Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1571 Snobbish Gold Medal Lawyer (3)

Ling Wuyi carefully observed the victim's body when she was on the phone. Although she didn't touch it, she still took a general look at the situation.

There was a deep strangulation mark on the victim's neck, which should have been strangled from behind.

There are many scars on the back, and the scars should be whipped.

There are also a lot of bruises on the inner thighs. Ling Wu can't see the private part clearly, but there are bruises.

Ling Wu can imagine that the victim had been sexually assaulted before or after his death, and it was a violent sexual assault!

What a pervert!

The moment he saw the victim, Ling Wu was full of anger.

The victim looked very young, definitely under twenty.

Maybe... younger or maybe.

Such a fresh life was brutally killed by people.

"Xiao Lunlun, please pay more attention to the investigation results of the police, I want to know." Ling Wuwen said.

"Oh~" After Xia Lun answered, she told Ling Wuyi what the police had found.

The police said that the victim's name was Luo Qing, who was seventeen years old this year.

...not yet of age.

Missed on the way to school a week ago, the family called the police, and the police called out the surveillance.

It's a pity that the place where Luo Qing disappeared was a surveillance blind spot, so he didn't know where Luo Qing was going.

I searched for a week and couldn't find it, so...

Xia Lun said that the police have notified the victim's family to identify the body. Although they haven't gone yet, the identity is correct.

"Just, are you seventeen years old?" Ling Wu's voice was a bit cold.

"...Yes, yes...the police said he was seventeen years old and had his birthday just last month."

Ling Wuwen didn't say a word, thinking in her mind whether the murderer lived in this community.

The community she lives in is considered to be a mid-to-high end in J City, and although the average net worth of those who live here is not high, they are definitely not bad.

Moreover, the security system of the community is pretty good, registration is required for entry and exit, and strangers are not allowed to come in casually.

So the victim must have been brought in by someone who lived in the community, and the person who brought the victim in must be the murderer!

"Have the police investigated the people in the community?" Ling Wuwen asked Xia Lun again.

"We are already investigating, but there are quite a lot of residents living in the community, so there is no way to get results soon."

Ling Wuwen hummed, and stopped talking.

I made myself a cup of coffee without sugar, stood on the balcony and looked down.

She lived on the twenty-fourth floor and could see the bushes where the victim was dumped, but it was blocked and she couldn't see clearly.

The body has been taken away, the cordon has not been dismantled, some police are still guarding there, and the crowd of onlookers has almost dispersed.

The murderer must be brought to justice, the words popped out of nowhere.

Ling Wuyi suddenly thought of a good way to increase Nan Qiyang's negative favorability!

After gulping down the coffee, Ling Wuwen turned around and went to the study, sat at the desk and turned on the computer.

She directly searched the official website of J City Procuratorate.

When Xia Lun saw her submitting her resume, she was startled: "No way, little 55, you've become a gold medal lawyer instead of being a prosecutor?"

"Hmm~ What's so good about being a powerful gold medal lawyer? What am I here for? To be a wicked person?"

People's Procurator, this seems to be more suitable for Nan Qiyang who is a people's policeman, right?

And when she becomes a prosecutor, maybe Nan Qiyang won't change her opinion of her in a short time, but after a long time, he will always see her'change'.

In recent years, the work of prosecutors has been extremely short of manpower due to low wages.

For example, in the last case, it should be the prosecutor who fought Lu Yutong instead of Fang Haotian, who is also a lawyer.

But the procuratorate was short of manpower, and it happened that the heroine Chu Xinjia begged Fang Haotian, so it was Fang Haotian's turn to do it himself——

Ling Wuxi's resume was submitted, and the procuratorate's eyes almost dropped after seeing Lu Yutong's resume.

"Lu Lu... Lu... Lu..."

"Lu what Lu?! Did you see a ghost?! I said Hao Ren~ If you are really too free, can you help me sort out the files!?"

Prosecutor Lin Lizhi who was busy next to him gave Hao Ren a glare.

"No, no! It's not a ghost! It's a gold medal lawyer... Lu Yutong! She submitted her resume to our procuratorate!"

As soon as Hao Ren's words fell, Lin Lizhi slammed, and fell to the ground with his left foot and his right foot.

The documents were scattered all over the place, but Lin Lizhi didn't pay attention to them. He quickly got up and looked at Hao Ren: "What did you just say?!"

Lin Lizhi felt that he might be crazy busy, that's why he had auditory hallucinations.

Hao Ren was also still surprised, pointed to his computer, and said in a trembling voice, "Lu Yutong...is that notoriously victorious general in the legal profession, Lu Yutong!"

"Are you sure it's not the same name and surname?" Lin Lizhi walked around to Hao Ren and went to look at the computer himself.

On the computer, besides Lu Yutong's resume, there is also a photo.

Lin Lizhi had been in the procuratorate for several years, and of course he had seen Lu Yutong.

"I've checked it several times." Hao Ren said weakly.

"Gudong~" Lin Lizhi swallowed, blinked again, and then pulled his tie: "This Lu Yutong...what does he want to do?"

Hao Ren thought for a while, then whispered, "It should...it should be, she wants to apply for the job...she's submitting a resume."

Of course, Lin Lizhi knew that Ling Wuwen was submitting a resume, and he would only submit a resume if he came to apply for a job!

What he meant was that Lu Yutong, who was known to be able to get you cleared of crimes and win lawsuits as long as he paid money, why did he come to this kind of procuratorate that wanted to bring criminals to justice and the salary was so low that no one would come?

Taking the wrong medicine? Or is it in the wrong place?

"Well...do you want to call and ask her?"

Hao Ren remembered that the head of the procuratorate said that now is the time when there is a shortage of people, not to mention full-featured lawyers, even interns. The more the better!

This Lu Yutong is much higher than ordinary lawyers!

Lin Lizhi raised his hand to stop Hao Ren, and said, "You print out this resume sent by Lu Yutong, and I'll ask the dean first."

Hao Ren said twice, and quickly printed out Lu Yutong's resume——

"Dean, is this Lu Yutong hired?" Lin Lizhi asked nervously the head of the procuratorate who was concentrating on Lu Yutong's resume.

The head of the procuratorate is a fat middle-aged man who is already bald. He always smiles when he sees everyone, and he feels very happy.

Hearing Lin Lizhi's question, the dean looked up at him strangely: "Is there something wrong with Lu Yutong's resume?"

Lin Lizhi shook his head: "No."

He had seen Lu Yutong's resume, it was excellent!

She should also have the title of gold medal lawyer, she has the ability.

"So...why don't we hire?"

The dean's words made Lin Lizhi pause, and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll call her now..."

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