Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1566 Natural cool mushroom (twenty-nine)

The plot didn't mention her father's cheating on her mother's suicide when she was a child before time travel.

Such a thing must be a big blow to a twelve-year-old child.

It's a blessing in misfortune that she didn't lose confidence in love and marriage!

And after knowing Qiao Xuefei's childhood experience, Ling Wuwen was also very thankful that she didn't try her best to match Qiao Xuefei and Nangong Qinghan.

What is not mentioned in the plot is that Qiao Xuefei is not necessarily happy and happy.

So people who are obsessed with being a couple for a lifetime, even if they finally compromise, even if they have their beloved man and beloved child by their side.

But her heart...

Really! Don't believe in the plot anymore, it's simply misleading!

She thought that as long as Qiao Xuefei married Nangong Qinghan, she would be very happy!

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, Ling Wuwen felt that Qiao Xuefei's decision was correct.

If it were her...

Well, she won't be in this situation——

"Lingling! Lingling!"

Mo Ruyu's voice brought Ling Wuyi back to her senses, she raised her head and looked at Mo Ruyu: "What?"

Seeing Ling Wuyi's dazed look, Mo Ruyu couldn't help but rubbed her cheek with a smile: "What are you thinking about? You're so engrossed in thinking."

Ling Wuxi shook her head and said, "It's nothing, I'm just thinking about the story Feifei told me a year ago."

"Story?" Mo Ruyu raised her eyebrows: "What story?"

"I won't tell you~"

Ling Wuxi wrinkled her nose playfully at Mo Ruyu, then trotted forward.

Mo Ruyu grinned, looked fondly at Li Lingwu's back, and raised her feet to chase after her.

Ling Wuwen was not running fast at first, but Mo Ruyu quickly caught up with her, and then took her hand: "Why don't we go and see the house now?"

"Okay!" It just so happens that there is nothing to do now, so it's not bad to go and see the house first!

Mo Ruyu took Ling Wuwen to contact his people in the capital of Tiancheng Kingdom.

After looking at several houses, Ling Wuyi finally chose the Sanjin house which was closer to the shop Mo Ruyu mentioned.

If the wall that connects the shop to the house is opened, then the shop can be directly connected to the house, Ling Wujin thinks that is more convenient.

After hearing what Ling Wuyue meant, Mo Ruyu immediately asked someone to break through the wall and install the Moon Gate as she said.

After seeing the houses and shops, Ling Wuwen and Mo Ruyu went back to the restaurant.

When they went back, Qiao Xuefei didn't know how to send Luo Huachen away, and drank tea there by herself.

Seeing Ling Wuyi and Mo Ruyu come back, Qiao Xuefei raised her eyebrows: "Why have you been shopping for so long?"

Ling Wuwen walked up to Qiao Xuefei and sat down, and said with a smile: "We went to see the shop and the house where we lived. The shop and the house are close together. If we break through one wall, we can go directly from the house to the shop."

"That's quite convenient." Qiao Xuefei said.

"Well, I just ordered, and I'll take you to have a look after lunch later!"



In order to create more opportunities for Qiao Xuefei and Luo Huachen, Mo Ruyu paid for the shop and ignored other things, and asked Qiao Xuefei to go to Luo Huachen who stayed in the capital if he had anything to do.

To this, Ling Wuyi expressed her approval with both hands, and took Mo Ruyu to play every day, regardless of Qiao Xuefei.

Of course Qiao Xuefei knew about Ling Wu's plan with Mo Ruyu, although she was a little helpless...but she really needed Luo Huachen's help in many cases.

To open a shop, you need to do too much preparation.

Just because opening a shop involved commercial topics, Qiao Xuefei had a different view on Luo Huachen who talked freely.

He is indeed a genius. Qiao Xuefei is impressed by his unique insights and business acumen.

Qiao Xuefei opened a medical clinic, in addition to practicing medicine and treating diseases, of course, she also wanted to make money.

Therefore, some of Luo Huachen's suggestions and opinions gave Qiao Xuefei a lot of help.

In just one month, Qiao Xuefei no longer repulsed Luo Huachen so much.

——In the blink of an eye, the June they were waiting for finally arrived.

On this day, every household prepared a peony flower feast. Qiao Xuefei, Ling Wuwen, and Mo Ruyu were all invited by Luo Huachen to the Luo family.

Luo Huachen doesn't have many family members, oh no, it should be said that there are not many immediate family members.

How could there be not many people in a big family?

But it is also because there are too many people and there are many intrigues.

Many people coveted Luo Huachen's position as the Patriarch, so among those who assassinated Luo Huachen more than half a year ago were members of the Luo family.

For Luo Huachen, if you say he is ruthless, of course he is ruthless.

After recovering from the injury, the first thing Luo Huachen did was to clean the door.

In the huge Luo family, only Luo Huachen's grandmother and mother remained overnight.

Those uncles, aunts, cousins, and cousins ​​were all kicked out of the house.

Luo Huachen's grandmother has dementia, and his mother is a very kind person.

After being cleaned up, the Luo family, in Luo Huachen's words: "It feels like the ears are quiet all of a sudden!"

It was the first time they came to visit, Ling Wuwen and the others prepared gifts for Grandmother Luo and Mother Luo.

Luo Huachen introduced the three of them, Ling Wu and Catkin, to Grandmother Luo and Mother Luo. When Qiao Xuefei was introduced, Grandmother Luo's eyes lit up.

"Is this my granddaughter-in-law?!"

Qiao Xuefei was stunned, but before she could react, Luo Huachen blushed over there: "Grandmother, I really want her to be your granddaughter-in-law, but she hasn't agreed yet~"

"Ah?" Grandma Luo didn't seem to understand the meaning of Luo Huachen's words.

After Luo Huachen explained that Qiao Xuefei was not her granddaughter-in-law, Grandmother Luo cried like a child, and shouted that she wanted Qiao Xuefei to be her granddaughter-in-law.

There was no other way, Luo Huachen had no choice but to take Grandmother Luo back to her room to comfort and rest.

When Grandma Luo and Luo Huachen left, Mother Luo looked at Qiao Xuefei apologetically, and said, "Miss Qiao, don't mind, Chen'er's grandmother has been out of her mind since my husband passed away ten years ago."

Qiao Xuefei is a doctor, so of course she knew that Grandma Luo had Alzheimer's.

She shook her head and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's just Mrs. Luo, did you ask the doctor to look at it?"

Luo Mu sighed, and replied: "The doctor read it, but the doctor said that she was stimulated by the white-haired man sending the black-haired man, so..."

After that, Luo Mu sighed again.

"I can try it!" Qiao Xuefei blurted out.

After finishing speaking, Qiao Xuefei regretted it, after all, it was the first time they met.

Ren Luomu said it and saw the doctor, but the doctor said it was useless.

As a newcomer, she said that she could try it, but it was hard to believe when they met for the first time.

It's just that Qiao Xuefei didn't know that although Luo's mother had never met her, she had heard Luo Huachen say it many times.

So Luo Mu froze for a moment, then nodded kindly with a smile.

"I heard from Chen'er that Miss Qiao is good at medicine, and she is planning to open a clinic in the capital. If there is really a way to treat the old lady, I can let Miss Qiao try."

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