Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1568 Naturally Cool Mushrooms (Extra)

After Ling Wuyi and Mo Ruyu left, she wrote several letters to Qiao Xuefei, and the last letter said that she was going to play far away.

Let her not worry, maybe they will settle in some forest when they get tired someday!

So after Ling Wuwen didn't write a letter to Qiao Xuefei, Qiao Xuefei knew which 'forest' they went to settle down.

She was alone, never used to it, and gradually got used to it.

Luo Huachen would visit her in the clinic every day, knowing that she was living alone, and brought her three meals a day.

People's hearts are fleshy, and Luo Huachen's meticulous care and waiting without complaint or regret gradually moved Qiao Xuefei's heart——

A year later, Qiao Xuefei married Luo Huachen.

At the wedding, Luo Huachen gave Qiao Xuefei a promise: "Three thousand weak waters, just take a scoop to drink; delicate flowers, only one branch; the vast sea of ​​people, keep you alone!"

Qiao Xuefei never said this sentence to Luo Huachen.

When this promise came out of Luo Huachen's mouth, Qiao Xuefei couldn't help but her eyes turned red.

What she wants is really not much.

A promise, a promise of one person for one lifetime.

Regardless of life, old age, illness or death, poverty or wealth, never leave!


Twenty years later, Nangong Qinghan finally fulfilled his wish to rule the world.

Wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, he is still handsome in his forties. He is more mature and charming than a boy in his twenties and has the aura of a king.

Nangong Qinghan stood at the highest position and looked at his own country, holding a letter in his hand, which contained Qiao Xuefei's latest news.

Whenever he thought of Qiao Xuefei, he still felt a dull pain in his heart.

"Twenty-two years..." he murmured.

twenty two years.

He used to think that after he got the country, she would stand next to him.

But now, there is someone else in that position.

And beside her, there are others.

Over the years, he has always let people secretly inquire about her.

Not for anything else, just to be able to pretend to be by her side.

Knowing that she was happy, he was actually happy.

It is said that her husband loves her very much and is obedient to her.

One pair for life, she has it.

He thought that as long as she waited for him for two years, he would definitely allow her to be a couple for the rest of her life.

But only when he stood in this position did he realize that she, who was so obsessed with being a couple for life, luckily didn't choose him!

Because, he still can't give her a couple for the rest of his life.

He doesn't blame her for not choosing him, because he knows they are both stubborn people.

Although regrettable and heartbroken, I don't think there is anything wrong with everyone's choice.

In the past twenty years, whenever the night was quiet, he couldn't help but think about it.

If he had given up Jiangshan back then, would she have been by his side?

In other words, he changed his way of seizing the throne, instead of marrying Chen Xi.

And those princesses of other countries, the daughters of ministers don't marry, can they give her a couple for a lifetime?

After thinking about this, he couldn't help laughing at himself.

There is no if in this world, and there is no turning back time.

So what he thinks doesn't exist, what happened has already happened, and he can't change it.

What he can do now is to manage the situation that he gave up on love!

All I can do is...

"Feifei, I did it. I have fulfilled my husband's responsibilities. I am also a good father, and I have not treated my children like my father did."

"Feifei, I miss you so much..."

I heard that your eldest son is getting married, and your daughter is also getting engaged.

It's great to have both sons and daughters!

I also have many sons and daughters, and I love them very much...

Behind Nangong Qinghan stood a woman who was not very beautiful, but very comfortable.

The woman is about thirty to forty years old, and she is well maintained, so she looks very young.

She was wearing a phoenix robe symbolizing her status as a queen, and she was holding a cloak in her hand.

This woman is Princess Chenxi who married Nangong Qinghan back then and became his princess.

Chen Xi looked at Nangong Qinghan's back, her eyes were full of admiration.

Even after more than twenty years, her love for him has never diminished!

Twenty-two years ago, the scene of him returning home on horseback seems to be still in front of his eyes.

When she saw him that day, she knew...she was in love with him!

Yes, she fell in love with him at first sight!

At that time her father was the regent, an ambitious man who even wanted to usurp the throne.

But at the same time, he is also a father who loves her more than anything.

For her sake, her father gave up usurping the throne, and instead supported Nangong Qinghan to take the throne.

In fact, she never thought about what she would do to coerce Nangong Qinghan to marry her. The marriage proposal was initiated by Nangong Qinghan.

She was full of joy, thinking that Nangong Qinghan had her in his heart.

Many years later, she realized that it was the condition her father proposed to Nangong Qinghan.

On the day of the wedding, someone stopped the sedan chair...

In fact, she had quietly lifted the curtain of the sedan chair to look at it. When she saw Qiao Xuefei, she knew instinctively that she had an unusual relationship with Nangong Qinghan.

That night... Nangong Qinghan returned to their room very late.

She thought he would not come back, but he came back in the end.

Mood, from full of anticipation to loss, to joy.

It's just that she can feel that his mood is very low.

She didn't know what happened, but her intuition had something to do with the woman during the day.

They were supposed to have a bridal chamber, but she refused.

Because she didn't want to force him...

After that day, she knew that Nangong Qinghan didn't like her.

He married her only for profit.

But it doesn't matter, she has a lifetime, she can guard him, even if he will never look back at her!

Twenty-two years, even though he still hasn't fallen in love with her, she knows...he is a good husband and father!

He loves their children very much, and that's enough!

She is very satisfied!

Slightly raised the corners of her lips, walked over with the cloak, and put it on for Nangong Qinghan.

Nangong Qinghan turned her head, looked at Chen Xi, and asked her softly, "Why aren't you sleeping?"

Chen Xi smiled, and said softly, "It's windy outside, and the emperor has a lot to do every day, so you still have to take good care of your body!"

Nangong Qinghan nodded, with a gentle smile on his face habitually.

After wearing this mask for decades, I have gotten used to it.

"Okay, let's go back and rest together." He said.

Chen Xi habitually went to Fu Nangong Qinghan's hand, and turned back to the bedroom with him to rest.

The bright moonlight shone down, elongating and overlapping the shadows of the two people.

For Chen Xi, he has no love, only responsibility.

He thought that he would never fall in love with anyone until his death in this life——

——Thirty years later, the emperor died at the age of seventy-two.

Qiao Xuefei, who was already in her sixties, was stunned when she heard the news.

The white-haired Luo Huachen on the side tilted his head and asked her, "My wife, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Qiao Xuefei shook her head, her old face was covered with traces of time.

I said silently in my heart: Qinghan, have a good journey!

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