According to the agreement, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu stayed in this world for decades before leaving.

After leaving this world, Ling Wuwen made a rare trip back to the Plane Association.

When she opened the nutrition cabin and went out, Xia Lun didn't even know that she was still working on the system!

"When will it be ready?"

Ling Wu's sudden voice scared Xia Lun's glasses off.

Looking back, he looked at Ling Wuyi who was standing behind him in a sterile suit, and patted his chest: "Oh my God~ Xiao 55, you almost scared me to pee!"

Ling Wuyi grinned badly and said, "Then I should speak louder just now, to see if I can scare you to the pee~"

Xia Lun rolled his eyes: "It's a pity that I stayed up late to work on the system, and you still scare me~"

"Okay, you haven't answered my question yet!" What she needs to know is not whether she stayed up late or not.

"Oh~ it's almost there! It's 90% complete. Do you want to take a day off before going to the novel world? Maybe you take a day off and my system will be completed!" Xia Lun said.

Ling Wuyi took a look at the system made by Xia Lun, thought for a while, and nodded: "Well, I won't go to the world of novels for now."

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen went to the locker room, changed her clothes and came out.

She didn't leave the equipment room either, she was just beside Xia Lun, watching him work on the system.

I got a little bored watching it, so I went to the nutrition cabin to see Xi Ziqiu who was sleeping soundly.

It's two o'clock in the morning interstellar time, and the members of the Plane Association have already left work.

Ling Wuwen walked around every floor of the Plane Association and visited Xi Ziqiu's site!

The interstellar time is not directly proportional to the novel world, she asked Xia Lun.

Although she seems to have lived in the novel world for many, many, many years, in fact, it has only been more than two months since Xi Ziqiu's brain waves dispersed.

Looking outside from the floor-to-ceiling windows of Xi Ziqiu's office, what she saw was the same as when she had just become a real human being!

The starry sky is really beautiful...

Ling Wuwen felt that it was too beautiful, but Xia Lun curled her lips: "Every day is the same. The difference between this place and the novel world is that there is no dawn! The original sun star is now the mining star."

"You have time to chat with me, is the system ready?" Ling Wuyi raised her eyebrows and looked at Xia Lun.

"It's almost there~ Ninety-five percent of it has been completed!" Xia Lun buried her head and continued to work on the system——

At 8:30 in the morning, the members of the Plane Association started to go to work.

Sun Maike came to deliver breakfast to Xia Lun as usual, but saw Ling Wu.

She froze for a moment, then greeted her with a smile: "Miss Ling! You're back!"

Ling Wuwen also gave Sun Mike a smile and nodded: "Secretary Sun."

"Ouch~ I'm starving to death~" Xia Lun took off her eyes and went to Sun Miike to get the breakfast box.

"Little 55, you should go to the cafeteria to have breakfast first!"

"Yes, Ms. Ling will go to the cafeteria to have breakfast with me."

Ling Wuxi nodded, glanced at Xi Ziqiu's nutrition cabin, and left the equipment room——

There were many employees in the cafeteria having breakfast, and they didn't pay much attention to Ling Wu, they just greeted Sun Michael.

Ling Wuwen didn't mind, she just had breakfast and was going back to the equipment room.

She has to go back and wait. After Xia Lun finishes the system, she will go to the novel world to find Xi Ziqiu!

As soon as she entered the equipment room, Ling Wuyi saw a woman who made her a little afraid.

This woman was wearing a black dress, her long black hair was coiled up meticulously.

She is Xi Mu!

After traveling through so many worlds, what kind of mother-in-law Ling Wuyi has never met before, but this real mother-in-law gave her a slap in the face for the first meeting gift!

The first impression was so deep that it was difficult for Ling Wuyi to remember Mrs. Xi.

Seeing Ling Wuwen, Xi's mother was obviously not surprised. After all, the nutrition cabin next to Xi Ziqiu was empty, and she was not blind.

Xia Lun was very quiet, working on his system honestly, but his attention was still on Ling Wuyi and Xi Mu.

He was a little worried... Mother Xi would slap Ling Wuyi like last time.

Ling Wuxi paused for a moment, stepped in, and looked at Xi's mother: "Xi..."

Before she could call her all the titles, Xi's mother said coldly: "Since my son recognizes you, you are allowed to call me mother."

Ling Wuwen: "!!!"

Sharon: "!!!"

What is this inversion? !

Is this Sim the same Sim she first met? Are you sure it wasn't dropped?

Xi's mother snorted: "You are the first to let a system be the daughter-in-law of my Xi's family. Don't embarrass my Xi's family in the future!"

Ling Wuyi quickly reacted, and quickly responded: "Mother, don't worry, I won't embarrass the Xi family!"

Sim's mother's expression was still cold, but it seemed more like...she didn't know how to express herself with expressions.

After lowering her head and looking at her son again, Xi's mother walked past Ling Wuyi and left the equipment room.

After Xi's mother left, Ling Wuyi stared at the equally surprised Xia Lun with wide eyes: "Did she... take the wrong medicine?"

Xia Lun swallowed: "Should...not?"

"But why did she suddenly recognize me as a daughter-in-law again? What happened when I didn't come back?" Ling Wuwen asked Xia Lun.

Xia Lun thought about it carefully, and said, "Actually... Mrs. Xi comes to the equipment room every day to take a look, and I can also see some of the things you do in the novel world."

The corners of Ling Wuyi's mouth twitched, thinking that what she did in the novel world was seen by Xi's mother, she felt... a little chills down the back.

Xia Lun guessed: "Could it be that she figured it out because she saw your devotion to the president?"

Only this guess is more reasonable, otherwise what else could be the reason?

However, she had already been prepared to fight a tough battle after returning to the Plane Association, but now that the enemy suddenly expressed reconciliation, she was a little uncomfortable.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that she can understand Ximu again.

It's not that she is boasting, her love for Xi Ziqiu is absolutely unmatched.

Even if Xi's mother has no feelings for Xi Ziqiu, she still hopes that there is someone who will wholeheartedly treat her son.

And from the looks of it just now, it's not that Xi's mother has no feelings for Xi Ziqiu.

She just, can't express her feelings.

Hmm... People in reality are really weird.

I heard from Xia Lun that people in reality lack emotion because they live a long life and life is boring.

They are more like flesh and blood robots.

"Well, this is a very good result!" Ling Wuxi let out a long sigh of relief.

She felt that if she went to find Xi Ziqiu in the novel world next time, the worries she had always had about Xi's mother would be gone!

He patted Xia Lun on the shoulder and urged him: "Hurry up and make your system!"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you! The system is ready!" Xia Lun said with a smile.

Ling Wuwen asked him happily: "Then how much of Ziqiu's brainwaves are still missing?"

Xia Lun raised his hand, stretched his fingers and made a gesture of 'five'. He said, "Now there are still five worlds with the brainwaves of the president!"

There are five more worlds...

Ling Wuyue was suddenly a little excited, too excited!

"I'm going to the novel world now!"

After finishing speaking, she went to change back into the sterile suit, and then lay down in the nutrition cabin——

[From November 2015 to November 2016, yes, the countdown is on! 】

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