"Well, long time no see, Ruoruo!" Zhuang Yan looked at Ling Wuwen, with nervousness and nostalgia in his eyes.

Ling Wuwen had a faint expression on her face: "It's been a long time, do you need me?"


Originally, he came here full of enthusiasm to find Ling Wu, but Ling Wu's indifference was like a basin of cold water pouring directly from his head... It was so cold!

Pursing her lips, Zhuang Yan said, "I'm getting married."

Ling Wuwen turned her eyes to Zhuang Yan, twitched the corners of her mouth, and said with a smile, "Bless you!"

I couldn't help but say something in my heart: I don't know who is so unlucky!

Zhuang Yan looked at Ling Wuwen, without saying a word, he just put his arms around her.

Zhuang Yan's movement was so sudden that Ling Wuyi didn't expect him to make such a sudden movement.

He froze for a moment, and reflexively wanted to push Zhuang Yan away.

But when Ling Wuyi pushed Zhuang Yan away, he let go first.

Zhuang Yan said: "I have always thought that only you are the most suitable wife for me, but..."

Having said that, Zhuang Yan stopped.

After a long time, I said softly: "I am not good enough to let you leave me. Thank you for your blessing, Ruoruo. I wish you happiness too!"

Ling Wuwen hummed: "I will be happy!"

Zhuang Yan took a serious look at her, raised his lips and smiled at her: "I just want to see you, and I want to tell you..."

Of course, there are still some fantasies in his heart.

If Ling Wuyi still has him in his heart, he will run away from marriage and not marry the fat woman arranged by the family!

It's amazing to be richer than his family! Looks like a pig!

Thinking that he will share the bed with 'pig' in the future, I really want to vomit!

"I'm leaving, goodbye!" Zhuang Yan said.

Ling Wuxi nodded and didn't say goodbye, she didn't want to see Zhuang Yan again!

Zhuang Yan turned around and got into the car, coming with hope and leaving with disappointment...

Seeing Zhuang Yan driving away in the car, Ling Wuyi turned around and prepared to go back.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Lu Yunxiao standing behind her.

I was really stunned, and I couldn't even control my facial expressions.

Lu Yunxiao was wearing a suit, with a tired face, he could tell that he came here right after getting off the plane.

but! ! ! Didn't you say it will be delayed for a week? !

Ling Wuwen stepped forward and walked towards Lu Yunxiao: "You..."

"Who is that person?" Lu Yunxiao asked Ling Wuyi directly.

He originally wanted to give Ling Wuwen a surprise, but he didn't expect that just after he arrived... he saw a man hugging Ling Wuwen, and he said that only Ling Wumei was the most suitable wife for him!

If that person hadn't left before Lu Yunxiao had decided whether he should go up to declare ownership, or go up and punch him directly...

"Uh...that's my ex-boyfriend..."

As soon as Ling Wuyi said this, Lu Yunxiao's face turned dark, and he said annoyedly: "If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't hesitate to declare ownership first or beat someone up first."

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Although a little speechless, judging by Lu Yunxiao's appearance, it's not that he misunderstood her or was angry.

"He's getting married, don't worry about him." Ling Wuxi said.

Lu Yunxiao blinked and said, "He's really not a good husband."

He was about to get married soon, yet he even came to find his ex-girlfriend and said such things.

"Then if you are going to get married, will you miss your ex-girlfriend?" Ling Wuxi asked.

Lu Yunxiao raised his eyebrows, reached out his hand to Lou Lingwu's waist, leaned over and kissed her forehead.

He pretended to be very regretful and sighed, and said, "I'm so sorry, I'm about to get married, and I don't even have an ex-girlfriend."

Ling Wuxi blinked her eyes, pretended not to understand, and asked Lu Yunxiao: "Are you getting married? How is the other party?"

Lu Yunxiao smiled and nodded: He: "The other party is very beautiful, very virtuous, very filial, very generous, and has many good things! Most importantly, I like it very much!"

"Oh? So nice, then how did you propose to her?"

"Here~ Let me demonstrate to you." While speaking, Lu Yunxiao raised his hand to hold Ling Wuwen's face, and leaned over to meet her eye level.

"Miss Chen Ruoruo, may I ask, are you willing to marry me?"

Ling Wuyi was stunned, and proposed like this? No flowers and no ring, should she refuse?

Before she could speak, Lu Yunxiao instructed her to say: "Then you say 'I do'."

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Ling Wuyi didn't speak, and pushed Lu Yunxiao away: "I don't want to!"

"Ah? Why?" Lu Yunxiao approached Ling Wuyi with an exaggerated expression.

"There are no flowers, no rings, and I haven't dressed up yet. It's too casual." Ling Wuyi tried hard to pretend to be angry, but the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"It's not casual! I brought a big gift here to propose!" Lu Yunxiao said.

"What gift?" Ling Wuyi raised her eyebrows, looked around but did not see any gift in Lu Yunxiao's hand.

Lu Yunxiao spread his hands and said, turned around in front of Ling Wuwen, and said, "Here~ this man named Lu Yunxiao belongs to you!"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

"How is it? Is it the best gift in the world?" Lu Yunxiao asked Ling Wuyi with a smile.

The corners of Ling Wu's mouth twitched, and she asked Lu Yunxiao, "Um... can I refuse?"

"No!" Lu Yunxiao pretended to reply with a straight face.

Ling Wu pouted, and said innocently: "But I don't think it's useless to hold it~"

"There are so many uses!" Lu Yunxiao almost jumped up.

Ling Wuyi raised her eyebrows and asked, "For example?"

for example? Lu Yunxiao began to snap his fingers and count: "Once you hold me, someone will accompany you to eat, drink, sleep, chat, and watch movies! As long as you think of it, I will accompany you!"

"You let me go east and I don't go west, you let me go up the knife mountain but I don't go down the oil pan, you let me live and I don't die, you let me..."

Seeing that Lu Yunxiao hadn't stopped, Ling Wuyi hurriedly raised his hand to cover his mouth and interrupted: "Okay, okay! You mean to obey me, right? It's been so long... Are you thirsty?"

Lu Yunxiao's mouth was still covered by Ling Wuyi, he opened his eyes and nodded.

Ling Wuyi let go of the hand covering Lu Yunxiao's mouth, but he held it into his palm: "You have to eat anyway, so go out to eat with me, okay?"

After thinking about it, Ling Wuwen said, "Then I'll go in and talk to the boss first."

Lu Yunxiao grinned: "Then I'll go in with you."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yunxiao didn't wait for Ling Wuyi's consent, took her hand and walked inside.

As soon as I entered, I ran into Yang Wenhao.

It's not the first time for Lu Yunxiao to come to Lingwu's company, he knows that Yang Wenhao is the boss of Lingwu's.

"Boss Yang! Have you had dinner yet?" Lu Yunxiao greeted Yang Wenhao with a smile all over his face.

Yang Wenhao paused, then nodded: "I've eaten."

"I have not eaten."

Yang Wenhao: "..."

Ling Wuwen: "..."

"Ruo Ruo hasn't eaten yet."

Yang Wenhao: "..."

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Can't get straight to the point? !

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