Today is very strange, without a single pick-up, Ling Wuwen drove home with the virtual form of Xi Ziqiu's brainwaves.

When Ling Wuwen returned home, Lin Na had of course left, and the key was also left on the shoe cabinet in the entrance.

"You can do whatever you want, I'm going to do something." Ling Wuwen said to Xi Ziqiu who was watching around.

Xi Ziqiu nodded, and said, "Okay."

Ling Wuyi then took out the key and opened the door of her room, took a look at Xi Ziqiu who was floating around, and entered the room.

What Ling Wuyi said was busy, in fact, she wanted to sell the current apartment, and then buy another one.

First release the house sale information, and then start to choose the house you are satisfied with.

"Do you want to move?" Xi Ziqiu's voice suddenly sounded next to his ear, and Ling Wuyue was startled.

Turning his head to look at Xi Ziqiu, he was looking at the computer screen intently.

"Do you want to move?" Xi Ziqiu asked again before Ling Wuyi could reply.

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Well, I don't want to live here anymore."

"Why? I think it's good here."

Ling Wuxi lowered her head, looking a little depressed.

Xi Ziqiu tilted his head and became even more puzzled. He asked, "Is this making you sad?"

"Well, I don't like this place anymore." Ling Wuwen didn't say why she didn't like it, just said she didn't like it.

Xi Ziqiu didn't ask Ling Wuwen any more, and just stood by and watched Ling Wuwen search for a house.

In the end, Ling Wuyi took a fancy to a duplex female single apartment that had been renovated, with only one bedroom upstairs.

Ling Wuyue mainly took a fancy to the decoration there, which is simple and elegant.

The houses in this neighborhood are notoriously expensive and good, so it should be a good idea to buy here.

"Ziqiu, what do you think of this house?" With Xi Ziqiu by his side, Ling Wuwen habitually asked him for his opinion.

Xi Ziqiu nodded: "Very good, I think."

He didn't notice at all whether Ling Wuwen called him Xi Ziqiu or Ziqiu.

"Since you have agreed, then this set is ready!" Ling Wuwen said with a smile, and then called to make an appointment to see the house.

They said they could do it at any time, so Ling Wuyi simply went out to see——

He took Xi Ziqiu out and bought some food to satisfy his stomach.

Xi Ziqiu just watched her eat, but he couldn't eat it himself, and from time to time he had to ask Ling Wu how it tasted.

Ling Wuyi still answered him at first, but she didn't dare to answer after getting off the car.

There's no way, other people can't see Xi Ziqiu, she will look crazy when talking to Xi Ziqiu.

Xi Ziqiu seemed to have thought of this too. Although he was still talking to Ling Wu, he didn't expect her to answer.

Entering the sales department of the community, Ling Wuwen found the salesperson and went to see the house with her.

The house has been renovated, and according to the salesman who made the introduction, it was renovated three months ago, and the decoration materials used are also the most environmentally friendly.

It has just started selling now, so that the owner can move in at any time after purchasing.

Ling Wuwen visited around, the floor is on the nineteenth floor, the community is well greened and the air is good.

Taking advantage of watching the salesman talking on the phone, Ling Wuyi turned to look at Xi Ziqiu and asked him, "What do you think?"

Xi Ziqiu nodded: "I think it's very good, it's close to where you work."

She was stunned for a moment when she heard what Ling Wuyi said, and asked reflexively, "How do you know?"

Xi Ziqiu smiled and said, "I remembered the route when you took me back."

Hearing what Xi Ziqiu said, Ling Wuyue suddenly realized that Xi Ziqiu has a good memory!

There is no host now, and he himself has not been affected in any way. Except for the one with a mild personality, he is no different from Xi Ziqiu who has memories.

Ling Wuyi wanted to say something, but the salesman over there had already finished talking and came in on the phone.

"How about Ms. Chen? Do you need to see other types of apartments?" the salesperson asked Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuxi shook her head with a smile: "No, that's all, I'll pay the full amount."


After paying the money, you can handle the transfer tomorrow.

On the other side, there was a response to the house sale information sent by Ling Wuyue, and the other party made an appointment to come and see the house tomorrow.

In order to avoid any accidents, Ling Wuyi called first to ask for leave.

The boss, Yang Wenhao, thought it was the death of 'Xi Ziqiu' that Ling Wuyi couldn't accept, so he asked for leave.

"Okay, then you have a good rest." After Yang Wenhao finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Ling Wuyi was stunned when she heard Yang Wenhao telling her to take a good rest. She clearly said that she had something to deal with, so why did she turn into a rest?

Looking at Xi Ziqiu, who was reading the basic information of 'Xi Ziqiu', he thought that maybe his performance yesterday was a bit too broken, which made Yang Wenhao think that he was stimulated.

Hmm... Although she was really stimulated, seeing Xi Ziqiu next to her, even in virtual form, she felt very at ease.

Xi Ziqiu turned his head and looked at Ling Wuwen: "Ruoruo, please click for me, I have finished reading this page."

The corners of Ling Wu's mouth raised unconsciously, and she answered, "Okay."

Walking to the computer, he helped Xi Ziqiu press the next page.

"Take a look yourself, I'm going to pack some things." Ling Wuyi said to Xi Ziqiu.

Xi Ziqiu looked at the computer screen and nodded in response to Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuwen returned to the room, and first packed the things that were more important to Chen Ruoruo, such as the photo with her parents and so on.

Ling Wuyi didn't plan to take a lot of things away, she would go to the furniture market tomorrow to buy furniture, and it should be done in a day.

She packed a few clothes that Ling Wuni was more satisfied with, and only used one suitcase to pack the things she wanted to take away.

As for other things, it depends on whether the new owner wants it, and if you don't want it, just throw it away——

After tidying up, Ling Wuwen sat next to Xi Ziqiu and watched it with him.

While watching, Ling Wuwen introduced 'Xi Ziqiu'.

After about half an hour, Xi Ziqiu also had a basic understanding of 'myself'.

But what made Xi Ziqiu more puzzled was: "Why do I have no memory?"

Ling Wuxi shook her head, expressing that she didn't know either.

"Before I met Ziqiu, I didn't believe that there were ghosts in this"

"Oh, then why did I commit suicide by jumping off the building? Didn't the reason be explained on the Internet?" Xi Ziqiu asked again.

Ling Wuyi can answer this point.

"I didn't say it, not even in the explanation sent by your agent. But..." Ling Wuxi hesitated at this point.

Xi Ziqiu approached her: "But what?"

"However, I saw a piece of news on the Internet today, which seems to say the cause of your death..."

As soon as Ling Wuwen finished speaking, Xi Ziqiu shouted: "Then quickly find me!"

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