Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1664 The CEO's Ex-Girlfriend (End)

Of course, he didn't really want to see Lin Yin.

He always felt that everything was caused by Lin Yin.

If he had married Gu Qingna, Tang Yijing would not have married Gu Qingna.

Tang Yijing wouldn't marry Gu Qingna, so she wouldn't buy a company for her.

If he doesn't buy a company for her, he won't be stimulated to buy a company for Lin Yan.

Before, he really thought so.

So he divorced Lin Yan and felt that he didn't want to see her at all.

But suddenly seeing, seeing the long-lost smiling face, Tang Zhehan suddenly admitted something that he was unwilling to admit all along.

blame him...

Everything is his fault!

If he hadn't chosen to contract marriage with Lin Yin in a fit of anger, Gu Qingna would not have married Tang Yijing.

Now that he is married to Lin Yin, he should focus on living with Lin Yin.

But in his heart, he was thinking of Gu Qingna!

While thinking about Gu Qingna, she also wanted Lin Yin to give him a child.

It's his fault, he shouldn't be half-hearted!

It was because he was immature and acted too impulsively. Everything was committed by him impulsively.

After so long, he is only now willing to admit his mistake.

Seeing Lin Yu coming out of the flower shop with flowers, Tang Zhehan suddenly had the urge to get out of the car and talk to her.

He unbuckled his seat belt, put his hands on the car door and before he opened it, he saw a man running towards Lin Yu.

This man, he knows.

It's Lu Weiyi, the prince of the Lu Group, a real century-old family.

Although the Lu family is not rich and powerful, it does have some influence in the political circle.

Tang Zhehan knew that Lu Weiwei had always had a good impression of Lin Yin.

But Tang Zhehan didn't know that in the original plot of this world, the other party was an infatuated male supporting role.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Zhehan closed his eyes seeing the bright smile on Lin Yin's face towards the man.

It seems that Lin Yin is better off without him.

Fasten your seat belt again, start the car and drive away.

Across the road, Lin Yu glanced at Tang Zhehan's car, because she was driving too fast, she only thought the car looked familiar.

But who owned that car, she couldn't remember.

The Tang family's luxury cars were all sold. Although the car Tang Zhehan drives now is not bad, it is not as good as the car he drove before.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" Lu Weiyi looked at Lin Yin apologetically.

Lin Yu looked away, smiled and shook her head at Lu Weiyi: "No, I just picked the flowers too. Here you are, I hope your sister likes it."

Lu Weiwei took the flowers with a bright smile on his handsome face: "It's beautiful! She will definitely like it! Thank you for your marriage, and to thank you, how about treating you to dinner?"

Lin Yin pursed her lips and shook her head: "No, I have to go to work early later."

"You're helping your colleagues on duty again." Lu Weiyi looked at Lin Yin helplessly.

She works five days a week, and helps her colleagues on four days. Lin Yu is so kind!

Lin Yu grinned: "He has something to do, and I happen to be fine, so of course I will help if I can!"

Lu Weiyi sighed, of course he also wanted to help Lin Yin, but he knew that Lin Yin actually enjoyed the current state.

So all he can do is to wait silently by her side, waiting for her to look back at him one day.

"Then I'll take you to work." Lu Weiyi said.

Lin Yin nodded: "Well, thank you, the only one!"

"I should thank you for taking the time to choose flowers for me!" Lu Weiwei said with a smile.


Jingsheng Group Chairman's Office.

After finishing the recording, Ling Wuwen started to accompany Xi Ziqiu to work again.

At the same time Tang Zhehan admitted that he was at fault, Ling Wuyi received a reminder that the bug fix has been completed.

Ling Wu, who was reading a novel, was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Xi Ziqiu: "Honey, did you do something behind my back?"

If you were someone else's husband, you might be taken aback for a while, and then think about whether you did something behind your wife's back.

But Xi Ziqiu was different. He replied without thinking, "Of course not. Why do you ask like that?"

"The bug has been fixed." Ling Wuyi said.

Xi Ziqiu paused with downcast eyes, and said, "Then we can leave at any time."

Although, still a bit reluctant.

But there are still three worlds left, let's collect them first.

Ling Wuxi jumped from the sofa to Xi Ziqiu's side with some excitement, and put her arms around his neck: "Yes! We can leave at any time!"

Xi Ziqiu put his arms around Ling Wuwen's waist, and moved the office chair so that Ling Wuwen could sit on his lap: "It will take a few days, the company still has some things to explain."

Ling Wuwen leaned her head on Xi Ziqiu's shoulder, hummed, and agreed.


In the next few days, Xi Ziqiu began to explain the company's affairs.

Although he is the chairman, he still has partners, but the shares held by those partners are relatively small.

Xi Ziqiu sold all his shares to those partners, and then donated all the money to charity.

Everyone was stunned by Xi Ziqiu's behavior, and stepped back at the peak just to take his wife on a 'travel around the world'?

Boom~ Do you still have such a husband? How about a dozen?

——Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu left, and in the eyes of people in this world, they traveled around the world. In fact, only they know where they went——

Since Tang Zhehan asked Cheng Kefei to meet, Cheng Kefei disappeared.

Cao Xuehong went to look for it, but of course she couldn't find it.

Later, she didn't bother to look for her anymore, but found a new husband instead.

Unfortunately, bad luck, the new husband has domestic violence.

She wanted a divorce, but she couldn't.

A year later, Cheng Kefei's body was found, and the autopsy result was a drug overdose.

The murderer also turned himself in after Cheng Kefei's body was found. It was Tang Zhehan.

Before going to see Cheng Kefei, Tang Zhehan went to buy drugs.

Didn't you mean to get him addicted to drugs? Then he, just do what she wants to do but hasn't had time to do!

After that, Tang Zhehan imprisoned Cheng Kefei and tortured her for a whole year.

Because the body was too weak, Cheng Kefei injected drugs for the last time, Cheng Kefei couldn't bear it and died.

Tang Zhehan threw Cheng Kefei's body into the river, but was soon discovered.

Seeing that Cheng Kefei's body was found on the TV news, Tang Zhehan knew that it was useless for him to hide, and he also felt that it was meaningless to live, so he surrendered himself.

After surrendering himself, Tang Zhehan confessed to the crime of imprisonment, torture and killing Cheng Kefei.

Because he had to buy drugs for a whole year, Tang Zhehan also assisted the police in cracking down on a drug trafficking gang.

The once domineering president of the Tang Corporation is now a prisoner, and the news about Tang Zhehan is making a lot of noise.

Lin Yu, who finally accepted Lu's only a few days ago, couldn't believe it when she saw the news.

She really didn't expect that Tang Zhehan would kill someone!

Fortunately, because he assisted the police in solving the drug trafficking case, he should have been sentenced to death, but was finally sentenced to life imprisonment.

Lin Yu visited the prison and met Tang Zhehan.

With relief on Tang Zhehan's face, he said to Lin Yin: "It's pretty good, I'm here with food and lodging, no worries."

Looking at Tang Zhehan like this, Lin Yin felt a little sour in her heart.

The man in front of her, she loved...

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