Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1592 Snobbish Gold Medal Lawyer (24)

Nan Qiyang, who has worked in the serious crime team for many years, is no stranger to this color.

That's... Only people with extremely perverted hearts will have it.

He was a little worried, and reached out to help her shoulder.

Suddenly someone touched her, and Ling Wuyi almost punched Nan Qiyang backhanded.

When she turned her head and saw that it was Nan Qiyang, she woke up.

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Nan Qiyang looked at Ling Wuwen with concern.

Ling Wuxi closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths to adjust her state.

Almost, almost bewildered, really dangerous...

"I'm fine, but I'm a little irritated seeing these photos. There are too many photos, and I don't know how many victims there are!" Ling Wuwen said to Nan Qiyang in a normal tone.

Nan Qiyang turned to look at the photos and nodded: "Yes, we still need to let the forensics department come over and take all these photos back for investigation."

He felt strange in his heart why Ling Wuyue had such an expression.

Nan Qiyang didn't suspect Ling Wuwen, but was worried that this case would have an impact on her psychology.

Ling Wuxi didn't speak, but set her eyes on the death contract computer.

He guessed, would the death contract have a video when committing the crime?

Ling Wuwen walked over and turned on the death contract computer.

A password was set on the computer, but it was unlocked by Ling Wuxi within two minutes.

Just as Ling Wuyi guessed, there is really a video of the death contract!

Ling Wuwen counted, there are thirty videos!

In addition to these videos, there are all kinds of pornography.

Clicking on the videos of the victims one by one to watch, the more she watched, the more Ling Wuyi felt that her energy and blood began to surge up, straight to her brain.

But she tried her best to restrain herself, because she still remembered that Nan Qiyang was by her side, so she must restrain herself! restraint!

Ling Wuxi started watching the oldest video, which was five years ago.

The location is not here, but in a relatively simple house.

Then slowly, the background changed to the room where Ling Wuxi was staying now.

From Luo Qing to Chen Xing.

They cried out for help, pleaded, and were tortured cruelly.

In the end, I stared and stopped breathing, and left this world...

After watching these videos, Ling Wuwen was already in tears, and she forced herself to watch all the videos until the forensics department had to copy the videos away.

During the period, Nan Qiyang asked Ling Wuwen not to watch it, but Ling Wuwen refused.

She just wanted to watch it, so that she wouldn't let her mind stop thinking about it after watching it.

After reading it, she will know how perverted that pervert is! How many innocent lives were hurt!

Thirty lives...

"Why, none of the thirty lives were discovered?" Ling Wuwen asked Nan Qiyang.

"I will investigate carefully." Nan Qiyang also accompanied Ling Wuwen to finish watching the whole process, and he felt depressed, let alone Ling Wuwen.

He also wanted to know why a total of 30 people were killed, and it started five years ago... But it was not until Luo Qing and Chen Xing were they discovered that he committed the crime?


Ling Wuwen and Nan Qiyang returned to the police station, the death contract... oh no, it should be called Xie Xiaoxu, and they need to be interrogated carefully!

Nan Qiyang was interrogating in the interrogation room, while Ling Wuwen was watching from outside.

She was expressionless, her eyes locked on Xie Xiaoxu.

It seemed that he expected that he would be caught by the police sooner or later, so Xie Xiaoxu confessed to his crime.

He explained his own crime process, modus operandi, time and place of committing the crime.

But when Nan Qiyang asked him why he killed the first victim, he paused.

At the beginning, Xie Xiaoxu was unwilling to say anything, but unable to withstand Nan Qiyang's high-pressure torture, he could only confess honestly.

It turned out that Xie Xiaoxu was seriously injured eight years ago at work.

Although there is no lack of arms or legs, but... he is inhumane.

It's not completely inhumane, it just takes a long time to treat.

Six years ago, Xie Xiaoxu met a girl.

This girl was the first victim.

The girl is beautiful and has a lively and cheerful personality.

Except for that place, Xie Xiaoxu can't do it, other places are normal, and it doesn't affect work.

Although Xie Xiaoxu felt inferior for a long time because of that place, but when he saw that girl, he couldn't help but want to get closer.

That girl is not a woman from a good family. Seeing that Xie Xiaoxu is tall and big, I think it should be good in that respect.

So, the two hooked up.

When originally invited to do that, Xie Xiaoxu refused, after all, he was still in the treatment period.

The doctor said that as long as he is treated properly, he has hope of recovery.

But the girl was too alluring, and he couldn't stand the temptation.

Went to the hotel to open a room, took off his clothes after being lingering.

Seeing that guy from Xie Xiaoxu, the girl pushed him away in disgust, and ran to the bathroom to vomit.

"It's disgusting! Does your mother know that you are so disgusting?! With your appearance, you still want to... date...cannon. Can your thing be hard?!"

Xie Xiaoxu couldn't remember exactly what the girl said at that time.

But he remembered that he was so humiliated that his eyes turned red, and he reached out and grabbed the girl by the neck.

The girl couldn't breathe and passed out.

Xie Xiaoxu didn't give up. He looked around in the hotel room and found a hanger.

He knelt on the bed, covered the girl's mouth and nose with one hand, and frantically smashed her lower body with a corner of the hanger with the other.

In the end, the girl was smothered to death.

Looking at the girl who was no longer breathing, Xie Xiaoxu felt an unprecedented pleasure!

Panting, he called his mother.

Xie Xiaoxu's mother is that old lady.

Xie Xiaoxu and the old lady's explanations are very consistent. The old lady's surname is Xie. She divorced her husband when she was young and took Xie Xiaoxu alone.

Mrs. Xie has a rather special job: forensic medicine.

When she was young, Mrs. Xie was very busy with work and neglected to educate and accompany Xie Xiaoxu, which affected Xie Xiaoxu's psychology since childhood.

In addition to that accident, half of his life was cut off.

The girl's insults to him inspired the perverted factors that had been hidden in his heart for many years.

When Mrs. Xie heard that her son had killed someone, she hurried to the hotel.

She is a forensic doctor herself, and she knows how to perfectly erase the traces of the murderer.

So, the murderer was never found.

In other words, Xie Xiaoxu's first crime was not five years ago, but six years ago!

The total number of girls he killed was not thirty, but thirty-one!

After killing the first victim, a year passed smoothly.

A year later, Xie Xiaoxu suffered setbacks at work and was fired by his boss.

He hated the boss in his heart, and happened to see the boss's sixteen-year-old daughter while wandering in the street.

So, an idea was sketched in his mind——

He brutally killed the boss's sixteen-year-old daughter, who was also the first victim Ling Wuyi saw in the video.

With the first and second time, Xie Xiaoxu seemed to be addicted.

In addition, Mrs. Xie took care of him from beginning to end, so the police couldn't find him at all.

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