Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1627 The heroine’s half-demon daughter (twenty-four)

Ling Wuyi crossed his arms and answered the question of the wise king: "There are a lot of things in here! There are accounts of Prime Minister Yang's corruption over the years, as well as secret letters between him and other ministers and the royal family's children, and... the court The private information of the ministers and the royal family’s children.”

The wise king's eyes widened in surprise and he quickly opened the lid of the box.

He was overjoyed when he saw what was inside.

Here, there is direct evidence that allows him to pull Prime Minister Yang off the 'altar'!

Ling Wuyi remembered something and added: "Oh, by the way, there is a dragon robe and jade seal below, which also belong to Prime Minister Yang."

It was the second night after Prime Minister Yang discovered that someone was visiting his study. Ling Wuyi took Xie Hengyi to his study again.

I didn't think anything of it at first, but who knew that the dragon robe and jade seal had not been replaced by Prime Minister Yang!

Ling Wuyi saw it and... walked away.

Thinking that after dawn that day, the entire Prime Minister's Mansion heard Prime Minister Yang's roar, Ling Wuyi felt happy!

Although the wise king knew that Prime Minister Yang was ambitious, he didn't know that he had even made the dragon robe and jade seal!

King Xian held the wooden box in his arms and looked at Ling Wuyi with great gratitude: "Thank you... Miss and Young Master."

Originally he wanted to call her by name, but he found that he didn't know Ling Wuyi's name.

Ling Wuyi chuckled: "No thanks, I just can't stand Prime Minister Yang."

After saying this, Ling Wuyi seemed to have no intention of talking to the King Xian anymore.

At this time, Lang Yuexi said: "Now that everything has been explained clearly, let's leave first."

The wise king wanted to keep Lang Yuexi around, but he didn't know how to speak, so he could only nod his head: "Then I'll give it to you."

Lang Yuexi shook her head: "No need."

After saying that, Lang Yuexi left with Ling Wuyi and Xie Hengyi.

Looking at the direction in which Lang Yuexi and the others were leaving, the Xian Wang paused.

He clearly knew that the distance between him and Lang Yuexi was not the difference between human and demon.

But in Lang Yuexi's heart, she simply regarded him as a friend.

Sometimes, he even felt that... Lang Yuexi looked at him like an elder looking at a junior.

It’s not like the elders look at the younger ones!

In Juechenzi's previous life, he was a descendant of the royal family.

However, due to various reasons, his life was relatively short, and he died before he could be with Lang Yuexi.

Lang Yuexi would change her appearance and name every few decades. At that time, she also met the royal family's children because of Jue Chenzi.

King Xian's mother-in-law was a friend of Lang Yuexi's.

In Lang Yuexi's view, she was a kind and gentle woman, but her life was miserable.

Therefore, towards the wise king, Lang Yuexi regards him as her junior——

Lang Yuexi took Ling Wuyi and Xie Hengyi to where she lived.

A small but cozy house.

As soon as he arrived, Ling Wuyi sat down on the chair and looked at Lang Yuexi: "Okay, please explain."

Lang Yuexi nodded and said, "Originally, I wanted to recognize you that day, but... that little Taoist priest who saved me, Su Zi, do you still remember?"

Ling Wuyi nodded: "I remember, what's wrong?"

"He is the little Taoist priest of Lingyung Temple. I believe your aunt has also mentioned it to you. When your father and I first met, he was the little Taoist priest of Lingyung Temple. His Taoist name was Juechenzi."

Ling Wuyi didn't speak. Although he already knew what Lang Yuexi wanted to say, he still waited for her to speak slowly.

Lang Yuexi pursed her lips and continued: "And this little Taoist priest, his Taoist name is also Juechenzi... He is your father!"

Ling Wuyi still showed surprise at the right time, and even stood up from the chair in surprise: "You mean... the little Taoist priest I saw that day is the reincarnation of my father?!"

Lang Yuexi nodded and said, "Because he and I have not yet...so, I dare not let him know that I have a child, even if the child belongs to him and me."

"Then if Juechen...if my father was not here at that time, would you recognize me?" Ling Wuyi asked.

"Of course I will recognize you!" Lang Yuexi replied without thinking.

The tense expression on Ling Wuyi's face finally relaxed: "Okay, I forgive you."

Facing Lang Yuexi's baby face, she wants to play the daughter, which is really... that's too much!

Lang Yuexi was very enthusiastic. She greeted Ling Wu and asked them where they had been staying these past few days.

In fact, after meeting Ling Wuyi that day, Lang Yuexi was looking for her everywhere.

But she didn't expect that Ling Wuyi would live in Prime Minister Yang's house!

"So, Fourth Young Master Yang is dead?" Lang Yuexi, who had lived in the capital for a long time, still knew about Fourth Young Master Yang who had violent tendencies.

"Yes, he was beaten to death by me." Ling Wuyi's tone was very calm.

Lang Yuexi was stunned for a moment, feeling a little shocked.

She suddenly felt that her daughter was very strange...

Not unfamiliar! He was still a child when he was sent away, but he had grown up when we saw him again.

As a mother, she had no involvement in her daughter's growth.

Lang Yuexi's heart was full of mixed emotions.

Ling Wuyi also noticed the change in Lang Yuexi's mood. He paused and said, "Although we have recognized each other now, we still live our own lives. You have your life, and I have mine."

"So, you should keep a close watch on my father. And I will go back to the devil world with Heng after I have had enough fun."

Lang Yuexi looked at Ling Wuyi for a while, then nodded.

She wants to see Juechenzi often, and if Ling Wuyi is allowed to be with her, she will inevitably see Juechenzi.

She can't let Juechenzi know about her past life yet, and of course she can't let Juechenzi know that Lang Suzi is their daughter.

However, she couldn't let Ling Wuyi stop calling her mother.

Therefore, it is better to do as Ling Wuyi said.

Lang Yuexi turned her head and looked at Xie Hengyi, who was always silent.

She has lived for so many years and has been seen by many people.

As soon as she saw Xie Hengyi, she knew that he cared about her daughter.

It's okay, after all, he is Tian Mi's son, and she believes that his character is good.

"Well, if you have anything, come to Lang's Medical Center to find me. I run that medical center." Lang Yuexi said to Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuyi nodded and did not refuse.

However, she was also sure that she would not go to Lang Yuexi.

Playing role-playing games in the capital for a few days was enough. As for Sun Manru and Gao Hongyu, they should have gone far away.

Ling Wuyi naturally took Xie Hengyi's hand and said to Lang Yuexi: "It's almost dawn, let's go back to the Prime Minister's Mansion first. ...Mother, please take care of yourself."

"Aunt Lang, take care of yourself." Xie Heng wanted to call him mother, but he was afraid that Ling Wuyi would glare at him, so it was safer to call him aunt.

After bidding farewell to Lang Yuexi, Ling Wuyi and Xie Heng returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The two of them were lying on the bed, but they were not sleepy.

Seeing that it was about an hour before dawn, Ling Wuyi sat up from the bed and said to Xie Hengyi: "Hengyi, go and put Fourth Young Master Yang's body on Prime Minister Yang's bed and sleep with him. "

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