Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1590 Snobbish Gold Medal Lawyer (22)

Ling Family Wu Wen: Is it far? where?

Death contract: ...not far away, at No. 9 ×× Road.

The Ling family's catkin: There...then I'll come over.

Death Pact: ...Okay, I'll wait for you.

After sending this message to the death contract, Ling Wuwen seemed to be talking to himself, "Let's go."

Let's go to the place where the death contract met Chen Xing——

Nan Qiyang kept driving and followed Ling Wuwen from a distance, and followed her to the place mentioned in the death contract.

There is actually an abandoned pedestrian street, and there are usually not many people coming here.

Standing at the door of No. 9 shop on XX Road, Ling Wuwen sent a message to Death Contract: I'm here, where are you?

Death Pact: I'm here too.

After receiving this message, Ling Wuyi turned around in an instant——

Behind her stood a man who was so ordinary that he could be ignored in the crowd.

Age, probably around thirty to thirty-five years old.

He is tall and has a gentle temperament.

He looked at Ling Wuwen, and said, "Ling Family Wuwen?"

Ling Wuwen blinked, and tentatively called out: "Death contract?"

He nodded and smiled at Ling Wuwen: "It's me, Ling Jiawu, you are much more beautiful than in the photo."

Ling Wuxi blushed with embarrassment, and said with a smile: "I think so too, but those people say that I am not as good-looking as I look in the photos!"

"However, you don't look like the death contract in the photo!" Ling Wuyi tilted her head, looking at the death contract's appearance.

Death Pact smiled and said, "I don't like taking pictures very much, so that picture is not actually me."

"Oh... so that's the case. By the way, have you finished your work?"

The death contract shook his head: "I have to go home to get something. Are you waiting for me here or go back with me? My home is not far from here."

It's not far, Tianyong Community is only ten minutes' drive away.

Ling Wuwen pretended to be thinking about it, and said, "I'll wait for you here."

Seeing Ling Wuxi's defense, Death Covenant's facial muscles twitched, as if he was trying to control his expression.

Seeing this subtle movement of his, Ling Wuyi was already sure that he was the murderer who killed Chen Xing and Luo Qing.

"That's fine, but there are often homeless people in this place, if you..."

"A tramp!?" Ling Wuxi pretended to be a little scared, and hugged her arm.

He nodded and said, "Yeah, he's still the kind of bum who's pretty. If you want to wait for me here, you have to be careful by yourself."

"Then, then I'd better go back with you to get things!" Ling Wuxi stepped forward and approached the death contract cautiously.

Seeing that success scares Ling Wuwen, the eyes of Death Contract flashed a trace of pride after the plot succeeded.

"Well, it's very close anyway, we'll come out after we get our things, and then I'll take you to eat your favorite mutton hot pot." Death Pact said.

While talking, he took Ling Wuwen to a very ordinary black car and was about to get in the car.

The people lurking in the dark really wanted to act, but they couldn't get Nan Qiyang's orders, so they could only wait.

Nan Qiyang wanted to issue orders, but when he was sending Ling Wupin off just now, Ling Wupin told him: "When the time comes, look at my gestures. If it's a fist, you should stay still. If you don't squeeze your fist, you You can act anytime."

"But if you're in danger..."

"If I'm really too dangerous to notify you with gestures, you can act at any time."


Ling Wuxi clenched his fists until he got into the car, he couldn't move.

Nan Qiyang thought, maybe Ling Wuyue wanted to confirm whether the murderer was a death contract?

Ling Wuyi didn't want to be sure, but just wanted the death contract to take her to the scene of the crime.

She wanted to go to the scene of the crime and see where the death contract killed Chen Xing and Luo Qing——

While in the car, Death Covenant had been chatting with Ling Wuwen, about the game, about what they were talking about on the Penguin.

Maybe Death Pact wanted her to let her guard down, that's why he told her this.

Ling Wuwen also cooperated very well, making the expression on Death Contract's face relax.

From time to time, he looked at Ling Wumi with a hint of greed, greedy for her body...

"Drink some water, didn't you say you like this drink the most? I bought it for you in the morning." Halfway through the car, Death Covenant brought a bottle of juice drink to Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuxi knew in her heart that there must be something in the juice drink, but she still pretended not to have any doubts and took it: "Thank you, I just happened to be thirsty."

"Don't drink!" Nan Qiyang's eager voice came from the invisible earphones in his ears.

Ling Wuxi unscrewed the bottle cap without even moving her eyebrows, and then took a long gulp under the eyes of the death contract.

"Well, it's delicious! It seems to be sweeter than usual." Ling Wuwen said to the death contract.

Over there, Nan Qiyang's heartbeat almost stopped when he heard Ling Wujin take a sip of his drink.

Looking at the black car that continued to drive towards Tianyong Community, Nan Qiyang wished he could catch the death contract right now!

"Yutong, are you okay?!" Nan Qiyang asked Ling Wuyue.

Ling Wuyi didn't respond, but just tugged at her collar: "Well, why do you feel a little bored? I'll open the window to get some air."

She pretended to be starting to feel unwell, then opened the window and exposed her hands.

When Nan Qiyang heard Ling Wuwen say that he felt a little bored, he wanted to ask the team members to prepare for action, but before he could speak, he saw Ling Wuwen's fist protruding from the car.

Ling Wu's fist made Nan Qiyang breathe a sigh of relief.

It's okay...it's okay...

"Don't worry, I won't act rashly." Nan Qiyang said to Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuxi withdrew her hand and went to rub her temples.

His brows were tightly furrowed, pretending to be extremely uncomfortable.

"Why do you feel dizzy? I'm so dizzy..."

"Did you feel dizzy because you didn't sleep well last night? Why don't you lie down and sleep for a while?" Death Covenant looked at Lingwu from the rearview mirror.

Ling Wuyi half-closed her eyes and glanced at the death contract.

Opening his mouth, he looked weak as if he wanted to speak but couldn't.

The next moment, she collapsed on the back seat, 'unconscious'.

Finally, the expression of the death contract was no longer hidden, and the corner of his mouth raised an evil arc——

The car drove directly into Tianyong Community and arrived at the underground parking lot.

Ling Wu, who was 'unconscious', finally knew why Chen Xing and Luo Qing were not caught by surveillance when they were brought into Tianyong Community.

Because they, like Ling Wu, were drugged.

Fortunately, Ling Wuwen had been on guard for a long time, so he bought 'various defenses' to eat before he set off, otherwise he really couldn't cooperate.

The car stopped, and Ling Wuyi heard the death contract get out of the car, and then seemed to take something out of the trunk.

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