Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1573 Snobbish Gold Medal Lawyer (5)

Xia Lun went on to say: "The time of death is the same as the initial diagnosis. The scars on Luo Qing's body have accumulated since the day she disappeared. In other words, Luo Qing began to suffer inhuman injuries on the day she disappeared."

"Well, that's all."

That's all?

Ling Wuyi frowned slightly: "What's the progress of the police investigation?"

"Oh, I forgot about that. Because Luo Qing was sexually assaulted, the police concluded that the murderer was a man."

"But because no trace of other people's DNA can be found on Luo Qing's body, there is no way to identify the murderer immediately."

"So?" Ling Wu asked.

Xia Lun replied: "So, the police are focusing on investigating the adult men living in the community, and also investigating the surveillance video from a week ago."

"And then? Have you found any suspects?"

"Uh...not yet."

Ling Wuyi was just about to say that those police officers are really useless, but Xia Lun added: "But I heard that this case will be transferred to the serious crime team soon, and Nan Qiyang will take charge when he comes back."

Hearing Nan Qiyang's name, Ling Wu's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

Seeing that Ling Wuwen's expression was no longer tense, Xia Lun quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although one is in the Plane Association and the other is in the world of novels, Ling Wuwen's demeanor that looks more and more like Xi Ziqiu is really frightening.

Then Xia Lun hurriedly said: "Nan Qiyang should return to City J tonight, little 55, are you going to meet by chance?"

Ling Wuxue shook her head: "No need."

Anyway, she is going to report to the procuratorate tomorrow. All the cases in J city have been filed in the procuratorate, and she can apply to take charge of this case at that time.

When the time comes, Nan Qiyang will not be able to do without interacting with her——

At 6:30 a.m. on Monday, Ling Wuxi got up on time.

Run for an hour, then go home and have breakfast.

At nine o'clock, report to the procuratorate on time.

Dean Ji personally took Ling Wuwen to greet her new colleagues.

Those colleagues in the procuratorate knew about Ling Wuyi when he came to apply for the job, and they are still surprised when they see Ling Wuwen now.

With a shallow smile on Ling Wu's face, her demeanor was cold, and she said, "From now on, please give me more advice!"

Dean Ji took the lead in applauding, and said, "Welcome Yutong to join the big family of our procuratorate. We will be a family in the future. There are not many people in our procuratorate, so let everyone introduce themselves and let Yutong get to know each other."

After Dean Ji finished speaking, those colleagues began to introduce themselves.

"My name is Lin Lizhi, and I am a second-level prosecutor."

"My name is Hao Ren, and I'm an assistant prosecutor."

"My name is……"

After the introduction, Dean Ji said to Ling Wuwen: "If you don't understand anything, you can ask them casually. In addition, Hao Ren will be your assistant first, so that you can get familiar with the work."

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Okay, Dean Ji, I want to take charge of a case."

"Huh? What case?" Dean Ji asked curiously.

Logically speaking, Ling Wuwen hadn't officially started working yet, so she probably didn't know what cases their procuratorate had.

Ling Wuwen said: "On Saturday, a female body was found in the bushes of Tianyong Community. I was the first person to find it and call the police."

Dean Ji raised his eyebrows. He had too many cases to look at, and he didn't seem to pay attention to such a case.

Before he could speak, Hao Ren who was next to him said, "I know about that case! There is a statement from Prosecutor Lu...I thought it had the same name and surname! I didn't expect it to be Prosecutor Lu!"

Hao Ren was a little excited, but he didn't know what the hell he was excited about.

Ling Wuwen hummed: "It's me."

"Since that's the case, Yutong will be in charge of this case. If you don't understand anything, you can ask them." Dean Ji said.

"Okay, don't worry, Dean, for the first case, I will definitely bring the murderer to justice!" Ling Wuxi assured Dean Ji confidently.

Of course, those present had disdain for Ling Wupi, after all, her notoriety was not for nothing.

Ling Wu glanced at them from the corner of her eye, but ignored them.

Dean Ji nodded with a smile, and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "I believe you can do it!"

When it was over, Dean Ji looked at Hao Ren again, and said to him, "You take Yutong to her to visit our procuratorate, and then take her to the office."

Hao Ren nodded repeatedly, and the baby's face was full of smiles.

Dean Ji went back to the office, while Hao Ren showed Ling Wuxi around.

Looking at Ling Wuwen's back, those colleagues who had already discussed on Saturday continued to discuss.

Colleague A: "Why do you think this Lu Yutong came to be a prosecutor?"

Colleague B: "Didn't she say that she has done too many immoral things and wants to accumulate some virtue for herself?"

Colleague C: "Why do I feel like she doesn't really want to be a good prosecutor, she must be here to make trouble!"

Colleague B: "Don't say that, what if they really want to change their minds?"

Colleague D: "Huh~ Such a person, change his mind? I don't believe it!"

Colleague C: "Yes, I don't believe that this black-hearted snobbish person really wants to be a good prosecutor!"

Lin Lizhi: "Okay! Are you all free? Hurry up and sort out the case!"


Ling Wuyi more or less heard what those people said.

But what did it matter if they didn't believe it?

She came to be a prosecutor, not to make people other than Nan Qiyang feel good——

After visiting the procuratorate casually, Ling Wuyi said that he was going back to the office to handle the case.

Hao Ren is her assistant now, so of course he wants to listen to her.

Ling Wuyi went back to her office and sat down. Hao Ren hurriedly sent all the materials of Luo Qing's case to her office.

"Prosecutor Lu, do you need coffee or tea? Or something else..."

"Black coffee, no sugar."

"……Oh well."

Ling Wuyi's attention has always been on Luo Qing's case materials, on which there are photos of Luo Qing's body and the autopsy report.

After reading all the documents, Ling Wuyi turned her head and called Hao Ren, who was dealing with other matters outside: "I need to see the police in charge of this case, please contact me."

Hao Ren nodded: "I just learned that this case has been handed over to the Serious Crime Squad. You want to see Prosecutor Lu..."

"Let's meet the leader of the serious crime team. I remember his name is Nan Qiyang? Is that right?" Ling Wuwen asked Hao Ren.

Hao Ren nodded, and then asked Ling Wuyi in surprise: "Prosecutor Lu, how do you know that the leader of the serious crime team is Nan Qiyang?"

The corners of Ling Wu's mouth raised slightly, and there was actually a smile, she said: "There is a festival."


Have a holiday? Good or bad?

One is the leader of the serious crime team, and the other is an unscrupulous lawyer. It is estimated that this holiday is not a good one.

Hao Ren went out and contacted Nan Qiyang.

What he meant was that the prosecutor wanted to meet him and tell him about Luo Qing's case.

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