Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1634 The CEO's Ex-Girlfriend (4)

"Okay." Ling Wuyi responded, and took the clothes and shoes to the bathroom of the ward to change.

The clothes fit perfectly, even the shoes.

Obviously in memory, Gu Qingna and Tang Yijing were not familiar with each other, why did Tang Yijing know her size?

This made Ling Wuyi feel a little strange.

Could it be... just because Tang Yijing's eyes are sharper?

Well, this is the only possibility.

Ling Wuxi didn't think much, washed up and looked at her face.

I looked in the mirror and saw nothing wrong, then I opened the bathroom door and walked out.

"Thank you uncle for being so thoughtful, the clothes and shoes are very suitable." Ling Wuwen said to Tang Yijing with a smile.

The smile on Tang Yijing's face didn't change, she just nodded and hummed, as if she was sure that the clothes and shoes were suitable for Ling Wu.

Ling Wuyi originally wanted to ask Tang Yijing how she knew her figure and shoe size, but Tang Yijing said to her, "Let's go, I'll be discharged from the hospital at this time, and I can go to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables and cook at home."

Ling Wuwen: "?!?!?!"

What does this mean? !

Tang Yijing didn't speak any more, just walked out of the ward.

Ling Wuyi came to her senses and quickly followed him.

Because she was in such a hurry, she even forgot to take her mobile phone——

Until getting into Tang Yijing's car, Ling Wuyue didn't quite understand what Tang Yijing said just now.

Of course she knew what Tang Yijing said, but when it came out of Tang Yijing's mouth, she didn't understand.

What Tang Yijing said meant that she went shopping with him and then went home to cook?

Or after he sent her home, he went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and then went back to his own home to cook?

Ling Wuyi tilted her head, looking at Tang Yijing who was driving seriously in the driver's seat.

It is impossible to make mistakes in the induction of favorability, so it is true that Tang Yijing only has thirty favorability points for her.

It was originally twenty o'clock, but after seeing her, ten o'clock was added.

With just 30 favorability points, Tang Yijing shouldn't have a good impression of her.

In my memory, there is really no unusual relationship between Gu Qingna and Tang Yijing.

So the meaning of what Tang Yijing said just now should be to say that after sending her home, she will go shopping for vegetables and go back to her own home.

Well, that should be the case!

But what is very strange is that this time Ling Wujin received not only half of the plot, but also only half of the memory.

In other words, she doesn't know how or when Gu Qingna died!

So... Could it be that Gu Qingna had something to do with Tang Yijing when Ling Wuwen didn't know about it?

After this idea flashed out of his mind, it was quickly suppressed by Ling Wu.


If Tang Yijing really has some unusual relationship with Gu Qingna, for example ***pao**friend***, then it's impossible for her favorability to be as low as 20 points!

Really couldn't figure it out, Ling Wuyi simply gave up thinking about it.

The car gradually moved away from the hospital, driving steadily on the road.

Ling Wuwen was thinking again, does Tang Yijing know her address? It seems that I didn't ask her!

Then she, do you want to tell him?

Ling Wuyi once again cast her eyes on Tang Yijing's side face, that face is really handsome!

Because of his age, at thirty-six years old, he has all the mature experience a man should have.

Now, a man like Tang Yijing is actually more attractive and attractive than Tang Zhehan.

But Tang Yijing is very self-conscious, and even the secretary around her is a man.

Also because he is too clean, he is suspected of being gay!

Even... There are homosexuals who go to him to confess, saying that it's okay to attack or suffer.

Thinking of this, Ling Wuyi suddenly couldn't help laughing.

Hearing Ling Wu's laughter, Tang Yijing turned her head and glanced at her: "What? Is there something dirty on my face?"

Ling Wuxi shook her head, the smile on her face still not fading: "I just suddenly remembered that some time ago I heard that a man confessed to you, uncle, and he can attack or suffer."

Tang Yijing paused, the corners of her mouth deepened.

The car continued to drive, but Tang Yijing didn't speak.

Ling Wuqin flattened her mouth, and also closed her mouth.

The car stops at the vegetable market.

Ling Wuxi widened her eyes in surprise, didn't she take her home? !

Before she could ask her question, Tang Yijing had already unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car, and then walked around to the co-pilot's door to open her door.

Seeing that Ling Wuyi was still in a daze, he leaned over and helped her unbuckle her seat belt himself.

"Get out of the car, didn't you agree to buy food together?"

Ling Wuwen blinked and looked at Tang Yijing who was smiling.

Why does she feel that something...in her imagination, has gone off the rails?

After a pause, Ling Wuwen still walked out.

Tang Yijing hugged her waist naturally, and took her into the vegetable market to buy vegetables regardless of her surprise.

During the whole process of grocery shopping, Ling Wuwen was in a daze.

Tang Yijing was skillfully selecting dishes, and from time to time she would say something similar to: "Don't you like this kind of dish? Can I prepare it for you today?" Such words.

Really... something is wrong!

He spoke in a tone as if he was talking to his wife.

That kind of feeling... Ling Wuyi couldn't help waking Xia Lun from her sleep, and asked him to go back to the Plane Association to check if her favorability sensor was broken.

Xia Lun was taken aback by Ling Wuwen. Although he checked all the systems before leaving get off work, he rushed back to the Plane Association without stopping.

Check it out, there is no problem with the favorability induction!

Then it's strange, why did Tang Yijing treat her like this?

"Xiao Lunlun, are you sure you didn't make a mistake in the inspection?" Ling Wuwen still couldn't help asking Xia Lun to confirm.

"It's definitely not wrong, little 55~ I'll just say it! I checked it before I got off work, and I just restarted it for you, and I didn't find any problems!"

Ling Wuwen frowned slightly, looking at Tang Yijing who was still choosing dishes.

"Forget it, since there is no problem with the feeling of favorability, let's see what Tang Yijing is playing! Xiao Lunlun, go back to sleep." Ling Wuxi said.

Xia Lun snorted and looked at the time. If he went back now, he could still sleep for four hours.

Four hours of sleep is not bad.

"That little 55, I'm dead!"



After hanging up contact with Xia Lun, Ling Wuwen also stabilized.

Although Tang Yijing's behavior was strange, one thing made sense.

He is reborn, he has all the memories of Tang Yijing before.

But she only had half of Gu Qingna's memory.

Then, can it be considered that behind... Tang Yijing was actually with Gu Qingna?

Otherwise, why would he behave like this?

Thinking about it this way, it really makes sense.

But according to Ling Wuyi's analysis, Tang Yijing should have been 'reborn' half a year ago.

Then why Tang Yijing didn't do anything to Gu Qingna for half a year, but she behaved so abnormally today.

This is really unreasonable...

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