Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1576 Snobbish Gold Medal Lawyer (8)

It was also from that time that Lu's mother was not very kind to Lu Yutong.

After giving birth, Lu's mother had to take care of two babies by herself, taking care of the children day and night, and her temper became even worse.

Although Lu Yutong is very sensible, and she automatically and consciously takes care of the laundry, dishes, and hygiene at home, but Lu's mother still dislikes her everywhere.

If it hadn't been adopted and cannot be abandoned, mother Lu really wanted to get rid of Lu Yutong.

At that time, what Lu Yutong heard the most was that Lu's father and Lu's mother regretted adopting her, and made the family such a burden.

As a child, Lu Yutong grew up in fear, and she didn't want to be sent back to the orphanage.

Because there, she will always be bullied, beaten, and have no food for a long time.

Although at Lu's father and Lu's mother's place, he was often beaten and scolded, and he was often punished not to eat or something.

But at least... She will no longer be seen as an orphan, she cares too much about what others think of her.

Because she always felt that there was contempt in those eyes.

Lu's father and Lu's mother are not good to Lu Yutong, but they love their own children to the bone.

When I was young, my younger siblings were disobedient, and Lu's father and mother always beat and scolded her.

The younger brother and sister were crying, but Lu's father and Lu's mother beat her directly without asking why.

The younger siblings wear new clothes, but she can only wear short clothes that fade quickly after washing.

Since she was a child, she was very envious of her younger siblings, because Lu's father and Lu's mother would satisfy them unconditionally whatever they wanted.

Of course, it's the same with growing up.

Now Lu Yutong's younger siblings are twenty-four years old, and they have already graduated from university.

But the two siblings just idle around all day long and don't go to work.

Lu Yutong has been receiving scholarships every year since elementary school, but in fact, he really didn't spend much of Lu's father and mother's money.

When she was in college, she worked part-time every day except for the scholarship.

Lu Yutong is responsible for his tuition and living expenses.

When she had no money, she didn't dare to ask her family for money even after eating instant noodles for two months.

It's not that she doesn't want to, but she knows that even if she asks for it, Lu's father and Lu's mother will not give it.

They will only say: "Raising you so big! Do you know how much you spent on the family? Are you embarrassed to ask the family for money when you are an adult? We are still waiting for you to raise it!"

After graduation, just as Lu Yutong started working, Lu's father and mother asked her how much to give to the family every month.

Maybe it's a kind of fear from the heart, so no matter how ruthless Lu Yutong is outside, he will make those people afraid.

But she would more or less listen to Lu's father and Lu's mother.

And every time Lu's father and Lu's mother's son and daughter asked her for money, she would give it.

Thirty-two years old and working for nearly ten years, Lu Yutong bought a house and a car for Lu's father and mother, and gave them living expenses every month.


If it weren't for Lu Yutong, Lu's father and Lu's mother raised two useless sons, and they still don't know what life they would have had!

Can you stretch out your clothes and open your mouth like you are now?

Thinking of Lu's father, Lu's mother and their son and daughter, Ling Wu's eyes turned cold unconsciously.

That family, all vampires, is also a bottomless pit that cannot be filled.

She really didn't want to answer Lu Minjun's call!

Nan Qiyang turned his head to look at Ling Wuwen, keenly aware of her emotional changes.

She raised her eyebrows, a little curious about who made that call?

The phone call was still ringing, and when he was about to hang up, Ling Wuyi still picked it up.

As soon as he picked it up, before Ling Wuyue could speak, Lu Minjun's roar came from over there: "Lu Yutong! Are you going to die?! It took me so long to answer my call!"

Lu Minjun's voice was not low, even Nan Qiyang who was sitting at the dining table could hear it.

Ling Wuyi's eyes turned colder, and she tightened her hand holding the phone: "Lu Minjun, please be respectful, I have no obligation to answer your call!"

Ling Wu's tone of voice made people feel chills down their spine even through the phone, let alone Nan Qiyang who was on the scene.

And Lu Minjun over there shuddered, feeling inexplicably afraid of Ling Wuwen.

But soon she yelled at Ling Wumo even more angrily: "There is no obligation to answer my phone?! Have you forgotten your identity?! If my parents hadn't adopted you, you would have died a long time ago! How can there be a black-hearted lawyer today? achievement?"

Ling Wuwen, who was still a little angry, suddenly stopped being angry, and felt that it was really unnecessary to be angry with this kind of person.

Ling Wuwen was not angry anymore, but Nan Qiyang who listened to these words felt inexplicably angry.

Lu Minjun's words revealed too much information, and Nan Qiyang, who was used to analyzing everything he heard, couldn't help but analyze Lu Yutong's life experience.

Lu Yutong, an orphan, was adopted by the parents of an arrogant girl who didn't know who was on the phone, and then she was treated unfairly in her adoptive parents' house.

Unscrupulous lawyer? Even the family calls her that?

Nan Qiyang's thoughts were spinning, and Ling Wuyou slightly raised the corners of her lips and asked Lu Minjun, "What do you want from me?"

"It's okay, who wants to find you!" Lu Minjun said angrily.

Ling Wuwen didn't speak, waiting for Lu Minjun to speak.

Lu Minjun said: "I'm out of money, you can add 100,000 yuan to my card."

That tone, you're not polite.

One hundred thousand yuan, the salary of an ordinary person who works hard for a year, seems to be only ten yuan from Lu Minjun's mouth.

Nan Qiyang at the dining table tilted his head again, looking at Ling Wuyi's profile.

Ling Wuxi had no expression on her face, she pursed her lips lightly.

Of course, this was not the first time Lu Minjun asked for money, the Lu family was like that, calling Lu Yutong if they had no money.

Every time I call, I ask for a lot of money.

Lu Yutong also thought about not giving, and tried to refuse.

Lu's mother's original words were: "Do you know how embarrassing your notoriety is for us? Why? Raised you, and you won't give you any bad money?"

It is because Lu's father and mother are so money-obsessed that Lu Yutong gradually developed the need to use money to accumulate a sense of security.

Lu Yutong's heart was distorted, and the environment in which he grew up has a lot to do with it.

From the orphanage, to Lu's father and mother's home.

Wouldn't it be strange not to raise Lu Yutong in a wrong way?

Even if it were Ling Wuyi herself, she would probably be crooked!

So why there is a saying that says: hateful people must have pity.

This, I'm talking about Lu Yutong.

"At most ten thousand." Ling Wuwen replied directly to Lu Minjun.

Lu Minjun yelled again: "Ten thousand?! I'll buy a bag and it will be gone! Lu Yutong, when did you become so stingy? Believe it or not, I told my mother that you won't give me money!"

Ling Wuyi sneered: "Lu Minjun, if I remember correctly, you are already twenty-four years old. Do you have no feet or no hands? Or are you going to ask me for money for the rest of your life?"

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