Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 825 Awkward Ome (21)

On Mother Song's side, there was no other way, and Song Zhicheng had no choice but to have the cheek to explain to Ling Wuwen and explain again.

Fortunately, it was the weekend, Song Zhicheng didn't have to go to work, otherwise he would have to ask for leave!

After staying with Ling Wuwen for a day, Song Zhicheng said what should be explained and what should be apologized.

However, that whole day, Ling Wuwen talked to everyone, but he didn't talk to him, which made Song Zhicheng very upset.

At night, Song Zhicheng helped Ling Wumi put her pajamas in the bathroom as usual, and filled her with water, then pushed Ling Wumi into the bathroom to take a bath.

"I'm going out first, call me if you need something." Although Song Zhicheng estimated that Ling Wuyi would not call him.

If I had known that Ling Wuyue would be so 'angry'...

Song Zhicheng stood up, turned around and was about to leave the bathroom.

Ling Wuyi suddenly said, "Why do you happen to meet Song Fangqi when you buy a late-night snack?"

Perhaps it was too eager to explain, but Song Zhicheng's explanation did not explain this detail.

He said that he happened to meet Song Fangqi when he was shopping for supper, so why did he happen to meet Song Fangqi?

Song Zhicheng was stunned for a moment, and a smile immediately appeared on his face. As long as he is willing to talk to him, it doesn't matter even if he is severely tortured!

He squatted next to Ling Wuyi's wheelchair, and honestly told all about meeting Song Fangqi last night.

It turned out that it was already too late when Song Zhicheng went out, so many shops had already closed, so after going out Song Zhicheng directly planned to go to the shops that were open all night.

The all-night shops are some distance away from where they live.

After going out for half an hour, a woman suddenly ran out from the side of the road. If he hadn't braked in time, he would definitely have hit her!

But even though he didn't hit him, the other party was also frightened by his car and fell to the ground.

Song Zhicheng hurried to look, and the man curled up on the ground, clutching his stomach and moaning.

Song Zhicheng, who was convinced that he didn't hit anyone, was a little uncertain now. Maybe, he really bumped into each other?

Going forward to ask the other party, Song Zhicheng offered to send the other party to the hospital.

It was only when the other party raised his head and called him Teacher Song that Song Zhicheng recognized Song Fangqi.

Song Fangqi said that she had a stomachache and kept crying. Song Zhicheng was a doctor, and of course he knew that human life was more important than buying supper, so he sent Song Fangqi to the hospital first.

Went to the hospital for an examination, the doctor said that Song Fangqi had signs of miscarriage, and she was hospitalized for overnight observation.

Song Zhicheng originally planned to leave after helping Song Fangqi complete the hospitalization procedures, but he thought that he had been out for so long, and Ling Wuyi was probably about to fall asleep waiting at home!

As a result, when Song Zhicheng went to the ward to say goodbye to Song Fangqi, Song Fangqi held his hand and kept crying.

There is no other way, Song Zhicheng can only comfort Song Fangqi first, after all, she is pregnant, so it is not okay to cry all the time!

But Song Fangqi is really good at crying, and she can cry for more than an hour.

After she got better, it was already past three o'clock in the morning.

Song Zhicheng wanted to call Ling Wuwen first, but he was worried that it would disturb Ling Wuwen's rest, so he didn't call.

Originally thought that since Song Fangqi had been appeased, of course he should go home!

As a result, before four o'clock, Song Fangqi suddenly started complaining of a stomachache.

Song Zhicheng is not a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology, he doesn't know what to do!

When Song Fangqi's mood and body stabilized, it was five or six o'clock in the morning.

It was almost dawn, Song Fangqi said, please let him take her home.

Seeing that Song Fangqi was once his student, they also talked about it.

Then Song Zhicheng thought that it was all over anyway, and he didn't care if it was later, and sent Song Fangqi home at dawn.

When Ling Wuyi and Song's mother went to the hospital and met Song Zhicheng, it happened that Song Zhicheng was going to send Song Fangqi home.

The result was a slap in the face...

After listening to Song Zhicheng, he explained everything in detail so clearly that even Song Fangqi told him everything, and told Ling Wuyi verbatim.

Ling Wuwen, who was not angry for a long time, almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

Song Zhicheng's performance like this is simply... an indescribable sense of joy.

Ling Wuxi coughed lightly, and asked, "You sent her to the hospital, why didn't you contact her family?"

In the plot, this plot was actually mentioned.

Just doing the math, this incident did not happen during this time period.

It was summer, and Song Fangqi was pregnant, and had a misunderstanding with Min Shaoxuan.

The two had a big fight, and Song Fangqi ran out crying.

It was raining heavily that night, Song Zhicheng was on the night shift and almost bumped into Song Fangqi on the way home...

Hearing Ling Wuyi asked him, Song Zhicheng didn't dare to delay for half a second: "I said, help her contact her family. But Song Fangqi said that her family is not here, friends and so on, she doesn't want others to know that she is pregnant. "

So Song Zhicheng didn't know who to contact...

Ling Wuyi lowered her eyes, as if thinking about whether his words were true.

Song Zhicheng raised his heart and quietly waited for Ling Wuyi's answer.

In fact, Song Fangqi's matter, whoever the other party is, Song Zhicheng will send him to the hospital.

So Ling Wuyi is actually understandable, although he did not do well in some areas, he should have called her immediately to tell her!

The reason why Lingwu is angry is actually because of the anger.

After waiting for a long time, Ling Wuwen didn't say to forgive him or not, but just said: "Well, change the water."

Because of too many explanations and too long time, the water in the bathtub has become cold, so of course the water has to be drained and replaced again.

"Oh oh oh!" Song Zhicheng drained the water in the bathtub, and then filled it with moderately hot water again.

After putting the water in, Song Zhicheng didn't leave the bathroom right away, but Ling Wuyi said with a stern face, "A Li, did you forgive me?"

Of course Ling Wuyi didn't say that he forgave him directly, but said: "It depends on your performance."

Song Zhicheng heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Ling Wuwen say that. He's doing absolutely fine! So Ling Wuyi will definitely forgive him!

Song Zhicheng secretly decided in his heart that if he encountered such a situation in the future, at most he would be sent to the hospital, and then he would leave directly——

Speaking of performance, Song Zhicheng's performance is really good!

Although Ling Wuwen did not go to work in the company, she would still work at home every day, drawing jewelry design drawings, or dealing with other things. Occasionally, Ling Wuwen would also go to the company for a meeting.

Since her car accident, the company must have paid less attention to her. It's just that the ability is there, and I still use it occasionally.

Fortunately, Ling Wuwen didn't care whether the company valued her or not, and her favorability increased to ninety-eight points because of Song Fangqi's incident.

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