Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1610 The heroine’s half-demon daughter (7)

Xie Heng stood up from the ground, looked down at Ling Wuyi, and said, "No! I haven't seen you in a hundred years, Su Zi, you are really much shorter!"

Ling Wuyi raised her hand to wipe the cold sweat on her forehead, and then rolled her eyes at Xie Hengyi: "It's not that I'm shorter, it's that you have grown taller, okay!!!"

Xie Heng blinked his eyes and said, "Huh? It seems so... I see that the father, the queen, the queen, the emperor, grandpa and uncle Ninth have all become shorter..."

Ling Wuyi: "..."

She was really speechless. She felt that Xie Hengyi's temperament just now was all just an act!

It’s been a hundred years and nothing has changed!

"Oh, forget about the height issue! Come on, Su Zi, I can take you to play in the human world now!"

"I have already told my father, the emperor, my mother, and the empress that I will take you to the human world as soon as you come out, and my father, the emperor, and your empress have also agreed! How about I keep my word?"

With that said, Xie Hengyi pulled Ling Wuyi towards the junction.

Ling Wuyi said nothing and just followed Xie Heng.

It has been decades since the plot ended.

If you go out now, Ling Wuyi doesn't know what will happen.

But according to Xia Lun, Jue Chenzi is a little Taoist priest again this time.

In Lingyun Temple on the outskirts of the capital, the Taoist name is also Juechenzi.

This is exactly the same as the life Tian Mi said that Lang Yuexi and Juechenzi first met!

Lang Yuexi is a demon and cannot enter the Taoist temple, so she can only stay in the capital.

As a daughter, Ling Wuyi felt that she should still go to Lang Yuexi.

Even if it is for the sake of Lang Suzi, who has always wanted to see her mother——

Because Xie Hengyi had already told Tian Mi and the others, Ling Wuyi and Xie Hengyi left without being stopped.

It’s been a hundred years since I came to this world! Ling Wuyi finally walked out of the demon world!

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside, Ling Wuyi felt a little uncomfortable.

But just because you’re not used to it doesn’t mean you’ve never seen blue skies and white clouds.

Xie Hengyi was different. He had never left the demon world.

He thought that the human world and the demon world were actually the same, except that the people in the human world were weaker.


"Why is the sky in the human world different from our demon world?! It's so strange..."

"What's so strange? Auntie Mi has already said it. In the human world, there are spring, summer, autumn and winter, sunrise and moonset, blue sky and white clouds, and cloudy and sunny periods! Come to think of it, this is the blue sky and white clouds..."

Ling Wuti didn't need to pretend, the smile on his face came from the bottom of his heart.

There are still blue skies and white clouds, which looks more comfortable!

They were still standing at the junction, and no one came here.

After waiting for so long, it finally came out. Xie Hengyi couldn't wait to pull Ling Wuyi away.

In order not to look special, Ling Wuyi and Xie Hengyi quietly took away a few relatively ordinary clothes from other people's clothing stores.

Suddenly, they become ordinary people.

Only the appearance has not changed much.

This also causes people to turn their heads and look frequently when they walk on the road.

At first, Xie Hengyi thought that there was something wrong with what he and Ling Wuyi were wearing, but later, after being stopped by a group of local ruffians, Xie Hengyi understood.

...It turns out it’s because they are so good-looking!

Looking at the dozen or so gangsters who were eager to try out and were verbally teasing him and Ling Wuyi, Xie Heng turned his head and smiled at Ling Wuyi and said, "Su Zi, how about I show you the performance?"

Ling Wuyi raised his eyebrows, took two steps back calmly, and said to Xie Hengyi: "Be gentle, don't kill anyone."

Xie Heng nodded and said, "Don't worry."

As soon as he finished speaking, he took action——

Xie Hengyi didn't use his demon power at all, but the onlookers could only see a shadow shaking a few times with their naked eyes, and the gangsters fell to the ground and howled.

Their faces turned into pig heads!

Ling Wuyi saw Xie Hengyi's actions clearly. He didn't do anything to those gangsters, he just slapped him.

Looking at the gangster lying on the ground, Xie Heng walked up to Ling Wuyi, took her hand, and left as if nothing had happened——

They swayed slowly all the way, visiting the human world full of novelty.

But soon, Xie Hengyi felt bored.

"Didn't you say that the human world is very interesting? But why do I think it is interesting before I practice?" Xie Hengyi squatted on a big tree and held his chin in his hands.

Ling Wuyi sat cross-legged under the tree, opened his eyes, and looked towards the mountains not far away.

There, there is a Taoist temple.

Lingyun Temple is a very famous Taoist temple.

There, there was a young Taoist named Jue Chenzi, who was only eighteen years old this year.

Well, that's right, that little Taoist priest Jue Chenzi is her father...

Oh no, it's Lang Suzi's father.

The reason why Ling Wuyi was waiting here was to wait for Lang Yuexi to come over.

Xia Lun said that Lang Yuexi opened a medical clinic in the capital and often came to this mountain to collect medicine.

Of course, the purpose of her collecting medicine was to meet Jue Chenzi by chance.

"Su Zi, what are we doing here? Aren't we going to find your mother?" Xie Heng lowered his head and looked at Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuyi shook his head, pointed at Lingyun Temple and asked Xie Hengyi: "Hengyi, tell me, can we enter that Lingyun Temple?"

Xie Heng jumped down from the tree and said, "You'll know if you can get in."

As he spoke, he really planned to go to Lingyun Temple.

Ling Wuyi pulled on his trouser leg: "Are you stupid? I'm just asking casually, do you want to go and never come back? Aunt Mi has already said that Lingyunguan is very powerful."

"I know~ When your father and your mother first met, your father was the little Taoist priest of Lingyunguan. But that was hundreds of years ago, and you can't see your father when you look at Lingyunguan now~"

Because another hundred years had passed, Tian Mi had not yet contacted Lang Yuexi when Ling Wuyi and Xie Heng came out of the human world.

Of course, I didn’t know that Jue Chenzi had become a little Taoist priest again in this life.

"Little 55, Lang Yuexi is here!" Xia Lun reminded Ling Wu.

Ling Wuyi responded, but before he could say anything, Xie Hengyi was instantly on guard.

He took Ling Wuyi's hand and said, "There is evil spirit here!"

Ling Wuyi tilted her head and looked at him, pretending not to know, and said with a smile: "Xie Hengyi, are you kidding me? I am a demon, so of course there is demonic energy here!"

Xie Heng choked and quickly explained: "What I mean is that besides you, there are other monsters here!"

Hearing what Xie Hengyi said, Ling Wuyi pretended to be surprised and turned around to look around.

Just at this time, a baby-faced girl wearing ordinary cloth and carrying a small bamboo basket came up.

The halo of the protagonist above her head is very dazzling.

Although Lang Yuexi's appearance was already in his memory, when he saw Lang Yuexi's petite and exquisite figure, the corners of Ling Wuyi's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

To call someone who looks like a minor "mother", she is a bit unable to say it...


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