Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 837 Helpless Cry (9)

After shaking hands politely, the three of them took their seats.

As soon as he sat down, Lu Nanting started to get to the point: "Hua Ye told me the general situation, I need sister Nian to tell me in detail."

Ling Wuxi nodded: "The thing is like this, ever since Qingqing entered the first grade of elementary school, she went to and from school by herself."

"That day, I went to work in the hotel early as usual. At seven o'clock, I saw that it was snowing outside, and I was worried that Qingqing might not be wearing enough, so I called Qingqing."

"Around eleven o'clock, I received a call from the police saying that Qingqing was in the hospital..."

Ling Wujin told Lu Nanting exactly what happened, without any concealment.

After listening to what Ling Wuting said, Lu Nanting quickly came to a conclusion.

"The other party said in court that he drank alcohol, so obviously, this will be used in the second trial to reduce the sentence."

That's right, in Yu Huanian's memory, during the second trial, the opposing lawyer presented a so-called psychiatric certificate for the defendant's alcoholism.

Then, he was only sentenced to five years for being drunk and unconscious!

Lu Nanting asked Ling Wuwen again: "Sister Nian, how many years do you want the other party to be sentenced?"

think? Lu Nanting's tone was very confident, as if as long as Ling Wuyi wanted the other party to be sentenced, he could make the other party be sentenced to as many years as he wanted!

"I hope that the other party will best be sentenced to death!" Although the death penalty is still too cheap for Lan Hejun.

But in this world, Ling Wu can't act rashly.

The death penalty is actually good for Lan Hejun, if the death penalty is not imposed in the end...

Then she will personally make his death not so happy!

Lu Nanting nodded: "Well, I know what I should do."

"By the way, sister Nian, is it convenient for me to meet Qingqing?"

Only then did Ling Wuyi notice that Lu Nanting followed Yu Huaye and called her Sister Nian...

Well, judging by Lu Nanting's appearance, he should be a few years younger than her, so he should be called sister.

"Maybe not now, maybe in a few days."

Ling Wuyi didn't dare to let Yu Yuqing meet strangers at this time, at least she had to be mentally prepared.

"Well, I just took up a case in City H during this period, and I will stay for about a week. This is my business card. If you can see Qingqing, please feel free to contact me."

Ling Wuwen took the business card handed over by Lu Nanting and nodded, "Okay, I will."

"As for Miss Nian, you said that the other party has a background, I will investigate clearly."

"Okay, then I will trouble Lawyer Lu!"

Lu Nanting pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, still smiling modestly: "I already called you Sister Nian, so why don't Sister Nian call me Lawyer Lu so politely?"

Ling Wuxi was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, then I'll call you Nanting. Nanting, please!"

"It's okay, Qingqing is Hua Ye's niece! Let's do it first, I have to meet a client. If you need anything, you can ask Hua Ye to find me, or just call me!" Lu Nanting looked at his wrist The time on the watch, said.

All that needs to be said has been said, Ling Wuwen stood up and sent Lu Nanting out.

The three left together, Lu Nanting drove away, and Ling Wuyi got into Yu Huaye's car.

Ling Wuxi sat on the co-pilot's seat, thinking about things.

Yu Huaye, who was driving, turned his head to glance at Ling Wu, thought for a while, and said, "My parents asked me to find a house. They must stay in City H before the second trial. When can Qingqing be discharged from the hospital? We can live together."

Ling Wuwen blinked her eyes and came back to her senses.

She turned her head to look at Yu Huaye: "The doctor said it depends on the situation, and I don't know when Qingqing will be discharged from the hospital."

Ling Wujin felt that Yu Yuqing should be able to recover faster than Yu Huanian remembered.

"When looking at the house, you can decorate a bedroom into the room of the mermaid princess. Qingqing wanted to have a room of her own a long time ago. Her favorite is the mermaid princess' room."

Yu Huaye glanced distressedly at the woman sitting beside her who had long since lost her youthful vigor.

Time really is merciless!

Sighing: "I've been looking for you all these years, but I'm useless. If I had found you earlier, you wouldn't have had such a hard time!"

Ling Wuxi shook her head with a smile: "Don't mention the past."

"Well, forget about it! Now we're reunited!"


Yu Yuqing's lunch is still porridge with eggs and lean meat, but Lingwu added some chopped spinach.

After feeding Yu Yuqing and finishing eating, Ling Wuwen started talking again.

"I called grandma today, does Qingqing want to talk to grandma?"

Because I heard a lot about grandma yesterday, Yu Yuqing has a good impression of grandma.

It's just a phone call, you don't need to meet people!

So she nodded, expressing that she wanted to talk to grandma on the phone.

Ling Wuwen had already told Yu's mother beforehand. She knew Yu Yuqing well and knew that she would definitely want to talk to Yu's mother on the phone.

Because she desperately wanted to get in touch with her relatives other than her mother!

After the call was connected, Ling Wuxi turned on the loudspeaker and said to the other end of the phone: "Mom, Qingqing wants to talk to you."

"Qingqing, do you want to talk to grandma?" Yu's mother was a little excited, but her words were cautious.

Yu Yuqing nodded lightly, her one intact eye happily staring at the phone in Ling Wu's hand.

After hesitating for a long time, Yu Yuqing finally opened her mouth and called out, "Grandma..."

Her voice was small, and her tone was also cautious.

It really is a blood relationship, even though Yu's mother just took a look at Yu Yuqing outside the ward last night.

Hearing this grandma now is enough to make Yu's mother burst into tears.

The loudspeaker was also turned on at the other end. Father Yu heard Yu Yuqing calling Mother Yu's grandmother, so he leaned over to the phone and said, "Qingqing, I'm grandpa!"

Yu Yuqing was stunned for a moment, then raised her eyes to look at Ling Wuyue.

She also heard Ling Wuyi mention her grandfather yesterday, and she knew that grandpa was a person who put love in his heart rather than his lips.

She knew that none of them knew of her existence before. But, they all love her!

With a shallow smile, Yu Yuqing called out: "Grandpa..."

"Hey! What a grandson!" Father Yu's tone was something Ling Wuyi had never heard before.

He has always been an image of a strict father, and he has always been serious in front of Yu Huanian.

But the tone he spoke to Yu Yuqing was completely different!

Maybe it's because of the real blood relationship, so Yu Yuqing and Yu's father and Yu's mother got along very well!

We chatted for half an hour.

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