Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

#841 helpless cry (thirteen)

[Add a new chapter for the Dragon Boat Festival! 】

Yu Huaye nodded: "Okay, I will investigate."

Seeing that Ling Wupin was in a bad mood, Yu Huaye didn't ask what Ling Wupin had said to Lan Hejun inside.

Ling Wuyi said he was going back to the hospital, so Yu Huaye sent Ling Wuyi back to the hospital, and then he went to find someone to investigate the man behind Lan Ruo.

Ling Wuyi didn't know how long Yu Huaye would wait to investigate the hero, but she had to find it anyway!

In Yu Huanian's memory, the person standing behind Lan Ruo never appeared from the beginning to the end.

If she hadn't known that Lan Ruo was the heroine, Ling Wuyi would never have thought that the person behind her would be the heroine.

Leaning outside the ward, Ling Wuwen called Lu Nanting.

"Nanting, I went to see Lan Hejun today."

On the other end of the phone, Lu Nanting raised his eyebrows in surprise: "You went to see him? Then?"

"You said that during the second trial, the other party's lawyer may reduce the sentence on the grounds that the other party was drunk. I checked the information and found that there are two types of drunkenness. Physiological drunkenness and pathological drunkenness."

"Among them, pathological drunkenness can reduce the sentence. That is to say, the opposing lawyer will probably say that Lan Hejun is pathologically drunk, right?"

Ling Wuyi's words were clear and organized, which surprised Lu Nanting a little.

He didn't expect that Ling Wuwen went to check the information by himself.

"Hmm, so what does Sister Nian think Lan Hejun is physiologically or pathologically drunk?"

"He is physiologically drunk, absolutely impossible to be pathological!" Ling Wuxi replied decisively.

"Oh? How did you see it?" Lu Nanting asked.

"Today I went to see Lan Hejun, and Lan Hejun said that he asked his daughter to give me a large sum of money so that I could withdraw the lawsuit. Based on this alone, I can be sure that Lan Hejun is completely aware of what he did. of!"

"Well, I see, sister Nian, don't worry."

"Okay, then I won't bother you. Qingqing has improved a lot these two days, maybe she will be willing to see you in a few days."

"Well, sister Nian can call me anytime."


After hanging up Lu Nanting's phone, Ling Wuwen stood there with her head down, Yu's parents and Yu's mother were with Yu Yuqing in the ward.

There was a faint sound of opening the door of the ward next door, and Ling Wuyi turned her head to look.

Seeing that the other party was the wheelchair man she met in the morning, Ling Wuyi raised her eyebrows. Although it was an accident that they lived next door by such a coincidence, they all went to the ninth floor together.

Apart from Yu Yuqing, there were no other patients in the independent ward on the ninth floor.

This patient should have just come in and been hospitalized, right?

Out of politeness, Ling Wuji nodded politely towards the other party.

After nodding, she was about to leave, but was stopped by the wheelchair man: "Can you do me a favor?"

The voice of the man in the wheelchair was cool and pleasant.

His tone was not high, but Ling Wuxi could hear what he said clearly.

Ling Wuyi was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the wheelchair man: "What's the matter?"

The wheelchair man lowered his eyes and said, "I want to go outside for a walk..."

so what? Let her push him down, let's go! ?

Ling Wuqin pursed her lips, hesitated a little, she was not a kind person who would push someone who only had a relationship with her to go for a walk outside... Maybe not? !

"Cough cough cough..."

The man in the wheelchair covered his mouth with a handkerchief and coughed. After coughing, Ling Wuni saw with sharp eyes that the white handkerchief was stained with red liquid.

Coughing up blood? !

The man in the wheelchair put away his handkerchief, looked up at Ling Wuwen: "Is it okay?"

It was only when the two looked directly at each other that Ling Wuyi saw that the other's eyes were particularly dark and bright!

But his eyes were extraordinarily sad.

Ling Wuqian sighed, the damn kind heart appeared again!

Nodding helplessly: "Okay, let's take a walk in the back garden. It's a bit cold today. You shouldn't stay outside for too long, right?"

The wheelchair man hummed and agreed.

Ling Wuwen walked behind the man in the wheelchair, put his hand on the armrest of the wheelchair, and pushed him to the elevator door to take the elevator.

"My name is Xi Chongjing, what about you?"

seat? It even has the same surname as the chairman!

"My name is Yu Huanian." Although the other party has the same surname as Xi Ziqiu, Ling Wuyi didn't plan to have any close friendship.

Let's just treat it today as boring and indiscriminate good intentions!

The elevator reached the first floor, and Ling Wuyi pushed Xi Chongjing to the garden of the hospital.

The weather is indeed a bit cold today, but fortunately, there is no rain or snow.

Ling Wuyi lowered her head and glanced at Xi Chongjing. He was dressed quite thickly, so he probably wouldn't be cold.

At this time, Yu Yuqing was still sleeping, and Ling Wuyi planned to walk around the garden, so she pushed Xi Chongjing back.

"I'm from Beijing, and I'm here to see a doctor." Xi Chongjing said suddenly.

This kind of self-declaration, coupled with such a cold tone, Ling Wuyi really thinks... a bit funny!

"Oh." There was a faint answer, which was regarded as a response.

Originally thought that Xi Chongjing should just shut up, after all, he doesn't seem like a person who likes to talk.

However, Xi Chongjing did not shut up.

He asked Ling Wuwen, "What about you?"

Ling Wuwen rolled her eyes: "Beijing City."

"Then why did you come to City H?" Xi Chongjing asked again.

Ling Wuwen: Why did I come to H City to care about you?

"Why did you come to City H?" Xi Chongjing asked again because he did not wait for Ling Wuyi's answer.

Ling Wuxi took a deep breath and said, "I live here!"

"Are you alone?"

"No, with my daughter."

"Oh, why don't you go back to live in Beijing?"

Ling Wu, who really couldn't bear it, stopped, looked down at the top of Xi Chongjing's head and said.

"Sir, I think this is my private matter, and there is no need to tell you."

"Oh." Xi Chongjing finally closed his mouth, and stopped asking Ling Wuyue.

After Ling Wu's ears were cleansed, she pushed the wheelchair and walked faster.

Not long after, Ling Wuwen had already pushed the wheelchair around the garden.

"Okay, I'll push you back now."

"Hmm..." Xi Chongjing raised his eyes to look at Ling Wuwen, his face was expressionless, but Ling Wuwen saw a look of reluctance in his eyes.

Ling Wuwen directly ignored Xi Chongjing's eyes, and sent him back to the door of her ward.

It doesn't matter whether Xi Chongjing enters the ward or not, she just left anyway!

Xi Chongjing turned his head to watch Ling Wuwen push the door and enter the ward, still expressionless.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Yu Yuqing has already woken up and is talking to Yu's mother and Yu's father.

Seeing Ling Wuwen coming back, Yu Yuqing looked at Ling Wuying a little strangely: "Mom, where did you go just now? Grandma said you've come back..." But when she went out, she didn't see anyone.

Ling Wuwen walked to the bed and leaned over to kiss Yu Yuqing's forehead, and said softly: "There is a very poor uncle living next door. He can't stand up and is very sick. I asked my mother to push him to the garden." Go around."

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