When Ling Wuyi finished all the work, Lu Yunxiao stared at his father's face and was stunned.

He watched Ling Wuwen undergo plastic surgery and repairs, originally thinking that his father's remains would not be too ugly.

But I didn't expect that after Ling Wuwen finished, my father seemed to be asleep, with a peaceful expression, and the corners of his mouth even slightly raised.

Such a father made Lu Yunxiao's eyes red.

The staff brought the coffin over, put Father Lu in the coffin, and took him away.

Of course Lu Yunxiao wanted to follow behind, but before leaving, he walked up to Ling Wuyi who was packing tools.

"Thank you, Miss Chen!"

Ling Wuxi stopped what she was doing, and turned her head to look at Lu Yunxiao: "This is my job, Mr. Lu, I'm so sorry!"

Lu Yunxiao nodded, turned and left.

Favorability, at the first official meeting, increased by as much as 50 points.

But Ling Wu was not happy with this favorability.

She would rather be so busy that she has no time to see Lu Yunxiao for several months, than that Lu Yunxiao came here to meet her with the news of his father's death...

During the mourning meeting for Lu's father, Ling Wuyue glanced from a distance, she didn't want to see the sadness in Lu Yunxiao's eyes, so she left quickly——

After Lu's father passed away, Lu Yunxiao took over his small but stable company, and no longer traveled around like before.

He grew up and became the breadwinner of the family.

Ling Wuyi ran into Lu's mother once in the street. She was accompanied by relatives, and she seemed to want to divert her attention by taking her shopping.

But Ling Wuyi knew from her expression that Mother Lu hadn't recovered from the grief of her husband's death.

Her husband who had been with her for decades passed away unexpectedly, and mother Lu was sad and sad. Ling Wuyi could feel that pain even though she had never experienced it.

Seeing that Lu's mother threw away those relatives and found a place to sit down by herself, Ling Wuyi couldn't help but walked over.

Sitting down beside Mother Lu, she said softly, "Hello, Mrs. Lu!"

Hearing someone calling her, Mother Lu looked up at Ling Wuwen.

Mother Lu was stunned when she saw Ling Wuyue, but soon remembered who she was.

"Your name is Chen Ruoruo, isn't it?"

Ling Wupi nodded with a slight smile on her face, "Well, my name is Chen Ruoruo."

As soon as the words fell, Mother Lu grabbed Ling Wu's hand.

She looked at her gratefully, tears flickered again in her eyes: "Thank you! Thank you for making my husband's departure not so embarrassing in the end!"

"In his whole life, besides his dignity, his appearance is the most important thing! If he is allowed to leave like that...he will definitely suffer!"

Mother Lu didn't even think about asking Ling Wuyi to restore Father Lu to its original appearance, but just hoped that he wouldn't be so embarrassing.

When seeing Lu's father lying in the coffin, Lu's mother couldn't help crying even more.

This is the man I have fallen in love with since I was sixteen!

The man I've loved all my life!

They clearly agreed that they would watch their son get married and have children together.

It was clearly agreed that in the future, the seven and eighty would hold hands and take a walk by the seaside, leaning together to watch the sunset.

It was clearly agreed that when they were eighty or ninety years old, they put on brand new clothes and left with a smile.

clearly said yes...

Obviously, there are so many promises, but now nothing can be realized.

We cannot watch our son get married or have children together.

We can't hold hands and walk along the beach together, watching the sunset.

Can't wear brand new clothes together and leave with a smile.


Stinky man! How beautiful it was when I proposed marriage! Now it doesn't count!

Just go, why don't you take her with you? Why was it so sad to leave her alone?

What a cruel man—

"Mrs. Lu, don't be so polite, that's what I should do!"

"I know, but I still want to thank you!" As she said that, Mother Lu seemed to think of something, and she dragged Ling Wuyi to a jewelry store.

"You pick one you like, and I'll give it to you as a thank you!"

Ling Wuwen was about to refuse, but she saw Lu's mother enthusiastically pulling her to choose, and her mood seemed to be better.

Not wanting to spoil Lu's mother's interest, Ling Wuyi said, "I'm generally not very good at choosing these."

"Then let me help you choose!" Mother Lu said.

Seeing that her diversion of attention was effective, Ling Wuyi obediently followed Mother Lu, letting her try on the bracelet with her hand for a while, and try the necklace for her for a while.

After choosing for a long time, Mother Lu chose a bracelet and a necklace for Ling Wuwen, both of which were not cheap.

Ling Wuyi didn't want it, but seeing Mother Lu's expression expecting her to wear it, she didn't dare to refuse.

Just at this time, Lu Yunxiao who rushed over after calling mother Lu arrived, and mother Lu took Ling Wuyi's hand and asked Lu Yunxiao if it looked good.

Lu Yunxiao nodded: "Yes, it's very pretty!"

"You guys wait here for a while, I'll go to the bathroom."

After she finished speaking, she was worried that Ling Wuyi would leave first, so Mother Lu took her hand and said, "Ruoruo, you wait here, let's have dinner together later."

Seeing that Lu's mother has an aura of "I won't let you go if you don't agree", Ling Wuyi dare not agree.

"Okay, Mrs. Lu, you can go, I won't go."

With Ling Wu's guarantee, Mother Lu left with confidence.

Seeing that his mother was in surprisingly good condition, Lu Yunxiao was a little surprised to take a second look at Ling Wuyi.

Being looked at by Lu Yunxiao like this, Ling Wuyi was still not used to it.

"This bracelet and this necklace were bought by Mrs. Lu just now. I think Mrs. Lu didn't feel so sad after she diverted her attention, so I pretended to accept them."

While speaking, Ling Wuyi had already taken off the bracelet and necklace and handed them to Lu Yunxiao.

Lu Yunxiao shook his head and refused to answer: "Since my mother gave it to you, then you can keep it."

"But... this is too expensive!"

"No matter how expensive it is, we can't express our gratitude to you." There was a smile on the corner of Lu Yunxiao's mouth.

Although I don't know if another mortician can restore his father to his original appearance, but at least Ling Wuyi did it, Lu Yunxiao is really grateful to her!

Seeing the embarrassed expression on Ling Wu's face, Lu Yunxiao said again: "Just accept it, it's useless for me to take it back, you can't be a big man wearing it?"


In fact, Ling Wuwen wanted to say that it can be returned.

But both Lu Yunxiao and Lu's mother were very firm and sighed: "Then I will accept it."

Originally, Ling Wuwen wanted to stay and eat with Lu's mother, after all, it had already been agreed.

But when Yang Wenhao called, she had no choice but to leave first.

"I'll see you off." Lu Yunxiao said.

Ling Wuxi shook her head: "No need, I drove here by myself, you can wait here for Mrs. Lu. Say sorry to Mrs. Lu for me, I have already agreed."

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