Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1500 The Kind Vampire (25)

When she said 'love', the slightest emotion was useless.

Lou Lanting was a little unhappy, obviously he should be thankful, but he thought that Lingwu is so good, how could Wu Yage not like Lingwu!

"No, you don't love her. If you loved her, you wouldn't answer my question so calmly."

"Tell me, are you a man or a woman?" He checked, some said Wu Yage was a man, and some said Wu Yage was a woman.

So Lou Lanting suspected that Wu Yage was actually a woman.

Hearing Lou Lanting's question, Wu Yage just glanced at him lightly and said, "I believe Housekeeper Lou's eyes are useful."

In one sentence, Lou Lanting choked.

Lou Lanting didn't speak anymore, because he knew that if he asked Wu Yage again, he wouldn't be able to find anything.

Anyway, he has already decided--

After returning to Eternal Night City, Ling Wu's lifestyle has not changed, she still goes to Wu Yage's place every day, and studies medicine with her.

Ye Tianhen panicked when he knew that Ling Wuyue asked Lou Lanting to prepare for the wedding, although he knew it was wrong... No! He knew it was wrong, but he understood his heart.

He... fell in love with Wu Yage!

No matter what she looks like, old woman's, man's... He loves them all!

So what he loves is not the outside, but the person Wu Yage.

Ye Tianhen couldn't sit still anymore, so he went directly to Wu Yage's residence to find her.

Just so coincidentally, today is the day when Wu Yage restores his original appearance.

She wanted to take a break before taking medicine, and it happened that Ling Wuyi thought of a good idea for medicine again. The two started to discuss and forgot to take the medicine.

When Ye Tianhen came, he happened to see Ling Wuyue and Wu Yage sitting together, and then heard Ling Wuyue say to Wu Yage: "Yage, you are so smart, why didn't I think of this? !"

With a bang, Ye Tianhen almost fell to the ground because he tripped over his feet.

Hearing the movement, Ling Wuyue and Wu Yage turned their heads to look at the same time.

"Brother?!" Ling Wuyue was a little surprised.

Wu Yage's expression was indifferent, just looking at Ye Tianhen.

Ye Tianhen stared blankly at Wu Yage, at her face.

I don't know why, but he is sure that this face is Wu Yage's original appearance.

So it wasn't a man he fell in love with? So... the sexual orientation he has been suspecting is also normal?

Looking at Wu Yage's face, Ye Tianhen felt a little familiar.

Oh, it's not that it looks familiar, it's very familiar!

Ye Tianhen thought for a long time but never thought of where he had seen this face...

Ling Wuwen noticed Ye Tianhen's eyes, looked at Wu Yage's face, and then remembered that she hadn't taken the medicine yet.

"That brother... Let me introduce you, this is Jager's younger sister..."

"Sister, don't lie to me. I heard you calling her name just now when I came in."

Ye Tianhen's face raised an uncontrollable smile, and he didn't look like the slightest indifferent city lord.

Ye Tianhen is happy! Very happy!

I used to think that as an older brother, I wanted to compete with my younger sister for my sweetheart...it's so super...

But it's different now, he knows that Wu Yage is a woman, which means that Ling Wuyi and Wu Yage definitely don't have that kind of relationship.

So why do they lie?

Ye Tianhen originally thought that Ling Wuwen was worried that he would find a partner for her, so he asked Wu Yage to pretend.

"Brother, can you keep it a secret for me?" Ling Wuwen asked Ye Tianhen cautiously.

Now Ye Tianhen doesn't understand again, keep it secret? Why keep it secret?

Isn't Ling Wuyi and Wu Yage 'together' because she doesn't want him to continue finding a partner for her? Why does she ask him to help keep it secret now that she knows it?

"Brother! Are you going to help me or not?" Ling Wuwen walked to Ye Tianhen's side, grabbed his arm and swayed it from side to side.

Being acted like a spoiled child by Ling Wuwen, Ye Tianhen could only nod his head again and again: "Okay, okay, I will help you! But, there are conditions~"

"What conditions? Brother, tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely do it!"

Ye Tianhen glanced at Wu Yage, hooked the corners of his lips: "Let's not talk about it now, we will talk about it when you go back at night."

Ling Wuyi snorted, and understood in her heart what Ye Tianhen's conditions might be.

Ye Tianhen didn't say any more, took a look at Wu Yage and left.

Just by looking at his leaving footsteps, it can be seen that Ye Tianhen's mood at this moment is so good that it explodes——

At night, when Ling Wuwen returned to her room, Ye Tianhen was already waiting there.

Ling Wuyi couldn't help laughing, Ye Tianhen was also a little impatient~

"Brother, are you here to talk to me about the terms?" Ling Wuwen asked Ye Tianhen.

Ye Tianhen nodded, and asked Ling Wu to sit on the stool: "Before I say the conditions, please tell me the whole story. When did you get so good with Wu Yage?"

"I met her last time when I went to ask her for anesthesia medicine. After I came back, I went to her place again. I wanted to pass the time, but I didn't expect that I would be so interested in pharmaceuticals, and then..."

Originally, Ling Wuwen wanted to talk about her and Wu Yage's situation in general, but Ye Tianhen kept asking about the specific situation, and even asked about Wu Yage.

Although a little speechless, Ling Wuwen still confessed honestly.

In the end, after she finished explaining...Come on, the whole night passed!

"There's really nothing left to say!"

Seeing Ye Tianhen wishing to ask Ling Wuyue how much blood Wu Yage drank a day, she was really, really worried.

The current Ye Tianhen really doesn't have the original appearance.

It is said that people become mentally retarded when they encounter love, and it seems that the same is true for vampires!

"Brother, now you should talk about your conditions."

Ling Wuxi couldn't wait to ask Ye Tianhen, she probably couldn't go to Wu Yage's place today, she didn't sleep! !

"Oh, my condition is that you will tell me what Wu Yage said and did in the future, and you can't hide it."

Ling Wuwen: "..."

She didn't want to agree, but now she has to ask Ye Tianhen to help hide it from Lou Lanting, so she can only sacrifice it.

But Ling Wuwen pretended to look at Ye Tianhen strangely, and asked him: "Brother, don't tell me, you like Jager!"

Ye Tianhen paused, but still nodded, and his expression was a little shy.

"Yes, I like her."

Although he knew that Ye Tianhen liked Wu Yage, when he heard Ye Tianhen admit it with his own ears, Ling Wuyi still laughed, and he couldn't help laughing.

Ye Tianhen looked at Ling Wuyue suspiciously: "Sister, what's so funny?"

"I'm laughing, brother, if you want to pursue Jager, it may be difficult."

"Why?" Ye Tianhen was still very confident in himself, he felt that if he confessed to Wu Yage, he would be accepted.

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