Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1595 Snobbish Gold Medal Lawyer (27)

Feng Lei nodded again and again, and said, "Yes, yes! My house is just across from them!"

"I always thought that that man just likes to watch pornographic movies, but I really didn't expect..."

After being a neighbor for a year, her mother even talked to Mrs. Xie, and she herself took an elevator with Xie Xiaoxu when she came home from get off work in the middle of the night...

Tsk tsk~ Just thinking about it makes my hair stand on end!

Ling Wuyi didn't expect that Feng Lei and Xie Xiaoxu were neighbors.

It turns out that sometimes, encounters are really not accidental.

The place where the body was thrown was close to the building where Feng Lei lived. It was because Mrs. Xie was unable to take the body too far to throw it away, so she simply threw it in the bushes downstairs.

Feng Lei was originally a carefree person, and for some reason, she had a good impression of Ling Wuwen.

Perhaps, it was the identity of the prosecutor of Ling Wuyi.

She thinks it's pretty sacred.

So Feng Lei would take the initiative to say hello to Ling Wumi every time she saw her.

That day, he would mention the perverted neighbors, watch pornographic movies, etc., but in fact, he just wanted to complain to Ling Wuxi...

When Ling Wuyi suddenly realized, Feng Lei suddenly yelled: "I remember!"

"What do you remember?" Ling Wu asked.

Feng Lei said, "It was that weekend, the weekend when the first girl was killed."

Ling Wuxi nodded, waiting for Feng Lei to say the following.

Feng Lei continued: "Didn't you ask me what I was doing that night? Didn't I say I was drinking and playing online games!"

"I was listening to music with earphones, and I suddenly heard a girl next door calling for help and moaning. I thought it was that pervert... I was watching pornographic movies again. I didn't expect..."

Feng Lei suddenly blamed herself, she lived next door, if she found out earlier, could she call the police in time, so that the murdered girl could be rescued?

She thought, how desperate must that girl be?

Thinking about it, Feng Lei couldn't help but her eyes turned red.

Seeing Feng Lei's self-blaming expression, Ling Wuyi raised her hand and patted her on the shoulder: "There is no need to blame yourself, after all, you don't know."

Feng Lei sighed, raised her hand and wiped her eyes: "This world is really scary, sometimes I don't know what I'm doing so hard..."

As if she had found an exit point, Feng Lei pulled Ling Wuyi and vomited out all her anguish.

Because Feng Lei's father was unwilling to demolish the house, he rushed to block the demolition during the forced demolition, but was accidentally injured by the demolition team and died.

Later, the government compensated them a sum of money.

Feng Lei's mother wanted to buy it in a better neighborhood, which would be good for Feng Lei in the future.

So they bought a house in Tianyong Community with the demolition money.

A good house is bought, but Feng Lei doesn't feel that her life has improved much.

The work of often working overtime made her feel like she was going to be out of breath!

"Then resign." Ling Wuwen said.

Feng Lei was stunned, and then said: "But I don't have a degree, if I resign..."

"Not everything is measured by academic qualifications. I am born with talents and must be useful. This sentence makes sense. Since this job is not happy, then go to a job that makes you happy!"

Ling Wuyi's words gave Feng Lei a feeling of enlightenment.

Her eyes, which were originally full of decadence, suddenly lit up!

That's right!

Since this job makes her unhappy, then she should change to a job that makes her happy!

Life is only a few decades, why doesn't she let herself be happier?

Feng Lei suddenly gave Ling Wuyi a big hug, and said, "Thank you! Prosecutor Lu! I suddenly understand the meaning of living in this world!"

Ling Wuxi was stunned, and before she could speak, Feng Lei let go of her and said, "Good night, Prosecutor Lu! I'm going home!"

Looking at the back of Feng Lei bouncing away, Ling Wuyi suddenly chuckled.

She didn't expect that she would become a bosom sister.

He took a deep breath and let out a long breath.

Looking up at the dark night sky, he raised his feet and headed home——

On Monday, Ling Wuwen didn't go to the procuratorate until almost noon.

The notice from the court came down quickly, and the court will start on Tuesday.

The public prosecution materials and the evidence presented in court have already been prepared, and now they are just waiting for the trial.

Today Ling Wuyi didn't see Nan Qiyang, and didn't even call or send him a text message.

The case has been investigated, and now the favorability has increased to as much as 80 points in a short period of time, it is time to maintain a proper sense of distance.

On Tuesday morning, Ling Wuwen took Hao Ren, and Hao Ren took the materials to the People's Court.

In court, Ling Wujin cited all kinds of evidence and charged Xie Xiaoxu with a very serious serial homicide, hoping to be sentenced to death.

And Mrs. Xie, as a former forensic doctor, knew the law and broke the law, sheltered and connived criminals, erased the traces of crimes and obstructed judicial investigations, hoping to be sentenced to death as well!

The criminal behavior of Xie Xiaoxu and Mrs. Xie was too bad. There were 31 victims, and they couldn't give an explanation to those family members unless they were sentenced to death.

Therefore, the result of the first trial by the judge and jury was to sentence Xie Xiaoxu and Mrs. Xie to death and deprive them of political rights for life.

After the court session ended, Ling Wuwen and Nan Qiyang came out of the courtroom together.

They agreed to have lunch together, so Ling Wuyi asked Hao Ren to attend the Procuratorate first.

The two were talking, but Ling Wu was stopped by the people behind.


Ling Wuyi turned her head and looked at the person who stopped her.

Raising his eyebrows, the faint smile on his face disappeared: "Lawyer Fang, long time no see."

It was Fang Haotian who was wearing a lawyer's robe who called to stop Ling Wutian.

It seemed that he had just come out of the court next door.

Behind Fang Haotian, followed by the heroine Chu Xinjia with the halo of the protagonist.

It was only then that Ling Wuyi remembered that this was the first time she had seen the hero and heroine since she came to this world!

Fang Haotian had a smile on his face, but Chu Xinjia didn't seem to want to see Ling Wuyi.

That's right, his sister was treated like that, and Lu Yutong also helped the mastermind get rid of the crime.

It would be strange if she still had a good face when she saw Ling Wuwen!

Fang Haotian said: "I heard that you are not a lawyer but a prosecutor. I didn't believe it at first. I didn't expect you to be a prosecutor!"

His tone, for some reason, was inexplicably joyful.

Ling Wuyi looked down at her prosecutor's uniform, and slightly pulled the corners of her mouth, but there was no smile on her face: "It's just a momentary brain twitch."

Fang Haotian was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "It's been a long time since we got together, when will we have dinner together?"

After Fang Haotian finished speaking, Ling Wuwen didn't respond yet, but Nan Qiyang and Chu Xinjia looked at him at the same time.

Chu Xinjia knew that Fang Haotian and Lu Yutong had an ex-relationship, and now she was secretly in love with Fang Haotian...

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