Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1645 The CEO's Ex-Girlfriend (15)

Ling Wuqian laughed wickedly, but was caught by Tang Yijing who woke up without warning.

Seeing Ling Wuyi smiling like that, he reached out and pulled her into his arms.

She lowered her head and half-closed her eyes to look at Ling Wuwen: "Hmm~ you're laughing... did you do something bad?"

Ling Wuwen stared, blinked, and shook her head: "No~ I'm just... just dreaming."

Tang Yijing turned over, pressed Ling Wuwen under her body, and sniffed her neck habitually.

"Dream? What kind of dream?" His voice was a little hoarse, and his hands wandered over Ling Wu's body.

Ling Wuxi knew what he wanted to do again, and quickly reached out to grab his hand: "Jing, don't you still have to go to the company today? Get up, stop making trouble..."

"The company is not as important as you ~ let me take another bite."

While speaking, Tang Yijing had already lowered her head...

It was agreed to just take a bite, but Ling Wuyi almost couldn't get up from the bed!

Nima, why are you so energetic?

Could it be that the president of her family is so energetic?

Hearing the sound of splashing water in the bathroom, Ling Wuyue really wanted to buy some magic medicine, and let Tang Yijing slap the pillow in the future!

Turning over, Ling Wuyi felt that her legs were not her own anymore——

The sound of the water stopped, and Tang Yijing came out wearing a bathrobe, her wheat-colored chest looming.

He walked to the bed, bent down and wanted to hug Ling Wuwen: "The water has been put away, I'll wash it for you..."

Before Tang Yijing's hand touched Ling Wu, Ling Wu jumped up from the bed wrapped in a quilt: "No, no, no! No need, I can do it myself!"

Seeing Ling Wuyi rejecting him so urgently, Tang Yijing raised her eyebrows and looked her up and down: "It seems that I still spared some energy just now."

Ling Wuwen was very afraid that Tang Yijing would say something like do it again, so she quickly wrapped herself in a quilt and went into the bathroom.

After closing the bathroom door, Ling Wuwen shouted to Tang Yijing outside: "I'm hungry! Very hungry!"

The smile on Tang Yijing's face was full of pampering that he didn't realize: "Okay, I'll go down and make breakfast first."

Ling Wuxi breathed a long sigh of relief, took off the quilt on her body, and turned her head to look at the bathtub filled with water.

In order not to let Tang Yijing know that he was actually having sex with a pillow, Ling Wuyi took a shower before he got up.

Tang Yijing is a person who doesn't leave marks on people very much, and in addition, this body is not easy to leave marks on.

Ling Wuwen looked in the mirror, after the entanglement just now, except for a small red strawberry left by Tang Yijing on the left collarbone, there was no trace anywhere else.

Raising his hand, he touched the red strawberry on his collarbone. It looks like she's going to wear something that covers her collarbone later—

I took a shower, changed clothes, and went downstairs.

Downstairs, Tang Yijing has already made breakfast.

While reading the documents, he waited for Ling Wu to come down to eat.

Seeing Ling Wumi coming down, he reflexively looked up.

Seeing that Ling Wu's catkin was wearing clothes that could just cover the strawberry he left on his collarbone, Tang Yijing raised his eyebrows, and an incomprehensible smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Tang Yijing's smile, Ling Wuyi suddenly had... a bad feeling.

——After this premonition is realized, all the clothes after Ling Wuyi's collarbone are exposed.

Then the little strawberry on her collarbone has never been broken...

But now Ling Wuwen doesn't know the calculations in Tang Yijing's heart, the two of them had a happy breakfast together and went out.

Ling Wuwen went to V Century, and Tang Yijing sent her to the company and then went to her own Jingsheng.

There is still one week before the wedding, and all the big and small things of the wedding have been dealt with, and now we are waiting for the arrival of the 9th.

Now Ling Wuwen is the chairman of V Century, giving orders every day.

She also read some documents, but Tang Yijing didn't want her to be so tired, so she sent a very capable man to help her with those things.

So when Ling Wu came to the company, he usually had nothing to do.

Oh, it's not like nothing to do.

She was the chief designer before and now also designs some jewelry.

However, in order to pass the time, Ling Wu's drawing was much slower, and every detail had to be very close to perfection.

Tang Yijing gave her V Century as a wedding gift before, and it was mentioned in financial magazines and online financial news the next day.

People in the city couldn't believe it when they found out about it. They didn't expect Tang Yijing to be able to buy V Century.

What's more, he just gave it to Ling Wu!

Some people say that they really are true love.

Some people also say that Ling Wu Nie is a good method.

When people's jealousy arises, they will try to make others ugly.

So for a few days, the Internet was full of slanders against Ling Wu.

Obviously not a star, but still on the hot search list.

Many people found out that Gu Qingna's parents divorced, her mother remarried to another country, and her father was sentenced to death for premeditated murder.

Yes, Gu Qingna's parents divorced when she was only eight or nine years old because her mother cheated.

After being caught, raped, and in bed, Gu Qingna's mother directly filed for divorce from Gu's father, wanting to marry her cheating partner.

Gu's father is a relatively weak person, so Gu's mother is so strong.

After the divorce, Father Gu took Gu Qingna by himself.

Although Father Gu is a murderer, he is really kind to his daughter.

In order to give his daughter the best education, he has to work several jobs by himself.

Twenty-four hours a day, twenty hours of his work.

However, Gu's father never told Gu Qingna about these things, and spoiled her into a person who got what she wanted.

On this point, Ling Wuwen quite disagreed with Gu's father.

Although he understands his mentality and thoughts of wanting to let his children grow up carefree, he has obviously raised Gu Qingna's character in a wrong way!

When Gu Qingna was sixteen years old, Gu's father's part-time job owed him half a year's wages.

It was about to call Gu Qingna for the tuition fee for the piano class and the tuition fee for the art class. Father Gu really had no choice but to go to the boss's house.

The boss happened to be alone at home that day, and Gu's father knelt on the ground and begged the boss to give him his salary. As a result, he didn't get the salary, but was severely insulted.

Father Gu's eyes turned red for a moment, he picked up the ashtray on the coffee table and threw it at the boss——

Seeing the boss fell to the ground, Father Gu hit him on the head again and again until his entire head was deformed.

Only at this time did Father Gu come back to his senses, realizing that he had killed someone, he panicked.

In a panic, he didn't think of calling the police. Instead, he disposed of the body and took away all the cash and valuables from the boss's house.

He thought that as long as he was careful, he should not be caught by the police.

However, Skynet was very thorough and did not miss out. In just two days, Father Gu was arrested by the police for murder.

The murderer's daughter, this is what Gu Qingna has always wanted to hide.

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