Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

#857 helpless cry (twenty-nine)

Ling Wuwen said: "You have to believe in one sentence, if you don't die, you won't die! Once again, cheers for Lan Hejun's death!"

"A Fei, see off the guests!"

Not wanting to take another look at them, Ling Wuyi turned around and walked in——

As soon as he entered the door, he found Xi Ziqiu standing inside the door.

Ling Wuwen put her hand into Xi Ziqiu's in a natural and familiar manner, and went back to the sofa in the living room with him and sat down.

She nestled in Xi Ziqiu's arms and continued watching TV.

After seeing only half of it, Ling Wuyue lost her mood.

"Axi, you let people look at Lan Ruo, that woman is too heartbroken!"

In the presence of other people, it seemed too strange for Ling Wuwen to call Chairman Xi Ziqiu.

It just so happened that Xi Ziqiu's body this time was also surnamed Xi, so Ling Wuyi simply called him A Xi.

Xi Ziqiu hummed: "Don't worry." If Lan Ruo really dared to do something, he would stop it immediately——

More than a week later, the police still did not come to find Ling Wu.

Although Lan Ruo said that Ling Wujin personally admitted that she killed Lan Hejun, and said that the reason why Lan Hejun's body organs were soaked in formalin.

But so many people didn't hear it at that time, including Shen Zhou.

Therefore, Lan Ruo's words were only regarded as framing.

In this way, Ling Wu's suspicion was reduced a lot.


It has been more than a month since Yu Yuqing and Yu's parents and Yu's mother went abroad, and Ling Wuyi would call Yu Yuqing every day to ask her about her condition.

The operation was very successful, and during the adaptation period, Yu Yuqing also adapted very quickly.

Today is the day Yu Yuqing returns home!

Early in the morning, Ling Wuwen got up and prepared a lot of cakes, and decorated the house with balloon ribbons.

The string at the end of the balloon is tied with 'Welcome Home, Little Princess! ’ paper strips of various colors.

After the arrangement was completed, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu went to the airport to pick up Yu Yuqing.

When she saw Yu Yuqing, who was wearing a white dress, walking out with her father and mother bouncing around, Ling Wuxi knew that this operation not only healed her body, but also her mind!

Yu Yuqing has always been very mindful that she always wears an anal pouch that makes noise. Every time Ling Wuyi helped her change, she could see the deep sense of inferiority in her eyes.

Yu Yuqing knew that from the day the incident happened, she was already different from other children.

Now that she has undergone surgery, although there is still a little difference, she is much better than before!

"Uncle Xi! Mom!" Seeing Xi Ziqiu and Ling Wuwen standing in the crowd, Yu Yuqing let go of Yu's father and Yu's mother, and ran towards them.

Before she ran over, Ling Wuyi bent down and opened her arms to welcome her.

Yu Yuqing threw herself into Ling Wu's arms, hugging her neck tightly: "Mom, I miss you so much~"

Ling Wuting raised her lips and smiled, and gently stroked the back of Yu Yuqing's head with her hand: "Mom misses you so much too~"

The mother and daughter lingered for a while before Yu Yuqing let go of Ling Wuqing, tilted her head and looked at her: "Mom, are you fully recovered?"

Ling Wuxi nodded, and hummed: "It's completely healed! Where are we, Qingqing?"

Yu Yuqing also followed Ling Wuyi's example and nodded, and hummed: "It's completely healed!"

The current simulated anus is very close to the real anus, and the defecation system is also very good.

So the current Yu Yuqing, although it can't be said to be completely healed, is almost there.

"Uncle the doctor said, as long as I recover well, the longer it takes, the longer I will be like other children!" Speaking of her body, Yu Yuqing was very happy.

After speaking, Yu Yuqing asked Ling Wuwen again: "Mom, can I go to school now?" She hasn't gone to school for a long, long time, and there must be a lot of studies that she will not be able to keep up with.

"Of course! Uncle Xi has found a good school for you, and you can go to school next Monday!"

Hearing that Xi Ziqiu had arranged a school for her, Yu Yuqing laughed until she lost her eyes.

She held Ling Wuwen with one hand and Xi Ziqiu with the other: "Thank you, Uncle Xi!"

Xi Ziqiu just smiled and said, "You're welcome."

The three people who followed Ling Wuyue and the other three all had smiles on their faces. Yu Huaye put his arms around the two old people and said with a smile, "It seems that our family will be able to hold a happy event soon!"

Yu's mother and Yu's father nodded, looked at Yu Huaye at the same time, and asked in unison: "What about you?"


Yu Huaye bared his teeth in embarrassment: "Hahaha... I'll go get the luggage!"


It happened to be Saturday when Yu Yuqing came back from abroad. After spending the weekend at home, Yu Yuqing was going to officially go to the school arranged by Xi Ziqiu.

Since last night, Yu Yuqing has been both excited and nervous.

The excitement is that I can finally go to school, and the nervousness is that I am worried that those classmates will not like her, or that they will not be able to keep up with their studies.

Fortunately, there were various reassurances from Ling Wuwen and concise encouragement from Xi Ziqiu, which made her relax a little.

When sitting in Xi Ziqiu's car, Yu Yuqing's mood was much better.

Leaning in Ling Wu's arms, she tilted her head to look at Xi Ziqiu who was driving in the driver's seat.

"Uncle Xi, will you pick me up after school?"

Xi Ziqiu glanced at Yu Yuqing from the rearview mirror, with a faint and gentle smile on his lips.

He nodded: "well, pick you up with mom."

"Very good!"

Ling Wuwen helped Yu Yuqing straighten her hair: "I'm in the new school, if you don't understand anything, you must ask the teacher?"

"I know, the teacher likes the students who ask questions when they don't understand the most, and the student who pretends to understand what he doesn't like the most!"

"That's right!"

The car stopped at the gate of the school. This elementary school is specially for the children of government officials, and it is completely comparable to those noble schools.

Xi Ziqiu and Ling Wuwen got off the car together and entered the school holding Yu Yuqing's hand.

After sending Yu Yuqing to the door of the classroom, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu left.

When he was leaving, it was Ling Wuwen who was driving, Xi Ziqiu was going to work, and Ling Wuwen drove him away after taking him to the government building.

In the afternoon, I drove to pick up Xi Ziqiu, and then went to pick up Yu Yuqing with him.

The car stopped at the city government building, and Xi Ziqiu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, unfastened his seat belt, leaned over and kissed Ling Wuyi on the cheek: "Be careful when driving."

"Well, I know~"

Ling Wuyi gently pushed Xi Ziqiu's shoulder: "Get out of the car quickly."

Although the two of them had done a lot of intimacy, every time Xi Ziqiu kissed her like this, he was as shy as first love.

Seeing the red cloud floating on Ling Wu's cheek, Xi Ziqiu couldn't help but chuckle.

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