman quickly picked up the black crystal box to find a place to put it.

Ling Wuwen returned to the bed, and slept with her eyes closed——

The next day when Ling Wuwen came together, he asked Guman to take out the jade, opened it and placed it in the room.

The room was lit up, and Ling Wuwen could comfort herself that it was dawn and the sun was shining outside.

It's boring in this world because vampires are boring.

Sometimes life is too long so that they can't see the joy of living. The vampires in Eternal Night City only live to protect Eternal Night City. At least half of the vampires are of little fame and fortune.

Only the other half of the vampires still care about status, otherwise Ling Wu Nie would not be so popular.

When Ling Wu is bored, she will choose to stare blankly in her room, think about Lou Lanting, and think about the methods that can be used to increase her favorability.

Today, she also stayed in the room in a daze without exception, and then thought about how to increase her favorability.

Compared with other people, she must have a good impression on Lou Lanting now.

However, seventy favorability points are far from enough.

It's been too dull recently, Ling Wuwen always wants to find something to do.

cooking? Forget it, a vampire's sense of taste is different from a human's.

Ling Wu was in a trance when she heard Guman say, "Princess, have you heard? Pharmacist Yager has developed a medicine that can cover up the breath of vampires!"

When Guman said this, Ling Wuyi didn't pay attention until she said to her: "The aura of the vampire is covered up, so if you go out, you won't let others see the identity of the vampire. Maybe you took the medicine Leaving Eternal Night City, the sky outside won’t get dark either!”

"Really?" Ling Wuwen turned to look at Guman, his eyes were shining brightly.

Guman froze for a moment, then said with some hesitation: "It should be true... I also heard what they said when I went to get blood for you, the princess."

Ling Wu stood up and walked outside, and Guman hurried to catch up: "Princess, are you going to find Yage Pharmacist?"

"Well, I'll go find her."

Her speed was very fast, and she left the city lord's mansion in a short while, and went to Yage Pharmacist's residence.

Pharmacist Yager is the only pharmacist among all the vampires in Eternal Night City. She always likes to study some weird things.

For example, she likes to study things that imitate human blood, but the research is done, but the nutritional value is not as good as that of low-level blood.

"Yage Pharmacist!" Ling Wuwen didn't even knock on the door, and directly pushed the door into Yage Pharmacist's yard.

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, an old woman with gray hair and wrinkled face came out.

If the old woman is calculated according to human age, she should be eighty or ninety years old, but her back is straight and her eyes are very bright.

This old lady is the Jager pharmacist who likes to study those things.

Originally, vampires were immortal, but she turned herself into an old woman with gray hair and wrinkled face.

Life is too boring, just toss yourself.

"Princess Ziyang, do you have something to do with me?" Yage Pharmacist not only made himself look like an old man, but even his voice was that of an old man with vicissitudes.

"Pharmacist Yager, I heard that you made a medicine that can make vampires hide their breath, right?" Ling Wuwen went straight to the point.

Pharmacist Yage nodded and said, "It is indeed done, why? Princess Ziyang wants it?"

Pharmacist Yage is not an idiot, let alone Ling Wuni's intentions are so obvious.

Ling Wuxi nodded repeatedly, and then asked Yage Pharmacist: "Is it possible?"

Yage pharmacist shook his head without thinking about it, and said, "No."

"Why?! I buy it!"

"It's not a matter of money or not. What do I do with the money?" Yage Pharmacist asked Ling Wuni back.

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Seeing Ling Wuyi's speechless expression, Yage pharmacist spoke again: "The medicine is not yet successful, it is a semi-finished product, and there may be side effects after taking it."

Oh, it turned out that this was the reason Yage pharmacist didn't give it to her.

Ling Wuxue was a little disappointed, originally thinking that if the medicine was researched, she could sneak out.

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