Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1551 Natural cool mushroom (fourteen)

Although Mo Ruyu is very relieved, and Mo Ruyu also promised that she will not have any other side concubines or concubines in this life besides Ling Wuyue, but...he can't bear it!

Fortunately, I can often visit Ling Wuwen in the future, otherwise she really wants to take Ling Wuwen away from marriage.

"Feifei~ This thing is so heavy, I don't want it!" Ling Wuyi frowned tightly, holding a phoenix crown that weighed at least ten catties with both hands.

It's really heavy... super heavy! It feels like my neck is going to break!

Although she can bear it, is it strange that she would be obedient?

Qiao Xuefei also felt that the phoenix crown on Ling Wu's head was very heavy, and even wanted to take it off for her in distress, but it couldn't!

He could only go forward and coax Ling Wupin: "Lingling, be good, hold on, and you'll have delicious food when you arrive at Prince Ru's place."

"Am I going to Ayu's place?" Ling Wuwen looked at Qiao Xuefei blankly.

Qiao Xuefei nodded: "Yes, you are going to Prince Ru's place today, and you will live in Prince Ru's Mansion from today on, you know?"

Ling Wuxi pursed her mouth in displeasure, and went to grab Qiao Xuefei's hand: "I don't want to go! I don't want to be separated from you, Feifei!"

"I'm also reluctant to part with you, but...do you still remember what I told you?" Originally, Qiao Xuefei wanted to move to Ruwang Mansion to live with Ling Wuying.

But now that her appearance has recovered, and she is the concubine of Jinnan Hou's mansion, how could she live in another man's mansion before she got married, and it was also her brother-in-law's mansion.

Ling Wuxi nodded: "I remember..."

"Well, I went to Lord Ru, remember to be obedient. Do you understand?"

Ling Wuyi nodded, and was still about to talk, when the nurse next to her said, "The auspicious time has come, it's time for Fifth Miss to put on her hijab and go out."

Qiao Xuefei paused, took over the hijab, and put it on Ling Wuyi herself.

"Ah~ I can't see..." Ling Wuyue shouted in panic and fear.

Qiao Xuefei quickly took her hand: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm by the side!"


Qiao Xuefei helped Ling Wuwen out. Originally, her elder brother or younger brother should carry the door, but they had no suitable candidate except for Cen's son, who was more suitable.

Ling Wuwen didn't want to be carried out by Cen's son, and neither did Qiao Xuefei, so she proposed that she should lead Ling Wuwen out.

After leaving the gate of Jinnanhou's Mansion, the sedan chair and Mo Ruyu on horseback were already waiting.

The sound of gongs and drums was very lively, and there were many onlookers outside.

Ling Wuwen was led by Qiao Xuefei, and got into the sedan chair——

One bow to heaven and earth, two bows to high hall, husband and wife bow to each other, the ceremony is complete!

Ling Wuxi sat on the bed, worried that the heavy phoenix crown on her head would tire her, so Mo Ruyu lifted the hijab first.

The first thing to do after taking off the hijab was to personally remove the phoenix crown on Ling Wuyi's head.

Ling Wuxi hugged her neck and shouted, "It's going to be broken! It's going to be broken!"

Mo Ruyu put the phoenix crown aside, sat next to Ling Wuyue, and raised her hand to rub it for her.

"Does this still hurt?"

He put his hand on Ling Wuxi's neck and gently rubbed it, Mo Ruyu didn't dare to use force, fearing that if he did, he would accidentally break Ling Wuyi's neck!

"It still hurts~ That thing is too heavy! It's so annoying!" Ling Wuyi pouted, and after speaking, she took out shelled and fried chestnuts from the cloth bag that Qiao Xuefei stuffed for her before she went out to eat.

"Well, let's not wear that on our head from now on, okay?" Mo Ruyu said with a smile.

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Okay!"

"Ayu, do you want fried chestnuts? Feifei already peeled the shells for me." Ling Wuyi turned her head to look at Mo Ruyu.

Mo Ruyu shook her head, still with a smile on her face: "Feifei gave it to you, you can eat it, I won't eat it."

Ling Wu squealed, and began to eat on her own.

After rubbing for a while, Mo Ruyu asked Li Lingwu, "Does your neck still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

"Then you stay in the room obediently, I'm going out to socialize."

"What is the entertainment? Food?"

"...No, just go out for a while."



Mo Ruyu left, and there were still two maids in the room, who followed from Jinnan Houfu.

These two maids are relatively honest and honest, one is called Jixiang and the other is called Ruyi.

Ling Wuxi sat on the bed and ate chestnuts slowly, while the two girls stayed obediently beside her.

Mo Ruyu was probably worried that Ling Wupi would be scared if she stayed in the room by herself, so she came back to accompany Ling Wupi after not socializing for a long time.

"It's just you sleeping here tonight, can you sleep by yourself?" Mo Ruyu asked Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuxi shook her head timidly: "I dare not...I want to sleep with Feifei..."

Speaking of Qiao Xuefei, Ling Wuwen started looking everywhere: "Where's Feifei? Where's Feifei?"

"Feifei didn't come, didn't she tell you? You won't be able to sleep with her anymore."

Ling Wuxi stood on the ground with bare feet, her mouth was aggrieved, and she whispered, "But I dare not sleep alone...I'm afraid..."

Mo Ruyu hesitated for a while, then said: "Then how about... I will sleep with you?"

"Okay!" Ling Wuyi agreed very readily.

Ling Wuyi readily agreed, but Mo Ruyu was a little embarrassed.

Let's marry Ling Wu, it's really because I like her a lot.

In addition, he is not young, and his grandfather's family wants him to marry, but the emperor is afraid of him getting married, afraid that he will marry an equally powerful wife.

The Marquis of Jinnan is indeed powerful, but Miss Qiao Wu is a fool, and the current prince is engaged to Qiao Xuewei, who is known as the number one talented woman.

Which is more important, Jin Nanhou can certainly tell the difference.

So the emperor is not worried that he married Miss Qiao Wu.

On the contrary, my grandfather's family was not very happy because he married a naturally stupid woman, thinking that he had wronged him.

Looking at Ling Wuwen's face, Mo Ruyu felt that she was not wronged.

When he was with Ling Wuyue, he felt very relaxed and happy.

Her mood is expressed on her face, unlike some people who smile on their face but don't know what conspiracy they are planning in their hearts.

He never liked intrigue, and he didn't care about money, fame and fortune.

Mo Ruyu even thought that when he had nothing to do in the future, he would take Ling Wu to travel around the world and eat delicious food all over the world.

He had already planned to be with Ling Wuwen all the time, but at the same time, he only regarded her as a child, and didn't think about having sex with her after marrying her.

Seeing that Ling Wuwen really didn't dare to sleep alone, Mo Ruyu thought that it would be better to just sleep in the same bed with her——

In the evening, Mo Ruyu and Ling Wuwen had dinner together, and the two of them went to take a bath separately.

Then Mo Ruyu sat on the bed with a book and read it, while Ling Wuyue was beside her eating melon seeds and staring in a daze.

Ling Wuwen found that she was in a daze much more, and felt that it was not bad, and the time passed in a flash.

Mo Ruyu also knows that Ling Wu's daily life is either in a daze or eating delicious food.

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