Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 915 Marriage in Exchange (27)

no! You can't let Ye Ruofeng know that your sister was married before!

"That...it's like this...my mother-in-law...my mother-in-law has a mental problem...yes, she has a mental problem! That's why she talks like that!"

Su Xiaoyue at the side stared at Liao Tiancheng in disbelief, she never expected that Liao Tiancheng would lie for Ling Wuyi and say that her mother was mentally ill!

Although the relationship between her and her mother is not very good, but that is also her mother! Why should Ling Wuwen be said to be crazy? !

She opened her mouth to speak, but held back.

"That's really a coincidence, I didn't expect you to be sweet and distant relatives."

Hearing Ye Ruofeng's tone seemed to believe it, Liao Tiancheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Stop talking, Tiantian feels a little uncomfortable, I..."

"Why is Tiantian feeling unwell? Have you taken her to the hospital?!"

Liao Tian became anxious when he heard that Ling Wuwen was not feeling well.

In this rush, something went wrong.

How could the distant relatives, who are not in contact with each other very often, be so anxious when they heard that Ling Wuyi was not feeling well? !

Ye Ruofeng is not stupid, of course he knows that the relationship between Ling Wuwen and Liao Tiancheng is definitely not as simple as distant relatives.

Turning her head to look at the door of Lingwu's room, she said softly, "Don't worry, I will take good care of Tiantian."

After hanging up Liao Tiancheng's phone call, Ye Ruofeng sat on the sofa in the living room thinking about things.

We have known each other for more than two years and we have been together for more than two years. There are too many things about Ling Wu that he doesn't know.

For example, she was born in an ordinary family, how did she come up with the millions to help him repay his debts?

Where did the money for buying a house, buying a car, and helping Ye's mother flower shop come from?

For example, why has she never heard of her family, or relatives and friends?

Ye Ruofeng really wanted to ask Ling Wuwen, and really wanted her...to be able to tell him everything without hiding anything!

After hesitating for a long time, Ye Ruofeng finally plucked up the courage to stand up and walk towards Ling Wuxi's room door.

Holding the doorknob and twisting it lightly, the door opened.

As soon as he walked in, Ye Ruofeng saw Ling Wuyi sitting on the bay window in a daze.

He walked up to Ling Wuxi and sat down next to her, hugging her into his arms.

"Ruofeng, are you curious?" Ling Wuwen asked suddenly.

Ye Ruofeng was startled, and said, "I'll listen to what you want to say, and it doesn't matter if you don't want to."

Ling Wuxi lowered her eyelids and did not look at Ye Ruofeng. She remained silent, making Ye Ruofeng wonder if she was hesitating or thinking.

After a while, when Ye Ruofeng thought that Ling Wu could not speak, she spoke.

Ling Wuwen talked about Liao Tiantian's life experience, saying that she was once married to a fool in a marriage exchange.

She even said that she killed someone, Su Xiaoming.

Of course, Ling Wuyi only admitted that she killed Su Xiaoming alone!

In the latter part, Ling Wuwen said half-truths and half-truths.

Of course, Ling Wuyi didn't say how she got the money.

After all, she is a rural girl, so she has no reason to have such good skills to be a robber!

Fortunately, Ye Ruofeng was too shocked by the fact that Ling Wu was once married to a violent idiot and killed the idiot by 'missing' during the resistance.

So he didn't notice at all, Ling Wuwen didn't explain the origin of the money.

Ling Wuwen broke away from Ye Ruofeng's embrace, and faced him: "After the murder, I lied out of fear."

"But I didn't expect that people in the village were killed one after another during that time, so I didn't dare to admit that I had killed people, and I was afraid that the police would blame me for the deaths of other people."

"Ruofeng, I'm telling you now. You can leave me, or go to the police..."

"What are you talking about?!" Before Ling Wuwen finished speaking, Ye Ruofeng interrupted Ling Wuwen directly.

Holding Ling Wuwen's shoulders with both hands, he leaned slightly and looked directly into Ling Wuwen's eyes.

"I won't go to the police, and I won't leave you!" Ye Ruofeng's voice was firmer than ever, and he said every word.

Looking at Ling Wuwen with those eyes, it was so serious that it made people addicted.

The tears in Ling Wu's eyes fell down, her nose was red, and she gave a nasal "hmm".

Ye Ruofeng kissed away the tears on Ling Wu's face in distress, his movements were tender and compassionate.

Pulling Ling Wu into his arms, he said softly, "Don't blame yourself, that person deserves to die."

Ling Wuyi couldn't help but echoed in her heart: Yes, Su Xiaoming really deserves to die!

She never discriminates against fools, but people like Su Xiaoming who have serious explosive tendencies.

It wasn't him who died, it was Liao Tiantian who was beaten to death one day.

Although some things today exceeded Ling Wu's expectations, but fortunately, the ending was good.

At least, just now, Ye Ruofeng's favorability, which he hadn't gained in more than a year, directly rose to ninety-nine points!

Although it didn't directly break through to 100, but it was still so close, it wasn't a big deal.

Not only the favorability is about to be filled up, but the Su family and the Liao family also don't have the slightest favor in Ye Ruofeng's heart. Even worse for Su Xiaoyue and Liao Tiancheng——

In the following days, in order to avoid Ling Wu's being 'sensitive', Ye Ruofeng never went to Liao Tiancheng's fast food restaurant again.

Usually, even if I ran into Su Xiaoyue on the road, I would just pretend not to see her.

But Mother Su wanted to make trouble, but was suppressed by Liao Tiancheng, saying that if they wanted to trouble Ling Wu, he would send them all back to Ninghe Village!

I'm used to living in the city, how could Su's father, Su's mother and Liao's father and Liao's mother want to go back to the backcountry where no shit!

Because he was worried that Liao Tiancheng would really do what he said, he also stopped there.

Recently, Ye Ruofeng is preparing a surprise for Ling Wuwen.

Together with Mother Ye, he prepared for a full month without telling Ling Wuyue.

However, with Xia Lun, the gold finger, how could it be possible for Ling Wuyi not to know the surprise that Ye Ruofeng had prepared!

He wanted to propose to Ling Wuyue!

Now that the favorability is almost the same, Ling Wu is of course eager for Ye Ruofeng to propose to her.

Maybe you can add the last bit of favorability on the day of the proposal or the day of the wedding!

The day of the proposal was Ling Wuyi's 21st birthday.

Both Ye Ruofeng and Ye's mother acted as if they had completely forgotten about Ling Wu's birthday. One said they were going to the flower market in the neighboring city to buy goods, and the other said they were going on a business trip for two days.

In order to cooperate, Ling Wuwen naturally pretended to be unhappy.

She went out for a whole day by herself, and didn't come home until dark.

I pressed the light switch in the living room but it couldn't turn on.

"Is the light off?" Ling Wuwen said to herself in 'doubt'.

As soon as the voice fell, the room suddenly lit up——


Chapter 6 has been updated! Remember to vote monthly!

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