He didn't know if Ling Wuwen was at home at this time, so he could only try his luck.

When he was downstairs, he raised his head to look upstairs and saw that Ling Wuwen's room was lit, so he knew Ling Wuwen was at home.

After going upstairs, Zhuang Yan started ringing the doorbell.

Ling Wu, who was about to go to sleep, heard the doorbell ring, walked to the door and looked outside through the cat's eyes.

When she saw that it was Zhuang Yan, she ignored him, turned around and went back to her room to sleep again.

Before going to bed, Ling Wuyi deliberately turned off her mobile phone.

Although it was a bit noisy outside, Ling Wuyi, who hadn't slept for almost two days, relaxed and fell asleep quickly.

Zhuang Yan didn't stay outside for a long time, he rang the doorbell for half an hour and Ling Wuyi didn't open the door, and turned off the phone after calling, he was a little impatient.

I thought in my heart that she was a woman! ! !

He is so good, I'm not afraid to find better ones! As for him being so humble? !

Just at this time, the resident opposite opened the door and scolded him, saying that he had disturbed other people's rest, and if he made any noise, he would call the police or something.

Zhuang Yan also held his breath in his heart, turned around and left——

Ling Wuxi slept until the next morning, and the first thing she did when she woke up was to turn on her mobile phone and watch the news.

Xi Ziqiu is a public figure. In fact, news of his death came out yesterday, saying that Xi Ziqiu committed suicide by jumping off a building, and there are pictures to tell the truth.

As soon as this news came out, last night was almost a sleepless night for Xi Ziqiu's fans.

Many people are unwilling to believe that such a cheerful person would choose to commit suicide by jumping off a building, thinking it is impossible.

This morning, the male lead's company, Xi Ziqiu's manager issued a statement confirming the fact that Xi Ziqiu had jumped to his death.

The agent said that Xi Ziqiu committed suicide by jumping off a building, they found it very surprising and difficult to accept, but it was the truth.

The agent only said the time when Xi Ziqiu jumped from the building, and also said that before the jump, Xi Ziqiu sent him and Xi's mother a farewell text message, and disclosed the content of the text message.

The first to arrive at the scene were Xi Ziqiu's manager and Xi's mother.

It was also the agent and Xi's mother who sent Xi Ziqiu's body to Lingwu Weed Company.

The agent's note also mentioned that I hope everyone will stop making any comments, let the deceased rest in peace, and let Xi's mother have time to calm down.

In addition, the time of Xi Ziqiu's memorial service has not yet been set, and will be announced at that time.

Speaking of Sim...

The mother Xi mentioned by Ling Wuwen is the mother of Xi Ziqiu in this novel world. Mother Xi has no relationship with Xi Ziqiu, and she completely regards Xi Ziqiu as a cash cow.

When Xi Ziqiu was young, Xi's mother was a gambler and even took drugs.

When Xi Ziqiu was seven or eight years old, Xi's father died of a drug overdose, and his mother was sent to a drug rehabilitation center.

This is why Xi Ziqiu hates drugs so much.

The plot didn't mention how Xi's mother solved it, but Ling Wuyi promised that as long as the hero gave Xi's mother a price she was satisfied with, she would never question her son's death!

Ling Wuwen went through all the news about Xi Ziqiu's death, and some people took the opportunity to slander and gossip, anyway, it was just nonsense.

Of course, there are also those who regret the loss of this fresh life.

Among the countless news, I didn't see the news that Ling Wuting wanted to see.

After thinking about it, Ling Wuwen simply registered an account with his laptop.

She had learned a few tricks from senior hacker Yi Fan before, and she easily blocked her IP address and everything that might betray her location, and then tapped on the keyboard for a while.

Ling Wuxi stopped, and looked at her achievement just now with satisfaction——

In just half an hour, the Internet was blown up by a piece of news!

The news headline is: The death of a popular male singer, suicide or homicide?

Such a title will make people unable to resist clicking in to find out. In just half an hour, the number of hits exceeded 500,000, and the number of comments forwarded exceeded 100,000+!

The content of the news implicitly stated that Xi Ziqiu had neither depression nor depression, let alone other mental illnesses.

It was also mentioned in the news that recently Xi Ziqiu discovered that a certain person in the circle had committed an illegal act and was killed because he wanted to call the police.

The content is very short and cryptic.

But as long as anyone in the circle who bought drugs from the male protagonist can think of it, people suspected of taking drugs in the circle for a while are even more worried about the impact on themselves.

This news, of course, was sent by Ling Wu!

Seeing that the news that was obviously popular among netizens was deleted in an instant, Ling Wu's lips curled into a sneer.

Don't worry, this is just the beginning——

The working hours of the embalmers are very unstable, and they will go when they have a phone call, no matter what time.

However, today Ling Wuji had a relatively free time, and did not receive any calls during the day.

In the afternoon, Sharon had the system ready.

"Can I see the president's virtual form now?" Ling Wuyi couldn't wait to find Xi Ziqiu's brainwaves.

Sharon nodded and said, "Well, it should be fine."

"Where is the president now?" Ling Wuwen asked Xia Lun.

No way, she couldn't search for Xi Ziqiu's brainwaves by herself, but only Xi Ziqiu who was still lying in the coffin.

"I don't know..." Xia Lun answered Ling Wumo weakly.

Ling Wu immediately stood up: "You don't know?! Why don't you know?!"

"Because I can't see the virtual form of the president's brainwaves, only you can see it."

Ling Wuyi was stunned for a moment before realizing it.

No wonder she couldn't find the location of Xi Ziqiu's brainwaves with the location search device...

After staying at the residence for a while, Ling Wuwen planned to visit the dead Xi Ziqiu.

As soon as she changed her clothes and was about to go out, Lin Na opened the door and came in.

Lin Na didn't expect that Ling Wuyi was still at home at this time, she thought...

"Cousin." Lin Na called Ling Wuyue.

Lin Na looks the same as her figure, sexy and gorgeous, very outstanding.

Ling Wuwen hummed: "Are you here to move things?"

She didn't act aggressively, but just asked a very light question.

Lin Na suddenly cried, crying very sadly: "I'm sorry, cousin, I know I'm wrong, I know I shouldn't... I know I'm wrong, cousin, don't blame me, okay?"

"You slept with my boyfriend, do you think I won't blame you?" At this time, Ling Wuyi showed the sadness of being betrayed.

Lin Na walked up to Ling Wuyue and took her hand, and said sincerely, "I know it's wrong for me to fall in love with my cousin and your boyfriend, but you know, cousin, there is no way to control such things as feelings!"

"I don't mind sharing everything with you, including men! So don't you mind, cousin?"

This is said... as if to say: I don't mind sharing men with you, if you mind, you are wrong!


[The 1350th monthly pass has been updated! 】

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