Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 925 The Han Paper of the Female Venerable Realm (7)

In Helian Wenqing's room, there were almost no expensive decorations, and it was so simple that it didn't look like a prince's bedroom!

Ling Wuxi lit a candlestick for light, and she wasn't afraid of being seen.

The door is closed! Those servants will only think that Helian Wenqing is still awake.

As for the ones who were guarding in the dark... Ling Wu's catkins were all fainted, and they wouldn't wake up before dawn.

So tonight, she has a lot of time to avenge herself!

She tiptoed to the bedside and took a look, Helian Wenqing had been drugged so unconsciously.

He stretched out his finger and poked Helian Wenqing's face, but there was no response.

Ling Wuyi raised the corners of her lips and smiled triumphantly: "Aren't you tired of it! Don't you like to choke your neck~"

As he spoke, Ling Wuwen stretched out his hand and pinched Helian Wenqing's neck.

Of course, it's useless.

Helian Wenqing is a very strict person, even when she sleeps, she always sleeps on her back.

Ling Wutian rolled her eyes, got up and walked towards Helian Wenqing's desk.

After grinding the ink, he returned to the bedside with the brush in one hand and the inkstone in the other.

Looking at Helian Wenqing who was sleeping soundly with a smirk on his face: "Hey~ I won't hit you either, but well~ hehehe..."


Helian Wenqing was woken up the next day by the frightened cries of the male servant who came to wake him up.

Pressed his aching head and sat up from the bed: "What's the point of making such a fuss?!"

The male waiter pointed at Helian Wenqing's face, and said in a trembling voice, "My lord...your...your...your face!"

Helian Wenqing raised his hand and touched his face, but he didn't feel anything wrong!

When he got out of bed to look in the mirror, he saw a dog was drawn on his face with black ink!

In addition to a dog, there are four words written on it: Helian Wenqing.

The ink had already dried, so Helian Wenqing didn't touch anything on his face.

The veins on the forehead twitched, and he shouted in a low voice, "Come on!"

A woman dressed in black suddenly appeared in the room out of thin air, kneeling beside Helian Wenqing: "Master!"

"Who did it?!" He was able to draw something on his face without him knowing.

The dark guard lowered his head: "Master, forgive me, my subordinates...don't know either!"

Helian Wenqing frowned and turned to look at the hidden guard: "I don't know?!"

"Yes, I don't know! Last night, for some reason, my subordinates suddenly fell asleep. When I woke up, it was already dawn."

When they saw something painted on Helian Wenqing's face, some guards had already gone to find out who did it.

Just now, and no results.

Helian Wenqing took a deep breath, trying to restrain his anger.

He filtered the candidates who might punish him in his mind, but there were none!

The main reason is that Helian Wenqing is too upright, and he is in a state of not fighting for the throne. Therefore, whether it is the ministers of the court or the imperial sisters, the relationship with him is pretty good.

At least Helian Wenqing thought that he had not offended anyone.

So there is really no one to choose.

So, who did it to him?

The person who made Helian Wenqing, of course, was Ling Wuyue!

Ling Wuyi knew that Helian Wenqing would not have to go to court for the next two days, so beating him up and hurting him would not do.

But if he didn't take revenge on Helian Wenqing, Ling Wuyi wouldn't be able to express the anger in his heart!

Since you can't beat it, then - chant!

The paint used to paint dogs is not easy to wash off, and it will dry out after a night.

If I want to wash off the black paint on my face within two days, I'm afraid my face will have to peel off a layer of skin.

Ling Wuwen asked Xia Lun to watch it. In order not to put on a big face when going to court, Helian Wenqing really almost washed off her face.

Xia Lun's description was so funny that Ling Wu couldn't help rolling on the bed with laughter.

Ah Hao on the side looked blankly at Ling Wuwen, not knowing why she was smiling so happily.

Could it be that he was so sad that he pretended to be himself with a forced smile because he had just asked someone to invite the prince to come here for lunch and was rejected?

Thinking of this, Ah Hao felt a little bit sorry for his master.

I couldn't help persuading him: "Mr. Zheng, don't be sad. Now that Mr. Ning is divorced, the prince will see you well one day..."

sad? !

Ling Wuyi's laughter stopped instantly, she sat up and looked at Ah Hao who had 'distressed' written all over her face.

The corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, and he said to Xia Lun: "Xiao Lunlun, I think this Ah Ruo is weirder than you, he really won!"

Xia Lun: "→_→So you're saying I'm weird?"


Xia Lun: [Distraught] Can't play happily anymore...

Ling Wuwen didn't bother to pay attention to Xia Lun who was pretending to be dead, and fell on the bed again: "Okay, get down, I'll sleep."

Seeing that Ling Wuwen was about to turn her grief into sleep, Ah Hao nodded: "Yes, Ah Hao is outside, and Zheng Fulang can call Ah Hao if he has something to do."

Ling Wuwen waved her hands, but said nothing.

That night, Ling Wuwen went to Helian Wenqing's place again.

Even though those hidden guards, including Helian Wenqing himself, were already on guard, they couldn't prevent the drug made by Ling Wuyi himself!

Sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at Helian Wenqing's face flushed from excessive force, Ling Wuyi grinned silently for a long time.

She took the pen and ink again, and wanted to paint on Helian Wenqing.

But this time, Ling Wuxi didn't paint on his face, but on his arms.

A loach was drawn on one arm, and a cat was drawn on the other hand, and then added: 'Zuo Qinglong' and 'Right White Tiger'.

When Helian Wenqing got up to change his clothes the next day, his entire face turned dark when he saw the thing on his arm.

"Find it! You must find it!"

Damn, drawing on him is addictive, isn't it? !

Not to mention, Ling Wuwen is really addicted to painting.

Those hidden guards failed to find Ling Wuyi, and Ling Wuwen went to Helian Wenqing's room again that night.

Because the ink is too difficult to wash off, the ink on Helian Wenqing's face has not been washed off.

I can vaguely see that cute dog and the words Helian Wenqing.

For two whole days, Helian Wenqing stayed in his room and never came out.

Ling Wuwen even came to look for Helian Wenqing during the day, but of course she didn't see anyone...

Suppressing a smile, Ling Wuyi took out the small porcelain bottle she had specially brought, poured out the liquid in it, and wiped it on Helian Wenqing's face.

Wipe it lightly with a handkerchief, and the face is back to white and clean.

However, although Ling Wuyi quickly wiped Helian Wenqing's face, she took a brush and drew on his calf.

After the 'painting' this time, Ling Wuwen didn't go there again.

In addition to the fact that I can't think of where to draw the picture for the time being, there is also the fact that the hidden guards block their noses every night to avoid inhaling the drug.


Two chapters left.

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