Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 816 Awkward Ome (12)

After the two of them ate all the dumplings brought by Ling Wuwen, Song Zhicheng sent Ling Wuwen to the parking lot outside the hospital.

"Driving back, pay attention to safety and drive slowly. Although your feet are already healed, you still need to pay more attention."

Ling Wuwen nodded with a smile, and patiently listened to Song Zhicheng's worried instructions.

"I know Dr. Song, I promise to take good care of my body!"

As Ling Wuyi's smile deepened, the dimples on her face became more obvious.

Song Zhicheng couldn't help poking the dimples on Ling Wu's cheeks: "When you're free, you just have to smile more. I didn't realize that you have such beautiful dimples before, Ali!"

Ling Wuyi opened her mouth to say something, Song Zhicheng reached out to help her open the car door: "Okay, let's go back, I'm going to be on duty too."

Ling Wuyi nodded obediently and got into the car.

Song Zhicheng reminded Ling Wuwen to fasten her seat belt, and told her to drive safely again.

Song Zhicheng returned to the hospital after watching Ling Wuyi drive away with his own eyes——

Ling Wuwen really obediently slowed down the speed of the car and drove on the road, which disrupted the reunion scene that should have been a very good atmosphere in the plot, and Ling Wuwen was in a very happy mood!

Thinking of Xia Lun saying that Song Fangqi was disappointed and left, Ling Wuyi felt right!

If you have a male lead and still think about a male supporting role, isn't that right?

Although she knew that Song Fangqi still didn't like Min Shaoxuan, she was already his!

Shaking her head, Ling Wuyue stopped thinking about Song Fangqi.

She glanced at the photo she took with Song Zhicheng on her phone, feeling a little overwhelmed by his gentleness.

She has seen gentle men before, but none of them can be as gentle as Song Zhicheng!

His tenderness was never pretended, but the tenderness from the heart, which can wrap people warmly like a hot spring.

There are many kinds of tenderness in Song Zhicheng, but he is so gentle to everyone.

When dealing with outsiders, he will not be overly gentle, and will not make people think 'does he like me? ’ or ‘Is he after me? ’ illusion.

Ling Wuyi really felt that a man like Song Zhicheng would be liked by Bai Li and Song Fangqi in the early stage, and he should be liked!

It's a pity that Song Zhicheng's ending in the plot is not very good...

Ling Wuyue was thinking about Song Zhicheng's affairs, and when she saw the green light, she started the car and continued to drive forward.

The direction of Lingwu Catkin is a relatively large intersection. There are not many vehicles on this road, and there are quite a lot of people.

Just in the middle of the intersection where Lingwuji had just arrived, a large truck ran through the red light from the left intersection of Lingwuji, and the speed can be said to be very fast!

When Xia Lun reminded Ling Wu, Ling Wu had no time to dodge.

She could only reflexively want to hold her head with both hands, but the other party's big truck didn't even give Ling Wuti time to hold her head, and directly overturned the white car that she had just repaired not long ago——

The car made a few perfect flips in the air, and then landed in embarrassment with its head on the ground, making a loud noise!

The big truck did not stop strangely, and Ling Wuni's car suffered a second collision!

This time Ling Wuni's car was not lifted up, but the entire roof was pushed forward by the front of the big truck, causing sparks from friction!

Before Ling Wuyi lost consciousness, she just wanted to say: "Damn it! Do I have a grudge against the car?!"

The current Ling Wunian has brain waves entering the host body, and is no longer able to maintain a clear consciousness even if she loses control of her body as before.

It's not going to work now, the body has fallen into a severe coma, and Ling Wunian's brain waves are no exception——

Song Zhicheng, who was on duty, received an emergency operation notice, saying that the other party had a car accident, severely injured his brain and legs, and needed immediate surgery!

Song Zhicheng is a brain doctor, of course he is needed for brain surgery.

Such an emergency operation was not new to him. After all, it is a hospital, and car accidents happen almost every day.

So for Song Zhicheng, there is nothing to panic about this operation, just hurry up!

Just as Song Zhicheng changed his clothes and was about to do disinfection work, Song's mother called.

Originally, Song Zhicheng didn't intend to answer the phone, but he was worried that Song's mother had something to tell him, so he still answered the phone.

Song's mother asked Song Zhicheng on the other end of the phone: "Zhicheng, is Ali still with you in the hospital?"

Song Zhicheng looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, frowned, and said, "Forty minutes ago, Ali left the hospital, and I watched her go. Why? Hasn't Ali arrived home yet?" ?”

From the hospital to home, even if Ling Wuyi slowed down the car after listening to his words, it should take half an hour.

At this point in time, there will be no traffic jams.

"No! If Ali comes back, he will definitely come here first. My call to Ali is turned off..."

Hearing that Ling Wuyi had left the hospital forty minutes ago, Mother Song suddenly panicked.

It would be fine if Ling Wuni's cell phone wasn't turned off, but it's turned off! I can't get through! Can't find anyone!

Song Zhicheng also heard Song's mother's worry, and quickly comforted him: "Maybe Ali has something to do temporarily, don't worry, Ali is an adult!"


Song's mother wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Song Zhicheng: "Okay, Mom, I have an emergency operation, I will contact you after the operation! I'm dead~"

Before Mother Song could speak, Song Zhicheng had already hung up the phone.

Turned the phone on silent mode and put it in the cabinet——

As soon as Song Zhicheng entered the operating room, he first asked about the basic situation of the injured.

"The head and legs of the injured were the most serious. A large truck was knocked over and pushed for a distance of about 100 meters. The driver of the large truck ran a red light while drunk and was driving very fast!"

If someone hadn't forced the truck to stop, the driver would have continued to drive forward!

Song Zhicheng nodded, hummed, and walked to the operating table seriously to prepare for the operation.

The one lying on the operating table was a woman with a good figure, and she should be very young.

"The injured person's name? Age? Have you contacted the family?" Song Zhicheng asked.

The injured person's body and face were covered with blood, making it impossible to see what she looked like, but the style of the injured person's clothes could still be vaguely seen.

The nurse on the side replied: "According to the ID card and driver's license of the injured person, the injured person's name is Bai Li, and he is 28 years old this year. The injured person's mobile phone is severely damaged and cannot be turned on. He has already taken out the mobile phone card and is ready to contact you." her family."

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