Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 822 Awkward Ome (18)

Only then did Song Zhicheng relax his tense face, he held the back of Ling Wupi's head, lowered his head slightly, and put his forehead against Ling Wupi's.

The favorability level that hadn't been increased for several months has been increased by two points.

"Brother Zhicheng..." He Yerou, who was ignored by the side, called Song Zhicheng unwillingly.

Song Zhicheng straightened up, turned his head to see that she was still on the ground in the posture of being pushed down, as if she was waiting for someone to help her up.

However, Song Zhicheng didn't want to help her up at all.

He had decided that He Yerou wanted to destroy the relationship between him and Ling Wuwen, and make Ling Wuwen leave his 'sinner'.

"If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the outpatient department. If you are not sick and have nothing to do, you can leave the hospital! Miss He, please stay away from me and Ali!"

The smile on Song Zhicheng's face was gone, and his tone was not gentle at all.

After finishing speaking, Song Zhicheng stopped looking at He Yerou any more, and pushed Ling Wuwen away...

How did He Yerou leave in the end, and will he come to pester Song Zhicheng in the future? Ling Wuwen didn't know, and didn't care at all.

Song Zhicheng's performance has already explained very concisely and clearly, no matter what He Yerou does, it cannot pose a threat.

In fact, from the very beginning, Ling Wuwen didn't regard He Yerou as an opponent or a threat.

Such a woman is definitely not the type Song Zhicheng likes.

Even if Song Zhicheng really liked the 'beautiful and pleasant' He Yerou before.

He Yerou, a self-righteous woman, is destined to be a soy sauce——

Song Zhicheng pushed Ling Wuwen back to the ward, because he was worried that He Yerou's words would affect her, so for the next period of time, Song Zhicheng kept talking about the future plans of the two of them.

About when to get married, how to dress up the new house, whether the wedding should be in Western style or Chinese style, who should be invited to the wedding, what style of invitation should be, which brand of wedding candy should be, whether the wedding photos should be taken outside or inside yes...

He even thought about how many children he would have in the future, what his daughter's name would be, and what his son's name would be.

Then unconsciously, the two of them seemed to be talking about marriage.

Then, Song Zhicheng simply proposed marriage.

People fall in love and don't get married because they don't know each other well enough, but they have spent twenty years getting to know each other, and they are familiar enough!

Originally, both of them had passed the age of marriage, so it was time to get married.

Of course, Ling Wuyi refused to get married, and Song Zhicheng didn't look like a person who could avoid the reality of husband and wife after marriage.

The favorability degree has not been filled up, Xi Ziqiu has not recovered his memory, and Ling Wuyi will not have a relationship with his host body.

So she refused Song Zhicheng's marriage proposal on the grounds that she wanted to stand up and walk into the auditorium by herself.

Originally, Ling Wuwen was already prepared to be lowered in her favorability, but Song Zhicheng not only did not lower her favorability, but directly increased her favorability to ninety-five points!

Several times of recovery treatment for Ling Wu's leg was useless. In Song Zhicheng's view, her reason was actually perfunctory.

Song Zhicheng worried that one day, Ling Wuyi would leave him after finding a suitable opportunity.

So after Ling Wuyi rejected the marriage proposal, Song Zhicheng spent more time on her.

After three months in the hospital, Ling Wuwen still couldn't stand up.

Song Zhicheng finally agreed with Ling Wuwen to be discharged from the hospital, and slowly recovered at home.

Father Bai originally insisted on staying with his daughter, but he was fully prepared that Ling Wuyi would not be able to stand up, and planned to retire directly to guard his daughter.

However, Ling Wuwen knew that Bai's father really loved his archaeological work, so after he was discharged from the hospital, Ling Wuwen asked Bai's father to continue working.

"No, Dad wants to stay at home and take care of you!" Father Bai rejected Ling Wuyi's words immediately.

"Ali, it was Dad who was sorry for you in the past, but now Dad will make it up to you."

Ling Wuwen looked at the guilt in Father Bai's eyes, and felt relieved for Bai Li.

Even if it wasn't mentioned in the plot, Ling Wuyi knew about it. After Bai Li passed away in a car accident, Father Bai must have rushed back!

Sending a white-haired person to a black-haired person must be a huge blow to my heart!

Ling Wuyi smiled at Father Bai: "Father, you don't have to feel guilty, I should be grateful to you for letting me come into this world! You can go to work without worry, Zhicheng and Uncle Song will take care of me of!"

The father and daughter sat in the living room and chatted for a long time, as if they made up for the communication that had been lost over the years.

Back then, Father Bai spent very little time at home because he went out to work all the year round.

Bai Li's mother finally couldn't stand this kind of life anymore, she unilaterally filed for divorce from Bai's father, and then left with her boyfriend.

She didn't think about what to do with the older Bai Li after she left. !

She directly packed her luggage and left, but Xiao Baili's crying and pleading did not keep her mother.

In my memory, it was raining heavily late at night, and Xiao Baili was drenched in the rain, chasing the black brand-name car.

Finally, she couldn't run anymore and fell down, so she lay on the ground and cried.

The police uncle took her to the police station and asked her if she knew the contact information of her family.

With a blank expression on his face, Little Bai Li gave Father Bai's phone number.

I have heard countless times that my mother complained about my father's faults in front of her. She loved her father, but in her heart, she began to blame him from that time...

Both Bai Li and Bai's father are not good at communicating with others. Over the years, she has a knot in her heart that she still can't untangle.

Now that Bai Li is gone, Ling Wu can only replace her and help her untangle this knot...

The next day, Father Bai solemnly handed Ling Wupi over to Song Zhicheng to take good care of him, and then left——

After Bai's father left, Ling Wu's life didn't change much.

In order to take care of Ling Wuwen conveniently, in fact Song Zhicheng and Ling Wuwen have already lived in the same bed.

However, Song Zhicheng is a very traditional person, before he got married, he would not touch Ling Wuwen.

This is also the reason why Ling Wuyi didn't get married.

Every day I eat at Song's house. When Song Zhicheng went to work, Song's mother would help take care of Ling Wuwen.

In fact, Ling Wuyi had nothing to do except not being able to stand up.

She told Song Zhicheng that she could take care of herself and even go back to work in the company.

However, when it comes to taking care of himself and returning to work in the company, Song Zhicheng's attitude is extremely tough.

In the end, there was no other way, and Ling Wuyi chose to compromise——

Time is walking slowly, and Ling Wuyi goes to the hospital for rehabilitation treatment every week.

Because of Xia Lun's improvement, Ling Wuwen is slowly recovering.

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