Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1599 Snobbish Gold Medal Lawyer (31)

Nan's father has been a little anxious recently. Seeing that his son will have his 36th birthday in two months, let alone a daughter-in-law, even a girlfriend has not been counted on yet!

Didn't I hear Dean Ji mentioned before that Nan Qiyang has a girl he likes.

Nan's father called many times, asking Nan Qiyang to take him home for a meal, let him meet and so on.

But Nan Qiyang is always perfunctory every time, and he just doesn't take his words to heart.

"Stinky boy! If you don't bring that girl back this weekend, I'll show you, don't you come back either!"

On Friday, Nan's father made a special call to Nan Qiyang and issued an ultimatum.

On the other end of the phone, Nan Qiyang was a little dumbfounded.

He also wanted to take Ling Wuwen home for dinner, but they...

"Dad, we are just friends." Nan Qiyang said helplessly.

It's just friends, and there's no holidays, how can you invite Ling Wu to your house for dinner?

"Friend?" He obviously heard from Lao Ji that his son would run to the procuratorate every few days.

He didn't believe what he said was just a friend!

"Can't friends bring them home for dinner? Anyway, that's the deal, if you don't bring them back for dinner on weekends, I will go to the procuratorate to see in person..."

Before Nan's father finished speaking, Nan Qiyang quickly agreed: "I will definitely take her back this weekend! Don't go to the procuratorate!"

If Nan's father really went to the procuratorate to look for Ling Wuwen, how embarrassed he would be!

After calling for a year, Nan Qiyang finally nodded and agreed to bring someone back to show him. Father Nan was very satisfied.

"You are the people's policeman, you mean what you say, don't bring someone back on weekends!"

"Okay Dad, I see, I'm a little busy here, so I'll hang up first."

"Okay, hang up."


After hanging up Nan's father's phone, Nan Qiyang hesitated for a while before calling Ling Wuyi.

When she received the call from Nan Qiyang, Ling Wuyi had just won a lawsuit and came out of the court.

Handing the document in his hand to Hao Ren who was next to him, he took out his phone and pressed the answer button: "Good morning!"

Hearing Ling Wuyi's smiling voice, the expression on Nan Qiyang's face softened a lot.

He really, really likes catkins.

Even just hearing her voice made him feel very satisfied, let alone meeting someone like Ling Wuxi.

Every day, every day, he wants to see Ling Wu!

This feeling is really amazing, something he has never experienced in his thirty years of life.

Ling Wuwen really has a magical power that makes him unconsciously focus on her.

When she was happy, he was happier than she was.

She was busy, so he couldn't help worrying about her physical capacity.

When she was tired, he couldn't help feeling sorry for her, wishing she wouldn't work.

In fact, it's not that he never thought about confessing his love to Ling Wuwen, but the more he cared, the more afraid he became.

Especially for someone like him who has no love experience at all.

He was very afraid, afraid that after confessing his love, he would not even be able to be friends.

So for a whole year, he endured it, cautiously, fearing that Ling Wuyi would know his intentions.

"Good morning, did you just come to court?" Nan Qiyang asked Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuyi hummed: "Yes, I was just about to call you, and you called me!"

Nan Qiyang had a smile on his face, feeling happy when he heard that Ling Wuji was about to call him.

He opened his mouth and said, "Congratulations!"

Ling Wuwen was going to call him, it must be because the lawsuit was won and the criminal got the punishment he deserved.

Because every time, as long as Ling Wuyi wins the lawsuit, he will call him.

He also went to Ling Wuwen's house for dinner yesterday, and Ling Wuwen said that he was a big apprentice in the lawsuit with her.

The apprentice brought out by Lu Yutong herself, of course she knows what kind of virtue it is.

The same uncompromising means, and there is quite a tendency that the green is better than the blue.

However, Ling Wuyi is very confident that she can win the lawsuit.

Ling Wuyi was still on the phone with Nan Qiyang, when Lu Yutong's big apprentice came out and called her: "Prosecutor Lu!"

Not Master, but Prosecutor Lu.

Ling Wuwen said to Nan Qiyang: "I'll call you later." Then she hung up the phone.

She turned her head and looked at Lu Yutong's big apprentice: "Lawyer Chen."

Chen Ming was very upset when he lost the lawsuit.

If Lu Yutong was a snobbish gold medal lawyer, then Chen Ming took her class, and he was even more snobbish and uncompromising than her.

After becoming independent, Chen Ming also won the lawsuits every time, but he didn't expect... to suffer from Ling Wuyi.

Chen Ming brought his beautiful apprentice and walked towards Ling Wu, his young face was full of arrogance.

He sneered and said to Ling Wuwen: "Prosecutor Lu's performance today is wonderful, I benefit from it!"

In the past, it was Lu Yutong who went to court, and he watched and learned from the side.

Today, however, they are standing on the opposite side, fighting with each other.

Ling Wuxi raised her eyebrows, but there was no smile on her face: "What have you benefited from? The Skynet is well-connected and not leaked? Or is the evil overwhelming the good?"

Before Chen Ming could answer, Ling Wuyi turned and left.

Looking at Ling Wuyi's back, Chen Ming gritted his teeth and decided that he must be the defendant's defense lawyer in all public prosecutions that Ling Wuyi took over from now on.

He didn't believe it, he couldn't win against Ling Wu!

This decision made Chen Ming lose wonderfully in every future lawsuit——

Ling Wuwen returned to the car, and while calling Nan Qiyang back, started the car to go to the procuratorate.

"Are you busy today? Have lunch together?" Ling Wuwen extended an invitation to Nan Qiyang.

Now the favorability degree is already ninety-five points, there is no need to keep a distance from Nan Qiyang to increase the favorability degree.

There is only one question now, did she take the initiative to confess? Or wait for Nan Qiyang to confess his love?

In fact, Ling Wuyue didn't quite understand why Nan Qiyang could bear not to confess his love even though his favorability was already so high? !

She was usually so obvious that she almost had the words 'I like Nan Qiyang' written on her face.

In the procuratorate, anyone with eyes could see her thoughts on Nan Qiyang, but Nan Qiyang himself was still worried that his confession would be rejected.

"Not busy." Nan Qiyang would not refuse Ling Wu's invitation unless he was really too busy.

Ling Wuxi looked at the time, and then said: "Okay, you can pick me up by car at half past eleven, I know a newly opened restaurant tastes good!"


Knowing that Ling Wuyi was driving, Nan Qiyang didn't chat with her for too long, and didn't mention Nan's father asking her to have dinner at home on weekends.

Nan Qiyang thought, it would be fine to mention it a little while eating, it would be better if it was the kind of 'slight mention' that Ling Wuyi didn't notice——

Ling Wuyi drove back to the procuratorate. As soon as she arrived at the door of her office and was about to enter, she was told by her colleagues: "The dean is looking for you and asked you to go to the office after you come back."

Nodding his head, he replied, "I see."

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