Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1539 Natural cool mushroom (2)

The clothes on Ling Wuyi's body were very thick, and it was wet with water, so it was a bit difficult for Qiao Xuefei to support her.

After finally entering the house, Qiao Xuefei staggered, and almost threw herself and Ling Wuyi to the ground!

Looking around, I saw the bed made of wooden boards.

A thin layer of rags was laid on the wooden bed. Although the quilt was neatly folded, it looked extremely thin.

God...is that where people sleep? !

Qiao Xuefei didn't have time to think too much, because the Lingwu catkin was too heavy! !

Gritting her teeth, she helped Ling Wumi walk to the bed, and carefully placed her on the bed.

Qiao Xuefei stood by the bed and let out a long breath.

Looking at the bed that could barely be called a bed, Qiao Xuefei shook her head: "Tsk tsk tsk~ How do people live in this kind of place?"

The clothes on Ling Wu's body were still dripping, if she didn't change them quickly, her body would definitely not be able to bear it.

Qiao Xuefei bent down, trying to take off Ling Wu's clothes.

But Ling Wu's clothes were too difficult to take off! !

Qiao Xuefei was sure that she didn't take off Ling Wuyi's clothes even after ten minutes!

In the end, she was really impatient, and Qiao Xuefei rummaged through the box to find a pair of rusty scissors.

With a few clicks, Ling Wuyi's belt was cut off.

After successfully stripping Ling Wumi naked, Qiao Xuefei hurriedly wrapped her in a quilt.

She found a barely wearable dress in the closet, put it on Ling Wuxi clumsily, and wiped Ling Wuwen's hair with a dry towel.

After doing this, Qiao Xuefei suddenly sneezed.

With a shiver, she remembered that not only Ling Wuyi was wet, but she was also wet!

Touching Ling Wu's forehead, there was no sign of fever, so Qiao Xuefei went to find dry clothes to change for herself.

There were no clothes in the closet, and some were either torn or short.

The fabric has turned white after washing, and it can be seen that it has been worn for a long time.

After changing her clothes, Qiao Xuefei felt a little dizzy, probably because she was about to have a fever.

Looking at the thin quilt on the bed, he simply took out all the clothes in the closet and put them on the bed.

She also went to bed, and covered her and Ling Wunie with all her clothes to keep warm.

With the reluctant warmth and the simple environment, Qiao Xuefei slowly fell asleep——

Not long after Qiao Xuefei fell asleep, Ling Wuyi opened her eyes after accepting the memories and the plot.

Turning her head to look at Qiao Xuefei who was lying beside her, her face was expressionless.

Although she has just been receiving the plot and memories, she is not insensitive to the outside world.

She knew about the care Qiao Xuefei took for her.

Turning her head to look at the environment she was in, Ling Wuyi couldn't help sighing just like Qiao Xuefei——

Qiao Xuefei, the heroine of this novel world.

When Ling Wuwen came, it was also when Qiao Xuefei came.

Qiao Xuefei is a modern person and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

And Ling Wu's host is Qiao Xueling, who is sixteen years old this year and is the older sister of fourteen-year-old Qiao Xuefei.

Both Qiao Xueling and Qiao Xuefei were the daughters of the Marquis of Jinnan in the Qianming Kingdom, and they were both direct relatives.

It's a pity that one of them was born with dementia, and the other was full of abscesses since she was a child, and was rejected by her own father.

The Marquis of Jinnan, including everyone in the Marquis of Jinnan's mansion, felt that Qiao Xueling and Qiao Xuefei were the disgrace of their Marquis of Jinnan's mansion!

Qiao Xueling is a born dementia fool, her mind is about five years old.

And Qiao Xuefei started to have abscesses all over her face from the third day after she was born, which was very ugly.

Their mother, the former Mrs. Hou, was completely rejected by Jin Nanhou after giving birth to the two of them.

Mrs. Hou took Qiao Xueling and Qiao Xuefei and was driven to this abandoned yard.

Because the marriage was bestowed by the first emperor, Jin Nanhou couldn't divorce Mrs. Hou.

The mother and daughter were driven to this abandoned yard and lived a life without a meal.

Mrs. Hou never abandoned her daughters, but she passed away when Qiao Xuefei was nine years old.

From then on, the heavy responsibility of taking care of Qiao Xueling fell on Qiao Xuefei.

Even though she is two years younger than Qiao Xueling, she still wants her younger sister to take care of her older sister.

Qiao Xueling was stupid by nature, sometimes she would yell wildly, and sometimes she would sit in one place in a daze all day long.

Qiao Xuefei is cowardly by nature, because of her appearance, she is extremely inferior and autistic.

But if someone bullies Qiao Xueling, she will bravely stand up and protect her.

Similarly, if someone bullies Qiao Xuefei, even if Qiao Xueling is a fool, she will instinctively protect her sister.

On this day, the reason why Qiao Xuefei and Qiao Xueling ran out when they were ordered not to run around was entirely because of Qiao Xuewei, the sixth lady of Jinnan Houfu.

Qiao Xuewei, the most talented woman in the capital, the pride of Marquis Jinnan.

The plot of this novel has a very common routine, that is, the original owner who travels through the body of the heroine must have a fiancé, and this fiancé must dislike her very much.

Yes... Qiao Xuefei has a fiancé.

When Mrs. Hou was pregnant with Qiao Xuefei, an eminent monk once said: "What Madam is pregnant with will become a great weapon in the future, one person will be inferior to ten thousand people!"

On the first day Qiao Xuefei was born, the emperor of Qianming Kingdom decreed to grant a marriage to the prince who was only five years old at that time.

It's just that Qiao Xuefei fell ill the next day, so ill that he couldn't be cured at all, and on the third day, sores began to appear all over his face.

Although the emperor didn't mention the matter of the marriage, he didn't say anything about the cancellation.

He wanted to cancel it, but the imperial decree has been issued, how can it be withdrawn!

During that time, the emperor seemed to have swallowed a fly, and looked at Jin Nanhou everywhere.

And of course the Marquis of Jinnan also took his anger out on Mrs. Hou.

The daughter she gave birth to was a two-year-old who couldn't speak, and her eyes were as dumb as an idiot.

A face full of abscesses, hideous and hideous!

The same is true, Jin Nanhou drove Mrs. Hou, mother and daughter to live in the abandoned yard.

Fourteen years later, the former prince has grown into a young man, and he has become one of the objects that girls in the capital want to marry most.

Qiao Xuewei, of course, was also included!

In order to make the crown prince dislike Qiao Xuefei even more, Qiao Xuewei used tricks to lure Qiao Xueling out.

For Qiao Xueling, Qiao Xuefei had to go out even if she didn't want to.

As soon as she went out, of course she became the object of everyone's disgust and humiliation.

The prince was there at the time, seeing Qiao Xuefei's appearance, he couldn't hide his disgust.

He even said: "Even if the prince marries a pig, he won't marry you, an ugly monster full of boils!"

Maybe it was because of overstimulation, Qiao Xuefei committed suicide by throwing herself into the lake.

Seeing her younger sister jumping into the lake, Qiao Xueling yelled and rushed over to bite the prince.

Then, there was the first sentence that Ling Wuyi heard when she came to this world——

Qiao Xuefei, who traveled over here, may have thought that since she took over Qiao Xuefei's life, her sister Qiao Xueling should also be her responsibility, so she has always been very kind to Qiao Xueling.

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