Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1502 The Kind Vampire (27)

Lou Lanting's eyes were firm, firmer than ever.

He was even ready to spend his whole life guarding Ling Wuwen, but he didn't get any response!

"What about the wedding?" Ling Wu asked.

"I will temporarily cancel it." Lou Lanting replied.

If Ling Wuyi is unwilling to marry him now, he will definitely not force it.

He was willing to wait until the day Ling Wuwen was willing to marry him.

Anyway, with so much time, let him taste the feeling of guarding Lingwu catkin every day for hundreds of years!

Ling Wuxi opened her mouth, just about to say: Actually, the wedding doesn't need to be cancelled.

As a result, Lou Lanting had already turned around and left...

Three black lines slid down the forehead, really~ What are you doing so fast? She can still eat him!

Okay, then let Lou Lanting try to guard her, anyway, this world has reached the world agreed with Xi Ziqiu to stay longer——

Lou Lanting said that canceling the wedding would cancel the wedding, and began to find time to visit Ling Wuxi every day.

Ling Wu can't go to Wu Yage now, so she tries to make medicine by herself every day.

If she doesn't go to Wu Yage, it doesn't mean that Wu Yage won't take the initiative to come to her.

Wu Yage came to look for Ling Wuwen every day, and made medicine with her, wishing to live in Lingwu's yard.

Originally, the reason why Ling Wuyi didn't go to Wu Yage was Ye Tianhen, but Ye Tianhen is now practicing the stalking and pursuit mode.

Going to pester Wu Yage every day, it scares Wu Yage.

In the first two days, Ling Wuwen went to look for Wu Yage, but it was just...something that couldn't stand her elder brother's grueling skills, and it didn't feel good to be a light bulb.

It's all right now, she didn't go to Wu Yage, Wu Yage came to look for her, and Ye Tianhen also followed.

Every day... Ling Wuyue wanted to go crazy.

"Zi Yang." Wu Yage, who was taking notes, suddenly raised his head and called out to Ling Wu.

Ling Wuwen also raised her head and looked at her: "Huh?"

"Your brother...is there something wrong with his brain? Or let's make some medicine for him. "

"Pfft..." Ling Wuyi really couldn't hold back, she was glad that she didn't drink water, otherwise she would have choked to death!

Blinking and blinking, she looked at Wu Yage and asked her: "Are you serious? Make medicine for my brother."

Wu Yage nodded seriously, with no expression on his face as usual: "Seriously."

Ling Wu was stunned, then laughed and said, "Pfft ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha good... what medicine are you going to give my brother?"

"Heals the brain." Wu Yage said.

Ling Wuxi opened her mouth, wanting to say that it should be used to cure the heart, but someone said first: "I think it should be used to cure the heart."

The person who spoke was Ye Tianhen who was described by Wu Yage as having a brain problem.

Ye Tianhen walked in with a smile, he was becoming less and less like that indifferent city lord now.

Of course, he was still cold and majestic in front of outsiders.

Not to mention seeing Ye Tianhen, even hearing Ye Tianhen's voice Wu Yage felt scared.

Frowning tightly, Wu Yage lowered his head and planned to treat Ye Tianhen as air.

"Brother, are you so free every day?"

Ling Wuyi couldn't help asking, if it's really so free...can I take Wu Yage away first?

Of course Wu Yage is not annoying, it is her elder brother who is annoying!

Ye Tianhen responded with a smile: "It's all handled by Lanting, I'm very free!"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

No wonder, Lou Lanting is so busy that now he only comes to sit with her and chat with her at night.

Also speechless, is Ye Tianhen planning to make him, the city lord, a display?

"By the way, sister, when will you marry Lan Ting? When you get married, I can pass on the city lord position to him!"

He asked them all, and Lou Lanting said that if he married Ling Wuwen in the future, the child's surname could be Ye or Lou.

Ling Wu's eyes widened, and he blurted out: "You don't even want the position of city lord?!"

Ye Tianhen didn't answer Ling Wu's question first, but first asked Wu Yage: "Xiaoya, do you want to be the wife of the city lord?"

"I don't want to!" Wu Yage replied resolutely, and she said that the city lord has something wrong with his mind, otherwise why always ask her if she wants to be the city lord's wife!

Only then did Ye Tianhen shrug his shoulders to Ling Wuwen, and said, "Look~ your sister-in-law is no longer the wife of the castellan, so why should I still be the castellan?"

Ling Wuqin covered her face and turned her head, she couldn't bear to look directly at her!

Ye Tianhen, who fell in love with Wu Yage, was so thick-skinned that it was as thick as the walls of Yongye City!

Oh my god... Don't say that Wu Yage is scared, she is a little bit scared!

Wu Yage who was on the side heard Ye Tianhen tell Ling Wuyue that she was her sister-in-law, his brows almost knit together.

When did she agree to marry him? terrible! This Ye Tianhen is too scary!

Wu Yage decided that she would hide——

One day, Wu Yage didn't come to look for Ling Wuwen.

Knowing that Wu Yage didn't come to look for Ling Wuwen, Ye Tianhen didn't come to Lingwuwen's courtyard, but left the city lord's mansion to go to Wu Yage's residence.

As a result, Wu Yage was not there.

Ye Tianhen was gone, and he started looking everywhere, but he couldn't find it!

After searching for a whole day, Ye Tianhen, who couldn't find Wu Yage, returned to the City Lord's Mansion and asked Ling Wuyue.

"Do you know where Xiaoya went?" Ye Tianhen got straight to the point as soon as he arrived at Ling Wutian's place.

Of course Ling Wuyue knew where Wu Yage had gone, but she promised Wu Wu Yage not to tell Ye Tianhen, she couldn't 'betray' like Ye Tianhen!

"Isn't Yage at her house? Why, she's not at home?" Of course, Ling Wuyi's acting skills cannot be faulted.

Ye Tianhen shook his head: "No, I haven't found her all day. Is she hiding? Good sister, tell brother!"

"But, I really don't know where Jager has gone! Yesterday Jager was fine when he left, and he didn't tell me where he was going. Ah~ she couldn't have run out of the city after taking sedatives Bar?"

Hearing what Ling Wuwen said, Ye Tianhen also felt that it made some sense.

He put down a sentence: "I'll go out and look for it!" and left in a hurry.

Looking at the back of Ye Tianhen leaving in a hurry, Ling Wuyi had a proud smile of a successful prank on his face.

The sedative medicine has long since disappeared. Although Wu Yage has no relatives in her family, her blood is equally noble, so leaving her and Eternal Night City will lead to darkness everywhere she goes.

If you go out like that, don't you tell Ye Tianhen where she is!

So Wu Yage didn't leave Evernight City, and didn't even go far...

"Princess, I brought you the one you wanted called Yaya." Guman's voice sounded at the door, and beside her stood a delicate and lovely female vampire. shop-bought maid.

Ling Wuwen stood up from the stool and said with a smile: "Okay, Guman, take Yaya to wash up first, and then bring her to my place tomorrow."

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