Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1651 The CEO's Ex-Girlfriend (21)

Regarding Ling Wu's curiosity, Tang Yijing didn't think there was anything wrong, because recently she would ask him about the Tang Corporation from time to time.

Ling Wuwen asked casually, and he also answered casually: "I think the acquisition of Tang Corporation should be earlier than expected."

"Half a month at the latest, one week at the soonest." This is Tang Yijing's opinion.

Ling Wuxi nodded, indicating that she knew——

Tang Yijing continued to be busy, and Ling Wuwen continued to be idle.

She could help Tang Yijing, but Tang Yijing thought she could only draw jewelry designs and didn't want her to do anything.

So every day Ling Wuyi saw that Tang Yijing was too busy, so she sat in the office and read novels to pass the time.

Within two days, Ling Wuyi received a call from a stranger.

At that time, Tang Yijing was having a meeting in the conference room, and Ling Wuying was watching a horror movie on the computer.

It was the most tense and frightening part, the phone rang suddenly, startling Ling Wuyi so much that she jumped onto the sofa and stood there.

It's not that she is afraid, but when you enter that state, suddenly a voice or a person pats you on the shoulder or something, the heart must not be able to bear it!

Patting his heart, he stretched his neck and looked at the caller ID on the phone. There was no note on it, and the number was also unfamiliar.

Strangely, this phone number, Lingwu, is usually only used to call Tang Yijing.

Because she and Tang Yijing basically stayed together all the time, so the phone basically wouldn't ring.

The ringing of the incoming call was still ringing, Ling Wuxi paused, and sat back on the sofa again.

He took the phone, pressed the answer button and put it next to his ear: "Hello?"

Listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, it should be a woman in her fifties.

As soon as the woman opened her mouth, she asked if she was Gu Qingna.

Ling Wuwen hummed: "I am Gu Qingna, who are you?"

"Nana?! Are you really Nana?!"

The slightly excited and unbelievable tone over there made Ling Wuyi frowned unconsciously: "Who are you?"

"Nana, I'm your mother! I'm your mother!"

What the middle-aged woman said caused Ling Wu to stand up from the sofa: "What did you say?!"

Just at this time, Tang Yijing came back from the meeting and saw that Ling Wu's mood fluctuated too much, so she hurried over to ask her what's wrong.

Ling Wuxi shook her head, raised her finger and pointed to the phone.

Tang Yijing didn't speak, but frowned.

Ling Wuyi could think that only he would dial this phone, and of course Tang Yijing could think of it too.

So, who exactly called Ling Wupi?

"Are you really Cao Xuehong?" Ling Wuwen asked the woman on the other end of the phone.

Cao Xuehong?

Tang Yijing's brows frowned even tighter. He had investigated Gu Qingna's information in his previous life and knew who Gu Qingna's parents were.

Isn't Cao Xuehong the mother of Gu Qingna who cheated on her and divorced her husband?

It was true that she was right, but how did Cao Xuehong know the private number that Ling Wuyi is using now?

Cao Xuehong over there felt a little upset when she heard Ling Wuwen call her by her own name instead of her mother.

But despite her displeasure, she didn't show it.

"It's me, Nana, I'm mother!" The meaning in those words seemed to remind Ling Wuyi that she should call her mother, not her name.

Because of Gu Qingna's memory, Ling Wuyi didn't have a good impression of Cao Xuehong, a woman.

After being caught, raped, and put in bed by Gu Qingna's father, Cao Xuehong divorced Gu's father and married her cheating partner.

The cheating partner works in a state-owned enterprise. Compared with Gu's father, who has no education and can only do hard work, the conditions of the other party are much better.

I remember that Gu Qingna actually went to find Cao Xuehong, because she was still unwilling to believe that her mother was the bad woman her father mentioned.

Living with her mother, she thought.

It's just that Cao Xuehong refused to recognize her and drove her away.

Seeing Cao Xuehong's big belly, looking at her as if looking at a stranger, Gu Qingna finally believed it.

It's the mother who doesn't want her anymore, and the father who doesn't want her anymore.

After that time, Gu Qingna never went to see Cao Xuehong again.

Later, Gu's father was imprisoned for murder. At that time, Gu Qingna was underage and needed a guardian.

As a mother, Cao Xuehong is the most justifiable one.

The police arranged for Cao Xuehong to take care of Gu Qingna, but Cao Xuehong didn't want to see Gu Qingna at all.

In the end, it was the police who criticized and educated Cao Xuehong, and Cao Xuehong took custody of her.

Although she became Gu Qingna's guardian again, Cao Xuehong had no intention of taking her home at all.

She just told Gu Qingna: "Whether you die of starvation or cold, it depends on God's will."

These words were engraved on Gu Qingna's bones.

At that time, she decided that even if she died, she would never ask this woman for a penny, and she would never ask for humiliation!

At the age of sixteen, Gu Qingna lived alone.

In order to support herself, she can only go to work.

Not wanting others to know that she was the daughter of a murderer, she left the city where she was born and raised and came to this city.

When she was a teenager, she traveled to a foreign land alone, and she did not give up her studies. She worked part-time and studied abroad, and even went abroad to study with her excellent grades.

Gu Qingna once vowed that she must stand out and not be looked down upon.

Of course, she succeeded.

At least she has really made her mark, becoming the chief designer of a famous jewelry company at the age of less than thirty.

Gu Qingna's experience is also very inspirational, but she was too pretentious, she killed herself.

But now Ling Wuyi is more curious about why Cao Xuehong has her mobile phone number.

Who gave it to her?

It is impossible for Tang Yijing to give Cao Xuehong his cell phone number, he has never contacted Cao Xuehong at all.

She was not curious why Cao Xuehong came to her, after all, as long as she read the financial news in this city, she and Tang Yijing could be seen.

So it's not difficult to find her. What's difficult is that her mobile phone number...

"Where did you get my mobile phone number?" Ling Wuwen asked Cao Xuehong in a cold tone.

Cao Xuehong was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Ling Wuyi to talk to her with this attitude.

"Don't talk about it, Nana, I heard that you are in City J, and your mother has also come to City J. Where are you now? Mom wants to meet you! Can you?" Cao Xuehong tried to change the subject.

But Ling Wuyi would not be fooled, she still asked: "In the end, who gave you my mobile phone number?"

"Uh... How about Nana, let's meet first, and we'll talk after we meet? We'll disappear then, don't you miss your mother?"

If it was Gu Qingna, she would definitely meet Cao Xuehong.

It's not because I miss that woman, but because I want her to see how beautiful I was when I was abandoned.

But Ling Wuwen was different, she didn't want to see Cao Xuehong at all, she was too lazy to feel bad.

In fact, there is no need to see that woman.

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