Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 904 Marriage in Exchange (16)

On the fourth day after Ling Wuyi came back from the black market, she received a call from Fatty He.

Fatty He on the phone was out of breath, as if he was still in shock.

Ling Wuyi raised her lips and smiled: "As expected of Boss He, he managed to last for more than three days!"

"You...what did you do to me?!" Fatty He asked Ling Wuyi panting.

Ling Wuqian chuckled lightly: "That's right, I put something in the red wine for you~ How is it? The effect is good, right?"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell Boss He, these three days are just an entry-level experience. If you don't take the antidote as soon as possible... Tomorrow there may be a news report titled 'A rich businessman suddenly died at home from a myocardial infarction'." !"

Fatty He believed Ling Wu's words.

three days! In the past three days, he went to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination, and the result was that there was no problem.

I went to see a psychiatrist and it turned out that there was no problem.

But at night, as long as it was dark, he would feel drowsy. After falling asleep, he would have nightmares, and he still couldn't wake up.

Later, he restrained himself from sleeping, but he tried all kinds of refreshing methods, but it didn't work at all!

When it got dark, he still couldn't help falling asleep.

Perhaps a nightmare once in a while is nothing, but as long as you close your eyes, you will have a nightmare, or the kind of nightmare that can scare people to death...

After three days of staying up, Fatty He finally couldn't stand it anymore! So at dawn, he called Ling Wuyue.

Thinking of Ling Wuyi's confident statement that he would take the initiative to find her to exchange the IOU within three days, Fatty He knew that he must have been tampered with by Ling Wuwen.

Ling Wuwen admitted it very readily, which made Fatty He's teeth itch with hatred.

"Aren't you afraid that I will retaliate against you?" Fatty He gritted his teeth and said.

"Boss He, let's guess~" Ling Wuwen replied lightly.

Of course she was afraid, she was afraid that if she was not serious, she would accidentally kill someone!

The medicine given to Fatty He actually made him drowsy, and then he dreamed of what he feared most in his dreams.

What everyone fears the most is different. As for what Fatty He dreamed about, Ling Wuyi doesn't know.

The inspiration for making this kind of medicine comes from Lingwu Nie's previous experience in the world of comprehension, and Xi Ziqiu's ability to send people into a fantasy world.

Although not as powerful as Yuehan, she knows her medicine, and the effect is absolutely great!

She didn't lie to Fatty He either, three days is only entry-level.

After three days, the fear in the dream will increase, and the person in the dream may be scared to death.

This can lead to sudden death from myocardial infarction!

"Okay, I'll exchange it with you! That bag of diamonds plus the antidote will be exchanged for Ye Ruofeng's IOU!" Fatty He was really scared, he didn't want to have those dreams anymore!

"Okay, I know Boss He is a straightforward person, why don't we trade today?"

Fatty He gritted his teeth and replied, "Okay!"

He had an idea in mind, even if the IOU was taken by Ling Wu, he still had...

"Oh, by the way, Boss He, remember to bring the contract Ruofeng signed with your nightclub too! Otherwise..."

Ling Wu's words made Fatty He feel that his breath was stuck in his heart.

He just thought about giving Ling Wuyue an IOU, and he even signed a contract with Ye Ruofeng!

If the contract is given to Ling Wuwen, then there is really no way to deal with Ye Ruofeng.

He was reluctant to let go, but thinking of the antidote, and those dreams... Fatty He had no choice but to answer again: "I see."

After hanging up Fatty He's phone call, Ling Wuyi twisted her neck.

"Little 55, do you really want to give that fat man an antidote?" Xia Lun asked.

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Yes, really give it to him."

"It's so cheap, what's the fat man? He's the one who will take revenge, what will he do when he takes the antidote and turns around to take revenge on you?"

"Little Lunlun, aren't you still here? Can you watch Fatty He take revenge on me? Also... I just said to give him the antidote..." Didn't say that Fatty He would be let go!

Even if Ling Wuwen didn't say the last half of the sentence, Xia Lun knew it.

He just said it! How could his little 55 let Fatty He go so easily...

Ling Wuwen sent a message to Ye Ruofeng saying that she has something to do, and she won't go to the hospital to accompany Ye's mother in the afternoon.

Ye Ruofeng, who was in class, received a message, and he wanted to ask Ling Wuyue where she was going and what she wanted to do?

The message was edited and then deleted, and finally only replied with the word 'OK'.

Taking back the phone, Ye Ruofeng didn't care about listening to the class.

There is one more day... One more day, he will leave Ling Wuyue.

In the past few days, he has always tried every means to seduce, lure, and linger. He has used everything the foreman taught him.

But Ling Wuxi would always reject him, or she said she wasn't ready. This made Ye Ruofeng very disappointed...

He was even a little puzzled, what kind of feeling did Ling Wuwen feel towards him?

Was it really just, seeing him as a companion who was afraid of being alone?

Apart from this, is there no other feeling?

Ye Ruofeng frowned, unable to figure it out——

Ling Wuwen came to Fatty He's nightclub, and she was taken into a luxuriously decorated private room.

As soon as he entered, he saw Fatty He surrounded by several naked beauties.

There seemed to be nothing wrong with him on the surface, but the dark circles and bloodshot eyes betrayed him.

Seeing Ling Wutian coming, Fatty He pushed away the beautiful woman beside him, and looked straight at Ling Wumei: "Have you brought anything?"

Ling Wuxi patted the bag in her hand: "Of course I brought such an important thing! Where's Boss He? Did you miss anything?"

Fatty He snapped his fingers, and immediately someone took out a briefcase, and then took out a folder from it.

"Here is Ye Ruofeng's IOU and contract." Fatty He said.

Ling Wuwen walked over and sat down on the sofa.

She picked up the folder first and looked at it, and knew that it was the real contract and the IOU.

Smiling in satisfaction, he took out a diamond bag and a black pill from his bag.

"Diamonds, antidote."

Fatty He looked at the antidote in Ling Wu's hand, and said, "How do I know whether the antidote you took is real or not?"

"How about this, I'll take it first, and after confirming that the antidote is real, I'll give you the contract and IOU?"

As soon as Fatty He finished speaking, the expression on Ling Wu's face became completely cold.

She put the diamond and the antidote back into her bag, and stood up: "Since Boss He doesn't sincerely want to make this deal, forget it!"

After speaking, Ling Wu was about to leave, but several bodyguards in the room came up to stop her.

With just a few tricks, Ling Wuyi threw those bodyguards to the ground and screamed.

Seeing Ling Wu's skills, Fatty He became even more afraid of her.

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