Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1615 The heroine’s half-demon daughter (12)

In the middle of the night, Ling Wuyi hurriedly ran to wake up Tian Mi and Xie Jinnian.

Hearing that Xie Hengyi could no longer control the demonic power in his body, Tian Mi was startled and hurried to Ling Wuyi's dormitory with Xie Jinnian.

But when they saw Xie Hengyi, Tian Mi and Xie Jinnian felt strange again.

Although Xie Hengyi's demonic form kept changing, his aura was not chaotic.

That state looked similar to when Xie Hengyi couldn't control the demonic power in his body before, but it was definitely not the case!

Therefore, this is not some uncontrollable demon power at all...

After glancing at Ling Wuyi who was anxious next to him, Tian Mi and Xie Jinnian looked at each other.

The two of them have been together for hundreds of years, and they can tell what the other is thinking just by looking at each other.

After a brief eye contact, Tian Mi first had a smile in her eyes, and then walked to Xie Hengyi pretending to be worried.

"Hengyi, how are you?! Why can't you control the demon power in your body?"

As soon as Xie Heng knew about this trick of his, Tian Mi and Xie Jinnian would definitely know about it.

But judging from Tian Mi's appearance, she will cooperate with him.

Xie Heng knew immediately that Tian Mi would definitely help him.

Ling Wuyi who was next to her was very anxious. She looked at Tian Mi and said, "Aunt Mi, you and Uncle Nian can help Heng quickly!"

Tian Mi nodded and said, "Su Zi, you go out first, and your Uncle Nian and I will be inside."

After hearing what Tian Mi said, of course Ling Wuyi followed it obediently.

She glanced worriedly at Xie Hengyi, who was still lying on the bed with a painful expression on his face, and turned around and walked out of the room.

After Ling Wuyi went out, Tian Mi patted Xie Hengyi on the shoulder and said, "Okay, stop pretending, get up quickly!"

Xie Heng paused, returned to his original appearance, sat up from the bed, and smiled at Tian Mi: "Thank you, Queen~"

Looking at Xie Hengyi with a playful smile, Tian Mi shook her head helplessly and fondly: "Why did you come to Suzi's room to pretend to be sick at such a late night? Look, Suzi was so scared! The queen mother was also shocked! "

Xie Heng stretched out his hand to hug Tian Mi, but Xie Jinnian grabbed him by the collar: "My wife, why are you hugging me?"

As soon as Xie Heng put down his hands, he looked up and rolled his eyes at Xie Jinnian: "Then she's still my mother! I can't even hug my own mother..."

Xie Jinnian [indifferent face]: "No!"

Tian Mi: "..."

Xie Hengyi: "..."

"If you don't hug me, don't hug me~" Xie Heng shrugged indifferently.

Xie Jinnian then let go of his hand, walked to Tian Mi, and hugged her.

Tian Mi rolled her eyes at Xie Jinnian, and then looked at her son: "Tell me, what's going on?"

After hearing Tian Mi ask him, Xie Heng told Tian Mi exactly why he came to Ling Wu Ti's room and why he pretended to be sick to scare Ling Wu Ti.

After listening, Tian Mi couldn't help but laugh.

He raised his hand and patted Xie Hengyi on the head, and said, "You have a lot of clever ideas! If Su Zi realizes that you are lying to her, do you think she will agree to marry you?"

"I'm worried about this too~ So I have to rely on you, Queen Mother, to help me~"

Tian Mi didn't say anything, just looked at Xie Hengyi.

Xie Heng pursed his lips and said, "I really want to marry Su Zi!"

"Son, tell your mother, do you really like Su Zi? Or is it just because you don't want to marry another woman?" Tian Mi asked Xie Hengyi.

Xie Heng paused and thought about this issue seriously.

At the beginning, he really wanted to marry Ling Wudi because he didn't want to marry another woman.

Because when he thinks about marrying other women in the future, he will eat, live and sleep with other women.

He could barely accept living and eating together, and he could treat her like a palace maid.

Sleeping together... is absolutely unacceptable!

Then Xie Heng thought that if the other party was Ling Wuyi, he might not be able to accept it.

That's why he decided that if he must marry a wife, he would marry Ling Wudi!

But later...that is, tonight, when Tian Mi asked him just now.

He suddenly thought that the reason why he was only willing to marry Ling Wudi might not be just because he didn't want to marry someone else.

But because... he wants to marry Ling Wuyi!

"I want to marry Su Zi because it's her." Xie Heng said to Tian Mi.

Xie Hengyi spoke in a very serious tone, making Tian Mi believe that he really wanted to marry Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuyi, who had been waiting outside the room and was restless, suddenly felt that his favorability level had increased to ninety-three points.

After a pause, she turned around and looked at the closed door.

Inside, there didn't seem to be much movement.

Ling Wuyi was not stupid. Once he calmed down and recalled things, he knew something was wrong.

I was angry and funny at the same time, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s okay if it’s not true!

Since Xie Hengyi wanted to lie to her, let him succeed for the time being.

The favorability level is now ninety-three, wait until...

In the room, Tian Mi nodded and said to Xie Hengyi: "Okay, the queen knows, and the queen will help you."

Hearing what Tian Mi said, Xie Heng immediately laughed.

He rushed over and wanted to give Tian Mi a big hug, but he turned around and hugged Xie Jinnian.

Xie Jinnian's body stiffened instantly, but he did not push Xie Hengyi away: "Your mother said she wants to help you, but you still have to rely on yourself."

As soon as Xie Heng let go of Xie Jinnian, he raised his chin proudly: "Of course I know!"

"Su Zi has agreed to marry me. All I need from now on is that your father and mother don't expose me. That's all!"

He thought that he would definitely succeed in abducting Ling Wu Ti to marry him, but he didn't know that after successfully tricking Ling Wu Ti, he would be tricked by Ling Wu Ti again——

Tian Mi and Xie Jinnian came out of Ling Wu Ti's room. Ling Wu Ti hurriedly greeted her and asked, "Aunt Mi, Uncle Nian, how is Heng Yi?"

"It's okay. It's just that Hengyi is still in a coma and needs care." This sentence was said by Xie Jinnian.

Tian Mi spoke next: "Su Zi, can you take care of Heng Yi?"

Ling Wuyi: "..."

Can she say no?

While I was speechless and amused in my heart, I nodded repeatedly on my face: "I can do it! Don't worry, Aunt Mi and Uncle Nian, I will definitely take good care of Heng Yi!"

Tian Mi nodded, smiled and said, "Well, we can rest assured that you are here, Su Zi."

After saying that, Tian Mi left with Xie Jinnian.

After Tian Mi and Xie Jinnian left, Ling Wuyi went back to the room.

Xie Hengyi was pretending to be unconscious and lying on the bed as if he was asleep.

Ling Wuyi walked over, touched his face, and tucked him in.

After sitting next to the bed for a long time, she lay down next to Xie Hengyi and slept with her eyes closed.

When he felt Ling Wuyi lying next to him, Xie Heng suddenly became nervous and his heart beat rapidly.

Of course, Ling Wuyi also noticed the emotions coming from Xie Hengyi, but she pretended not to know and put her arms around his waist to fall asleep.

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