Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1563 Natural cool mushrooms (twenty-six)

Nangong Qinghan lowered her eyes, unable to hide her sadness.

He still left, for the sake of the throne, for the sake of the country, he gave up Qiao Xuefei.

Qiao Xuefei was stubborn about her stubbornness, and Nangong Qinghan was also stubborn about his stubbornness...


Early the next morning, Mo Ruyu took Ling Wuwen and Qiao Xuefei to officially start their trip to the mountains and rivers.

They tacitly did not mention the capital city of Aoxiong Kingdom, nor did they mention Nangong Qinghan, they just played and ate to their heart's content!

They went all the way from Aoxiong Kingdom to Tiancheng Kingdom——it took them two full years.

The characteristic of Aoxiong Kingdom is spicy, while the characteristic of Tiansheng Kingdom is mainly light.

In order to eat the specialties that can only be eaten in June, they chose to stay in the capital of Tiancheng Kingdom temporarily.

Tiancheng Kingdom is a very beautiful country, they advocate peace, and the people are very united.

The people here are very friendly, both to their own people and to outsiders.

As soon as she came to Tiancheng Kingdom, Qiao Xuefei fell in love with it!

"I want to open a clinic here!"

Standing in front of the window in the private room of the restaurant, Qiao Xuefei looked at the street with people coming and going downstairs, and said to Ling Wuwen very excitedly.

After two years of continuous counseling for herself, she has come out.

But when she misses Nangong Qinghan, she still can't help but sigh.

I have regrets, but I don't regret the original choice.

Even if time goes back and she is asked to choose again, her choice will still not change.

I heard...he is now the emperor of Aoxiong Kingdom and has a very lovely son.

That's great, she hopes Nangong Qinghan is happy.

Similarly, she believed that she would definitely wait for her happiness!

Ling Wuwen raised her eyebrows and looked at Qiao Xuefei.

After eating with them for two years, Qiao Xuefei's face became radiant and she grew a lot of flesh, making her look more plump and attractive.

She also smiled all over her face, nodded and said cheerfully, "Okay!"

Anyway, it doesn't matter if Mo Ruyu returns to Qianming Kingdom or not. He told Ling Wuyue before that whenever he wants to settle down, he can settle wherever he wants.

Mo Ruyu liked to travel around the world before Ling Wuyi came, he is simply omnipotent, he can answer anything you ask him!

He knows all about the customs, specialties, and taboos of any place!

Including the capital city of Tiancheng Kingdom, Mo Ruyu also said that he came here five years ago.

Ling Wuwen turned her head to look at Mo Ruyu who was cooking tea.

Mo Ruyu nodded and said, "It's just right, I have two shops here that are very suitable. If you want Feifei, I will arrange them."

Qiao Xuefei was not polite to Mo Ruyu either, she nodded and said, "Okay! Then thank you brother-in-law!"

Mo Ruyu didn't speak, but just looked at Ling Wuwen, with the words "seeking praise" written on his face.

Ling Wuxi grinned, walked up to him, raised her hand and patted his head: "It's nice to have you by my side!"

As soon as the words fell, the favorability point that had not moved for three months increased from ninety-six points to ninety-seven points.

It's three points away from favorability, it's three points away.

Really, the further you go, the harder it is to increase your favorability.

I don't know when these three points can be added?

"I'll let someone handle it later."

Mo Ruyu said: "Since the clinic is open, it must be a long-term stay, and I will also arrange the residence."

After seeing Ling Wuwen nod her head, Mo Ruyu hugged Ling Wuwen's slender waist behind her.

He was sitting, Ling Wuwen was standing, and he had to look down at Ling Wuwen, and asked with a smile: "Do you want a big house or a small house, lady? How many servants do you want at home?"

"It's enough for the few of us to live in. The servant... don't worry, just come by yourself." To pass the time.

Mo Ruyu nodded: "Okay, you cook, I wash the dishes, sweep the floor and fetch water and other rough work on me!"

During the two years of 'on the road', Ling Wuwen 'learned' to cook.

Sometimes in the wild, the food made by Mo Ruyu is edible, but not tasty.

And Qiao Xuefei... is completely dark cooking!

There is no way, for the sake of her own appetite, Ling Wu can only choose to go out on her own!

Then, Qiao Xuefei and Mo Ruyu felt that she could learn to cook 'all at once', she was simply a born chef!

So in the future, as long as you are in the wild, work such as cooking is automatically classified as catkin.

Ling Wuxi raised her chin, and patted Mo Ruyu's chest: "You are so big, of course all of this is on your body!"

"Tsk tsk tsk~ You two, can you show your affection in front of me, a single dog?" Qiao Xuefei protested.

Mo Ruyu and Ling Wuwen looked at each other, the corners of their mouths raised in the same arc, and they said in unison: "Then get out of the order as soon as possible~"

Qiao Xuefei would always say the word single dog.

Ling Wuwen knew what it meant, but the first time she heard Qiao Xuefei blurt out the word 'single dog', Mo Ruyu was stunned.

At that time, he also asked: "What kind of dog is a single dog? Where is the single dog?"

At this question, Ling Wuyi almost laughed out of a strained expression.

What breed of... dog.

Ling Wuwen resisted not laughing, and went to see Qiao Xuefei pretending to be "I want to know too".

In order to explain to Mo Ruyu what a single dog is, Qiao Xuefei thought for a long time.

After Mo Ruyu understood the meaning of single dog, she also said: "It's very vivid."

At that time, Ling Wuwen: "..."

Qiao Xuefei at that time: "..."

Later, Mo Ruyu learned about the word 'off the list' from Qiao Xuefei.

Afterwards, every time Qiao Xuefei called herself a 'single dog', Mo Ruyu would make her 'leave the singles' as soon as possible——

Qiao Xuefei shrugged, smiled indifferently and said, "I want to get out of the order~ but I haven't found a suitable partner!"

"There is a suitable person!"

Mo Ruyu and Ling Wuwen spoke in unison again, making Qiao Xuefei unable to bear the expression of 'can't bear to look directly at'.

"The right person? Where is the right person?" Why doesn't she know?

"It's what you said, the one who is blinded by the refined name, who is not as good as his name..."

Before Ling Wu could finish speaking, a voice came from outside the private room: "Feifei~~~~~"

"I'm going! Luo Huachen!" Qiao Xuefei's expression changed upon hearing this voice that was almost like a nightmare.

She wandered around in the private room, trying to find a place to hide.

While looking for it, he said to Ling Wuwen and Mo Ruyu, "Don't tell Luo Huachen that I'm here!"

Ling Wuwen blinked, and Mo Ruyu grinned: "It may be too late."

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the private room was pushed open from the outside.

A young man wearing a light yellow brocade robe walked in. The man's skin was fairer than snow, and his facial features were so delicate that even women would feel ashamed.

Whether this is placed in ancient times or modern times, it is definitely at the level of a little fresh meat male god.

As soon as he came in, he grinned and greeted Ling Wuwen and Mo Ruyu: "Brother Yu, Sister Yu!"

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