Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1624 The heroine’s half-demon daughter (21)

Xie Heng nodded: "Yes, why?"

"Because I want to give Prime Minister Yang a gift!"

Xie Hengyi didn't know much about scheming and tactics. Xie Jinnian and Tian Mi never taught him.

In fact, in Ling Wuyi's opinion, Xie Hengyi's character is not suitable for becoming the Demon Emperor.

Who told them? In fact, they didn't really want Xie Heng to become a cold-blooded ruler quickly.

Xie Hengyi, who is simple and occasionally clever and cunning, is really cute!

This is pretty good, Ling Wuyi thinks.

"Okay, these days, you have to play the role of Young Master Yang well, you know?" Ling Wuyi said to Xie Hengyi.

Xie Heng paused and said a little aggrievedly: "Actually, I really dislike Fourth Young Master Yang looking like this~ It's really ugly!"

Originally, in order to cooperate with Ling Wuyi, he had turned himself into a more ordinary appearance, which was enough for him to dislike.

Now...here comes an uglier one.

Ling Wuyi smiled and said, "Then you become Sun Manru and I become Fourth Young Master Yang. Is that okay?"

Xie Heng looked at Ling Wuyi's face that looked exactly like Sun Manru's and hesitated.

He is a manly man! Want to become a woman?

But women...

Xie Heng flattened his lips and said, "Forget it, I'd better be Fourth Young Master Yang."

Ling Wuyi suppressed laughter and patted Xie Hengyi on the head.

Although she was wearing Fourth Young Master Yang's skin, she still found Xie Heng to be cute.

"But Su Zi, we don't know anyone in the Prime Minister's Palace, will it be exposed?" Xie Hengyi said with some worry.

"So, I'm going to teach you now how to be a violent fool!"

Xie Hengyi is a good student. He can learn it immediately and doesn't need to bother at all.

At night, Xie Heng shouted at the courtyard door that he was hungry, and a servant immediately came to bring him food.

When they brought the meal in, they saw the bride huddled on the ground covered in injuries and her breath was very weak.

Not daring to look any further, I quickly put down my food and went out.

After the servants left, Ling Wuyi got up from the ground.

The 'wounds' on the body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the clothes became better.

Ling Wuyi walked to the dining table and sat down. Looking at the table full of delicious food, she couldn't help but click her tongue.

"As expected of the Prime Minister, worthy of being the celebrity beside the emperor~"

Xie Hengyi gave Ling Wudi a piece of fish meat without bones and asked her: "Actually, Su Zi, what exactly is a celebrity? Prime Minister Yang's skin doesn't seem to be red either, it's the same as that of ordinary people!"

Ling Wuyi: "..."

After a pause, Ling Wuyi explained to Xie Hengyi the meaning of the red man in detail.

Xie Hengyi suddenly realized: "So that's it! Is Uncle Ninth my father's favorite?!"

Ling Wuyi nodded: "You can also say that."

"Oh... Su Zi, you know so much! Did you read it all from those books?"

Lang Suzi likes to read books, especially books about the human world, and can read all kinds of books.

Because she knew that Lang Suzi liked to watch, Tian Mi asked people to bring her a lot from the human world.

Ling Wuyi nodded: "Yes, I saw it in the book."

"When I get back, I'll read those books too. So as not to..." So as not to look like a fool and ask Ling Wuyi everything.

Although she doesn’t feel ashamed, he is her fiancé after all!

Hmm~ Those who are not married yet should be said to be unmarried couples, right?

Speaking of getting married, Xie Heng looked at Ling Wudi who was eating. After much hesitation, he finally spoke: "Um... Su Zi..."

"Huh?" Ling Wuyi responded casually.

Xie Heng stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, looking a little nervous.

"Before you came out of the devil world...our wedding was already prepared..."

At this point, Xie Heng paused when he saw Ling Wuyi eating.

After taking a deep breath, she asked him what he wanted to ask: "When will we go back to arrange the wedding?"

After asking, Xie Heng felt that the surrounding area suddenly became quiet.

Even the chirping of insects and birds outside invariably stopped.

"Gudong" Xie Heng swallowed, and cold sweat started to form on his forehead.

He is nervous! Scared!

I was nervous whether Ling Wu Ti would agree or not, and I was afraid that Ling Wu Ti would be angry.

After waiting for a long time, Ling Wuyi replied to him: "The wedding does not count, because you lied to me! Therefore, no more marriage matters are allowed!"

Xie Heng pursed his lips and silently recited two words in his heart: Sure enough!

Sure enough, although I had forgiven him, I still didn't calm down.

Xie Heng sighed and nodded in frustration: "Well, I won't mention it anymore..." That's weird!

Now, I have never been so determined to make Ling Wuyi his wife!

But he has also learned to be smart. He can't go against the grain, he can only go along with it.

He just needs to be obedient and cooperate well.

Keeping guard on Ling Wuyi will always make her completely calm down and agree to marry him.

Xie Hengyi remembered that Tian Mi told him before he came out to find Ling Wu Ti that Ling Wu Ti was actually willing to marry him, but she was angry because she knew she had been cheated.

As long as he doesn't give up, he will be able to embrace the beauty one day!

Xie Heng was mentally prepared to fight a protracted war——

After dinner, Xie Heng cooperated with Ling Wuyi at first.

His mouth made the sound of a whip hitting his flesh, and Ling Wudi moaned in pain several times. The sound made people think that he would not live long.

It was late at night before the two stopped.

At this time, everyone in the Prime Minister's Mansion was already asleep.

As soon as Ling Wuyi and Xie Heng couldn't sleep, they went out invisibly and wandered around the Prime Minister's Mansion.

They went to the courtyard where Prime Minister Yang lived and saw... things they shouldn't have seen.

There were two people lying on Prime Minister Yang's bed.

A middle-aged man, and a man with no clothes on and bruises all over his body.

The man was lying on the bed, his head twisted in an abnormal arc, his eyes widened, his pupils dilated and lifeless.

There were some torture tools on the floor and on the bed.

Ling Wuyi couldn't help but frown and looked at the middle-aged man who was sleeping soundly on the bed.

This middle-aged man is Prime Minister Yang.

It turns out that violent tendencies are hereditary.

No wonder……

In Ling Wuyi's opinion, Prime Minister Yang, who is not a fool, is several times more hateful than Fourth Young Master Yang!

Ling Wuyi never thought about sex or orientation.

Why abuse? !

The man who was tortured to death is a bit far-fetched to call him a man, because he was too young.

Maybe, only fourteen or fifteen years old, still a child...

"Su Zi..." When Xie Heng saw that Ling Wuyi's expression was wrong, he quickly called her.

Ling Wuyi came back to his senses and shook his head at Xie Heng: "I'm fine, let's go."

After saying that, Ling Wuyi left first.

Seeing Ling Wuyi leaving, of course Xie Hengyi followed quickly——

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