Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1653 The CEO's Ex-Girlfriend (23)

It was fine for Cao Xuehong to follow Ling Wupin out of Tang Yijing's office, after all, she mainly came to see Ling Wupin.

But Cheng Kefei didn't want to leave, very much.

From the moment she entered the chairman's office, her eyes seemed to be fixed on Tang Yijing's body, and she couldn't bear to look away for a moment.

Cao Xuehong wanted to pull her away, but she threw Cao Xuehong away, walked to the desk, greeted Tang Yijing, and said, "Hello brother-in-law! My name is Cheng Kefei, you can call me Feifei~"

Cheng Kefei spoke in a deliberate babbling voice, some men like to hear this kind of deliberate babbling voice, but Ling Wuyi made her skin crawl when she heard it.

Can't talk properly?

Tang Yijing was used to seeing this type of woman, so after hearing what Cheng Kefei said, he didn't even move his eyebrows.

In the past, when there was no Ling Wuyue, he would have been more willing to socialize and put on a show.

It's just that now that there is Ling Wuyue, he is not willing to open his mouth to socialize anymore, so he just nodded slightly.

On the other hand, Ling Wuwen sneered, and she asked Cheng Kefei: "Miss Cheng Kefei, do I need to arrange a seat for you in the chairman's office to take a good look at what my husband looks like?"

Cheng Kefei turned her head to look at Ling Wuwen, with arrogance and a sense of superiority on her expression.

But Ling Wuyi was very curious, where did Cheng Kefei's sense of superiority come from?

What is so superior about a person who covets his half-sister's husband at first meeting?

Cheng Kefei opened his mouth to Ling Wu's question, as if he wanted to say "yes" from the shape of his mouth.

Cao Xuehong also responded quickly, and quickly grabbed Cheng Kefei: "I haven't seen your sister for so long, let's go out and talk to your sister!"

After finishing speaking, Cao Xuehong pinched Cheng Kefei's arm to remind her not to talk nonsense.

Although Cheng Kefei is young, her brain is still a little bit lost.

She knew that the main purpose of their visit this time was to find Ling Wuwen, so she didn't say anything more, but she was a little reluctant and reluctant.

Hearing what Cao Xuehong said to Cheng Kefei, Ling Wuyi felt a little funny.

What do you mean I didn't see my sister then? Never seen it before!

Ling Wuwen didn't speak, turned around and left Tang Yijing's office first, with no expression on her face.

Seeing that Ling Wu and catkins had left, Cao Xuehong hurriedly dragged Cheng Kefei out of the office.

Before leaving, Cheng Kefei looked back at Tang Yijing reluctantly, but unfortunately Tang Yijing looked down at the document and didn't give her a look at all.


As soon as she sat down in the coffee shop, Cao Xuehong started to play the family card, booing and asking her how she was doing all these years.

Ling Wuyue was able to deal with it at the beginning, but there were thorns in her words, and she had to stab Cao Xuehong every time.

After playing the family card, Cao Xuehong started playing the bitterness card again.

It's just that at this moment, Ling Wuyi didn't have much patience. She looked at Cao Xuehong, and Gu Qingna's memories kept reappearing in her mind, which made her head hurt!

So she stopped talking nonsense, and directly interrupted Cao Xuehong's expressive words, and asked her, "Stop talking nonsense, okay? Just tell me that you haven't looked for me for so many years, so what's the reason you're looking for me now?"

"Also, who gave you my mobile phone number?"

Cao Xuehong's words were interrupted, and the expression on her face was almost distorted because she couldn't control it well.

She opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, Cheng Kefei, who still had a sense of superiority, spoke first.

"What? Can't we come to you? You are now the wife of the chairman of Jingsheng Group. How beautiful! Do you know how my mother and I live? Do you have the nerve to live a good life by yourself?!"

Cheng Kefei spoke in a natural tone, as if he was a creditor who came to ask for a debt.

And Ling Wuwen was the one who didn't pay back his debts.

However, after hearing what Cheng Kefei said, Ling Wuyi laughed out loud: "It's none of my business what life you and your mother live? Why am I embarrassed to live a good life by myself?"

Hearing what Ling Wuyi said, Cheng Kefei slapped the table.

She stared at Ling Wuwen angrily, looking at Ling Wuwen with a look of a white-eyed wolf.

"This is your mother! Do you have any conscience?!"

Cheng Kefei's voice was a little loud, and everyone in the coffee shop turned their heads because of her voice.

Someone recognized Ling Wuwen as the wife of the chairman of Jingsheng Group, and secretly took pictures or recorded videos with their mobile phones.

However, their actions were quickly stopped by the bodyguards brought out by Ling Wuwen, and the photos and videos taken before were also asked to be deleted.

Ling Wuwen didn't mind being surrounded by people, she didn't care, and she didn't do anything bad.

"Conscience? Are you talking about conscience?" Ling Wuwen looked at Cheng Kefei with incredible eyes.

Before Cheng Kefei could speak, Ling Wuwen went to look at Cao Xuehong and asked her, "Ms. Cao, your daughter is really ridiculous! Do you know what conscience is? Can it be eaten or exchanged for money?"

Cao Xuehong's heart trembled when she was shocked by Ling Wu's eyes, she knew what Ling Wu's meaning was.

When Gu Qingna, who was less than ten years old, came to look for her, she mercilessly drove her away.

Gu Qingna, who was sixteen years old back then, did not have a guardian, but she ignored her, let alone gave her a penny.

If Gu Qingna had been weaker at that time, her father might have killed her, and her mother would have committed suicide after ignoring her.

But Gu Qingna didn't, she just survived the adversity.

Cao Xuehong is not in this city, and has never paid attention to Gu Qingna.

If it wasn't for Tang Zhehan who came here and told them that Gu Qingna had become the chief designer of jewelry all these years, married the chairman of Jingsheng Group, and even owned two companies under her name, they really wouldn't have known.

Cao Xuehong felt that since her daughter is living so well now, she still has to rely on her.

If she had taken care of her back then, she would definitely not have achieved the results she has today.

"Nana, Mom knows that you blame Mom in your heart. But think about it, how would you be where you are today if you don't have Mom? You see, your sister has always been by Mom's side, and now she is as lucky as you to marry into a wealthy family. ?"

In the end... what kind of acme would use such an idea to take the credit for himself?

Ling Wuyi didn't even want to see these two people anymore. She leaned on the back of her chair and looked at Cao Xuehong: "What's the purpose of you coming to me? If it's for money, I'm sorry, I haven't used it before." Don’t even think about using my money for your money!”

Cao Xuehong saw Ling Wuwen's cold appearance, and knew in her heart that it would be impossible to ask for money directly, so she could only ask for...

"If you want to take refuge, I'm sorry, I didn't take refuge in you back then, and don't even think about taking refuge in me today!" Ling Wuyi's words made Cao Xuehong choke in her throat.

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