Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1608 The heroine's half-demon daughter (5)

Xie Heng shook his head and said, "It's rare to come out, so don't rush to leave."

Ling Wuwen was a little ashamed, it was rare to come out, didn't she just come out the day before yesterday?

Staying at this junction all the time, Tian Mi should think that they are going to sneak out of the human world again later.

Flying down from the tree, pinched Xie Hengyi's ears, and said to him: "It's been a long time since you've been out, it's time for you to go back and practice!"

Xie Heng wanted to say something else, but Ling Wuyi blocked him with one sentence: "Who said that he wanted to cultivate very well, and then he defeated Uncle Jiu and took me to play in the human world?"

"Okay, okay~ I'll go back now and devote myself to cultivation~ It's better not to come out in ten or eight years~" While speaking, Xie Heng walked back with the magic flower in his arms.

Ling Wuyi didn't reply to him, but just followed behind him.

After a while, Xie Hengyi suddenly turned his head and stared at Ling Wuwen: "I said I won't come out for ten or eight years!"

Ling Wuqian said lightly: "I heard it."

Seeing Ling Wuwen's 'indifferent' expression, Xie Heng moved his lips and was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Just when Ling Wuwen wanted to laugh, Xie Hengyi muttered aggrievedly: "Ten years and eight years are ten years and eight years, and I can't tell that he is playing puff. Hmph~"

This childish appearance is due to the fact that Ling Wujin knows that he is still underage, and he has been pampered all the time.

Otherwise, it would be really funny.

Ling Wuwen stepped forward and rubbed Xie Hengyi's hair into a mess with both hands.

Then he said with a smile, "Okay, if you really cultivate for ten or eight years, then I will visit you every now and then. Is that okay?"

Xie Hengyi didn't mind that Ling Wuyi messed up his hair, instead he looked at Ling Wuyi happily: "You said it! Don't count your words~"

Look~ How coaxing, just such a sentence, Xie Heng became happy.

This Xie Hengyi really doesn't look like a demon at all.

It's so simple, it really gives people a very deceptive feeling.

Tsk~ Sure enough, she was spoiled and grew up——

As soon as Xie Heng went back to practice, Ling Wuyi kept Xia Lun closely watching his situation.

The main reason is that Ling Wuwen is still worried that the medicine will take effect, and Xie Heng will not be able to control it for a while.

Although, the platform mall has already stated that there should be no accidents.

However, she still couldn't help worrying...

In the evening, Xia Lun told Ling Wuwen that the effect of the medicine had begun to take effect.

Ling Wuxi was a little nervous, and sat up from the bed, feeling completely drowsy.

On the other side, as soon as the medicine took effect, Xie Heng broke through the suppression in his body.

The soaring demonic and demonic energy directly startled Tian Mi and Xie Jinnian out of bed.

When they rushed to Xie Hengyi's bedroom, Xie Hengyi's whole body was red, and he seemed to have lost consciousness.

Between his eyebrows, there was a purple-red flame imprint, as if it was burning.

Even the hair turned red.

Xie Jinnian wanted to go over to help Xie Hengyi, but before he got close, he was blocked by a powerful force.

There is no way to get close!

Whether it's Xie Jinnian or Tian Mi, they can't get close!

Seeing her son's skin getting more and more red, Tian Mi was so anxious that she was about to cry.

After Xie Hengyi's skin became extremely red, it suddenly began to turn pale again, and then his hair turned white, and a furry fox tail grew behind him...

At this time, all the elders, including the former Demon Emperor, had already arrived.

Together with Xie Jinnian and Tian Mi, they wanted to suppress the demon power in Xie Heng's body again.

However, the monster power in Xie Hengyi's body was already so strong that they couldn't suppress it with their combined efforts, and almost caused him to suffer backlash!

Hearing what Xia Lun said, Ling Wuyi felt a little awkward.

"Why is this happening? Could it be that the potion is not working? What should I do? What if..."

If something happened to Xie Hengyi, how sad Tian Mi would be!

"Small 55 doesn't want prescriptions, just wait for a while, after all, it will take a process for the effect of the medicine to come." Xia Lun comforted Ling Wuwen.

Of course Ling Wuyi knew this truth, but she couldn't feel relieved after hearing what Xia Lun said so seriously.

Over there, Xie Jinnian and Tian Mi really had no choice but to stay by Xie Hengyi's side, hoping that he is safe and sound!

When it was almost dawn, Xie Heng's state of being red, white, demon, and demon finally began to slowly disappear, and his skin also turned into a normal color, but the purple-red flame imprint on the center of his eyebrows did not disappear.

Then they were surprised to find that the suppressed monster power was not only released, but also controlled by Xie Hengyi!

That is to say, in the future, no matter when, the monster power in Xie Heng's body will not become his fatal point!

This discovery made everyone very happy.

Tian Mi couldn't hold back and shed tears.

What a blessing! Fortunately!

Xie Jinnian hugged Tian Mi into his arms, patted her on the back lightly, his eyes were gentle and affectionate: "It's fine now, don't worry about my son."

Tian Mi nodded: "Yeah! Mmmmm!"

Hearing that Xia Lun said that Xie Hengyi was fine, Ling Wuyi also heaved a sigh of relief.

Really... Those 600 points were not in vain.

The current Xie Hengyi is very powerful, not to mention Uncle Jiu, Xie Jinnian is not his opponent either.

This exciting news was only found out after Xie Heng woke up after sleeping for three full days!

He was just about to go to PK with Uncle Jiu, but was arrested by Xie Jinnian and sent to retreat. The reason was - he still couldn't control his own power well!

Xie Hengyi was still very obedient, knowing that Xie Jinnian was doing it for his own good, so he didn't say anything.

But before going to retreat, Xie Hengyi went to find Ling Wuyi and told her: "When I come out of retreat, I will take you to the human world to play! I am very powerful now, and I will definitely win the nine battles." Uncle!"

Ling Wuxi nodded with a smile and said, "Well, I believe in you!"

Looking at the back of Xie Hengyi leaving happily, Ling Wuyi began to feel a little worried.

The favorability point is eighty-five points, which was there when she came.

In other words, she has been in this world for a few days, and her favorability has not increased at all.

What worries Ling Wu is not that she hasn't increased her favorability for a few days, but what is worried is that Xie Hengyi obviously only regards her as a family member and as a sister.

It is difficult to say that it is difficult to fill up the favorability, but it is really difficult!

In this world, Xi Ziqiu has no headaches, which means that there are more brain waves.

So it's actually not difficult to fill up your favorability.

As long as Xie Heng stopped treating her as a sister, the favorability would automatically increase.

But, what can we do to prevent Xie Heng from treating her as a sister? After all, it has been a hundred years.

While Ling Wuyi was still thinking about how to make Xie Hengyi stop treating her as a sister, Tian Mi asked the palace maid to come to her, saying that she had found her mother.

her mother? Isn't it the heroine!

Ling Wuwen was thinking, Tian Mi really helped her find the heroine, so should she go and meet her?

Hmm...seems like nothing.

It's just that I don't know if the heroine still recognizes her daughter?

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