Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 906 Marriage in Exchange (18)

In fact, Lingwu had already asked Xia Lun to find several suitable residential areas for the house, all of which were relatively close to Ye Ruofeng's school, so it would be more convenient for Ye Ruofeng to go to school.

Ling Wuyi chose a three-bedroom suite, not too big, but not too small. Basically, the environment is relatively spacious and the air is relatively good.

Ye Ruofeng accompanied Ling Wuwen to visit several neighborhoods, and it was almost noon when Ling Wuwen finally chose a house.

"I think this house is good. There are three rooms with independent bathrooms, the living room and kitchen are spacious, and the most important thing is a big balcony! Auntie said that she likes to grow flowers and plants. This location is very good!"

"And the location of this community is also good. It's only 20 minutes away from your school. You can walk without any problems! There are subways, buses, supermarkets and pedestrian streets. Ruofeng, what do you think of this place?"

Ye Ruofeng was stunned, standing in the living room of the rough suite, looking at Lingwu who was pointing to the place where flowers could be planted on the balcony with a bright smile.

In her house plan, not only he, but also his mother.

So... the reason Ling Wuwen bought the house was to live with him and his mother?

Ling Wu, who couldn't wait for Ye Ruofeng's answer for a long time, frowned and walked to him and shook her hand: "Ruofeng, what's wrong with you? Don't you want to live with me?"

Faced with this question from Ling Wu, Ye Ruofeng didn't know how to answer it.

Of course he wanted to live with Ling Wuyue, but Ling Wuyue had already done too much for him, he really felt that he would never be able to pay for it even if he used it all his life!

Understanding what Ye Ruofeng's expression meant, Ling Wuqian smiled and put her hand in his palm: "You know, I don't like living alone!"

"I asked the doctor that day, and the doctor said that it's okay to take my aunt home for treatment. Think about it~ You're busy with your studies and have to work part-time. You definitely can't accompany me during the day, let alone take care of your aunt!"

"If we all live together, I can take care of my aunt, and by the way, my aunt can also accompany me, isn't it great?!"

Ye Ruofeng opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but Ling Wuyue blocked him again: "Actually, you moved here because you helped me!"

Well, it seems to make sense...

Ye Ruofeng didn't refuse in the end, but just increased his favorability towards Ling Wuwen to as much as ninety points!

The house was booked, and Ling Wuyi paid the full amount directly, which was straightforward.

She was also swift and resolute in her work. On the second day, she had already found a decoration company and handed over the decoration drawings she had designed before to let them start the decoration.

In order to be able to move into the new house as soon as possible, Ling Wuni's decoration materials are all the best, and there is absolutely no formaldehyde.

It took two months to decorate, and another half a month to be vacant, before Ling Wuyi brought Ye Ruofeng and Ye's mother into the new home!

Mother Ye didn't know until she was discharged from the hospital that her son had not only dated Ling Wu, but also lived together!

This surprised Mother Ye, but also made her very happy.

After getting along for several months, Mama Ye really likes Lingwu catkin!

She wanted to ask Ling Wuwen several times if she would like to be her son's girlfriend, but when she thought about Ling Wuwen's conditions and her own conditions, she knew that Ye Ruofeng was not good enough for Ling Wuwen.

Yes, it's Ye Ruofeng now!

Mother Ye always believes that her son is very good, and one day, he will be able to go higher and higher with his own ability!

Now that Ling Wuwen is really her daughter-in-law-to-be, the happiest one is of course Mother Ye.

The days when the three lived together were very warm.

Ling Wuwen would go to do acupuncture for Ye Ruofeng every night after Ye Ruofeng and Ye's mother were asleep.

During the day, Ling Wuwen would make medicinal meals for Mother Ye.

In just half a month, Mother Ye felt that her whole spirit was different, even better than before she was discharged from the hospital!

Ling Wuwen and Ye Ruofeng took her to the hospital for a follow-up visit, and the doctor was surprised that Mother Ye had fully recovered!

Knowing this result, Ye Ruofeng was overjoyed!

There is no need to worry about Ye's mother's health anymore, and Ye Ruofeng's condition is getting better and better.

He is an intern in a Fortune 500 listed company, and he is very adaptable.

The boss is very optimistic about Ye Ruofeng, and has already stated that he can become a full-time employee as soon as he graduates!


In the blink of an eye, it was two years.

Many things happened in two years. For example, Ye Ruofeng graduated early because of his excellent academic performance, and became the company's department manager immediately after graduation.

Mother Ye's body has fully recovered, and she also opened a flower shop outside the community.

For example, Fatty He was plotted by Ling Wu, causing his business to fail, and he himself was arrested and sentenced for murder and violent assault.

Ling Wuwen didn't visit Fatty He's house many times. After Fatty He was sentenced, all the black money in the family was turned over to the state.

Ling Wuwen started to speculate in stocks and real estate, and made a pretty good profit.

It's not that she didn't think about starting a company and letting Ye Ruofeng manage it, but Ye Ruofeng didn't want Ling Wuni's money.

And since graduation, all the expenses of the family have been paid by Ye Ruofeng's salary.

All the money Ling Wuyi earned was saved.

When she was free, Ling Wuwen would drive Ye Ruofeng to work in the company in the morning, pick him up in the afternoon, and then the two of them would go shopping and go home together.

Picking up Ye Ruofeng is of course not to be his driver, Ling Wuwen just wants to take an oath of ownership.

Let those who covet him in Ye Ruofeng's company know that he has a girlfriend.

Even so, there will still be women who are determined to stick to Ye Ruofeng.

In the past two years, Ye Ruofeng has not become evil and charming in the female circle as in the plot, but he has a mature and youthful temperament.

No matter what kind of temperament Ye Ruofeng is, he can attract women's attention wherever he goes.

The more you refuse, the more familiar Ye Ruofeng is.

He found a very good way to refuse, which is to put an intimate photo of him and Ling Wuxi on the screen of his mobile phone.

When not talking about business, nine out of ten sentences are inseparable from his girlfriend Ling Wuwen.

In this way, even if another woman wants to get close to him, she has to be hindered by the fact that he already has a master!

In two years, Ye Ruofeng's affection for Ling Wuwen seemed to have reached a bottleneck.

A year ago, Ye Ruofeng already had ninety-five points of affection for her. But for a whole year, the favorability sensor seemed to be frozen and never moved again!

It's true that Ye Ruofeng likes her very much, but Ling Wu can't figure it out, why has there been no movement in favorability for a whole year?

But fortunately, Ling Wuyue was not impatient.

Recently, Xia Lun told Ling Wuwen that Liao Tiancheng and Su Xiaoyue are going to come to Beijing to develop as in the plot——

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