Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1637 The CEO's Ex-Girlfriend (7)

However, he has already made an appointment with Ling Wu, and they want to have lunch together at noon.

Since Ling Wuyue said she would wait for him, she would definitely wait for him!

But why was Ling Wuwen picked up by Tang Yijing?

Tang Zhehan really never thought that it would be Ling Wuyi who asked to be discharged from the hospital, so he had a guess that Tang Yijing forcibly helped Ling Wuwen go through the discharge procedures, and then forcibly took her away.

Because the relationship between the Tang Corporation and the Jingsheng Group has been very tense recently, Tang Zhehan has never had a good impression of his illegitimate uncle, who is only nine years older than himself.

So Tang Zhehan was full of malicious speculations about Tang Yijing.

Over there, Tang Yijing was not surprised that Tang Zhehan knew that he had taken Ling Wuwen away.

Originally, he took Ling Wu away openly and aboveboard, and he didn't do anything shady.

"Well, she's here with me now, what's the matter?" The tone seemed as if Ling Wuyi should be with him for granted.

While talking, Tang Yijing glanced at Ling Wuyue, the hand holding the spatula was still stirring the vegetables.

Over there Tang Zhehan frowned even tighter: "Why did you pick up Qing Na? What qualifications do you have to pick up..." Her!

Tang Zhehan's tone was very bad, even harsh.

When Tang Yijing was upset, the raised corners of his mouth would pull down, and then he interrupted Tang Zhehan: "I think, soon I will be more qualified than you."

"What do you mean?" Tang Zhehan didn't understand, but he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Tang Yijing just laughed, and said, "You will know soon."

After finishing speaking, Tang Yijing hung up the phone and handed the phone to Ling Wuxi.

Ling Wuyi took it, turned around, and was about to leave the kitchen.

"How about announcing our wedding date tonight?" Tang Yijing said behind Ling Wuyue.

Ling Wuyi turned to look at him in surprise: "Tonight?!"

Tang Yijing nodded, and said yes: "The wedding date is set on the ninth of next month, is that okay?"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

The 9th of next month, that is to say, less than a month before the wedding day.

In other words, Tang Yijing had already made the decision long before today.

He knew that she would definitely agree, so he had done everything, and only needed to inform her.

It's...quick enough!

But, why not add more favorability? It's only fifty o'clock!

[The 50-point favorability mentioned above is actually an accidental omission, and it has risen to 50 points. Mei Kai has been corrected! 】

Seeing that Ling Wu was silent, Tang Yijing smiled and asked her, "What's the matter? Do you think the 9th next month is too slow?"

Tang Yijing seemed to be saying: If you think it is too slow, you can go faster.

Ling Wuxi hurriedly said, "No! It's ok, I already feel that it's very fast!"

She wished the time would be delayed even further!

"Or, let's not rush to get married and get engaged first?" Ling Wuxi said tentatively.

She thinks it's better to wait for the favorability to increase.

Fifty o'clock... Really too little!

Tang Yijing raised her eyebrows and said, "Huh? But I don't want to get engaged first, I prefer to be straightforward."

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Seeing that Ling Wuwen didn't speak, Tang Yijing turned off the fire and turned to face her.

"What? You still haven't considered it clearly? Do you want to get engaged to me first, and then cancel the engagement with me after successfully stimulating Ah Zhe? Am I just for fun?"

Although his tone was still smiling, it was also full of danger.

Ling Wuyi felt this feeling very clearly.

Ling Wuxi shook her head: "No, I'm just... just..."

Sighing, Ling Wuwen said helplessly: "You can arrange it, I can do it."

Tang Yijing nodded in satisfaction after hearing what Ling Wuyi said.

He took a dish from the sanitizer cupboard to hold the food and carried it to the dining room.

Ling Wuwen looked down at Tang Yijing's phone screen, then turned and left the kitchen.

She was sitting on the sofa, Tang Yijing's cell phone was still in her hand, when Tang Zhehan called again.

Ling Wuyi turned her head to look in the direction of the kitchen, paused, and pressed the answer button: "Azhe."

Tang Zhehan over there was stunned when he heard Ling Wuwen's voice, and when he realized it, he quickly asked Ling Wuwen: "Qingna? Qingna, are you okay?! Did Tang Yijing do anything to you?!"

Originally, Ling Wuwen wanted to show some embarrassment, but when she heard Tang Zhehan's question, she suddenly wanted to laugh.

"What can he do to me?" Can he still swallow her alive?

Tang Zhehan was stunned again by Ling Wu's relaxed tone.

Why, he suddenly felt that the woman he had known for eight or nine years on the other end of the phone was a little strange?

"Qing Na...you and Tang Yijing..."

"Azhe, when will you divorce Lin Yu? When will you marry me?" Ling Wuyi asked Tang Zhehan suddenly.

Tang Zhehan was stunned for a moment, what his father said suddenly appeared in his mind.

He only found out last month that his grandfather's will also mentioned that he must have a child to inherit the inheritance.

So he thought, wait until Lin Yin gave birth to a child for him before divorcing.

Tang Zhehan didn't tell Gu Qingna about this, because he was afraid that she would be stimulated, so he started to do it.

Although Gu Qingna didn't know it, Ling Wuyue knew it.

In fact, Gu Qingna can do things like having children!

If Tang Zhehan really only had Gu Qingna in his heart, he should divorce Lin Yu now and marry Gu Qingna.

But even though Tang Zhehan didn't know it at this time, he already had Lin Yin's place in his heart.

So when he knew that Grandpa Tang's will required a child, Tang Zhehan's first thought was to ask Lin Yin to have a child for him.

"Qingna, I...you may have to wait for me for a year..."

"One year? How many years do I have to wait for you?" Ling Wu's tone became cold.

Tang Zhehan was inexplicably impatient, because he knew that usually at such a time, Gu Qingna was about to explode.

When she had a fit, she was hysterical.

So before Ling Wuwen's 'explosion', Tang Zhehan directly said: "You can wait as long as you want, if you wait, I will marry you in a year."

Ling Wuyi pursed her lips and sneered, really hehe.

How did such a man become the tentative male lead? Is it because Lin Yu, who has the halo of the protagonist, likes him?

Well, the answer is indeed yes.

It can only be said that Lin Yin and Gu Qingna's taste is a little bit worse.

"Okay, I see." After finishing speaking, Ling Wuyi hung up the phone.

Because of this unpleasant ending, Tang Zhehan didn't call again.

Ling Wuxi paused, and put the phone back on the coffee table.

"The meal is ready, come and eat." Tang Yijing's voice came from the dining room.

Ling Wuyue replied: "Okay."

Get up from the sofa and go to the dining room to take a seat.

[Update one chapter in advance, because I am busy with the new book, so the code word is late, the second chapter will be updated after one o'clock! 】

[By the way, Mei Kai's new book has been released! For details, you can go to the latest top book review in Mei Kai's book review area. The new book is titled "Quick Transmigration: The Innocent Hero God, Have You Enough Flirting!" "】

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