Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 932 The World Has Collapsed

Ling Wu is good at martial arts, and Qianmian is not weak either.

Like Ling Wu, she is good at close combat.

She had already prepared to have a fight with Ling Wu, so Qian Mian carried a dagger with her tonight——

When Ling Wuyi and Qian Mian moved, the others also moved.

On Helian Wenfeng's side, only Helian Wenqing and a few male partners had brought more loyal subordinates and secret guards with them.

There are quite a few people on Qianmian's side!

Ling Wujin remembered what Xia Lun said, if there are more than three plane associations in the same novel world, that is, the brain waves of interstellar, then the world will be destroyed.

Ling Wuwen contacted Xia Lun, but found that she couldn't.

She knew that Qian Mian must have tampered with the Plane Association, which was why Ling Wuyue couldn't contact Xia Lun.

The only thing Ling Wuxi can do now is to kill Qianmian here, so that her brain waves will automatically return to the Plane Association.

Ling Wuwen believed that as long as Qianmian's brainwaves returned, she would definitely not be able to escape.

Qianmian is very crazy, the kind of crazy that doesn't want to die!

Ling Wu's moves were ruthless, and Qian Mian not only didn't dodge, but even went head-on.

This practice of putting them to death and reviving them made both Ling Wuyue and Qian Mian suffer.

Qianmian rolled his eyes, raised his hand to wipe the corner of his bleeding mouth, and said to Ling Wuyue with a smile, "Tell me, what will happen if I kill Xi Ziqiu's body?"

This sentence is not asking about Ling Wu, because as soon as Qian Mian finished speaking, he threw the dagger in his hand towards Helian Wenqing's back——

Ling Wuyi's body's reaction was faster than her brain's. She rushed over, but the dagger didn't penetrate Helian Wenqing's back, but pierced into Ling Wujin's heart.

"Ruoci—" Helian Wenqing turned around and didn't know what happened, because Ling Wuwen had her back to him.

"Uh—" Ling Wumi frowned in pain, and couldn't help moaning.

Looking down at the dagger that had sunk into his heart, Ling Wuyi ignored it and stared fiercely at Qianmian.

"Very good..." Ling Wuxi took out something unknown, wiped it on her dagger, and then rushed towards Qianmian.

Qianmian is not blind, she believes that Ling Wuwen smeared deadly poison on the dagger, so she kept avoiding the attack of that dagger during the fight with Ling Wuwen.

It was precisely because of this that Qian Mian was negligent for a moment, and Ling Wuxi pulled out the dagger in his heart and cut his throat directly.

The blood from the neck sprayed out, and the sprayed catkins were all over his face.

Ling Wuqian staggered a bit, but still insisted on standing still.

Qianmian clutched her neck to stop the bleeding, but the blood kept spilling out from between her fingers.

"You...you..." Qianmian stared at Ling Wuyue with wide eyes, but couldn't make a sound.

Ling Wuyi raised her lips and smiled: "It's...just a little interest. Just wait—"

Qianmian died... no, he died in this world.

Interstellar people, of course, return to the Plane Association after they die in the novel world.

Ling Wuwen couldn't hold on and fell to the ground, but was supported by Helian Wenqing.

"My lord..."

"Ruoci, don't talk, I'll find you an imperial physician!" Only then did Helian Wenqing see Ling Wuyi's bleeding heart.

He covered Ling Wu's heart with trembling hands, hoping that the blood would not stay so bad.

But it was useless at all, Ling Wuwen felt that she was getting colder and colder, her breathing became more and more difficult, and her eyelids seemed to be fighting.

Looking at Helian Wenqing with some difficulty, her favorability had already risen to ninety-nine points, and Ling Wuyi hoped to add the last bit of favorability to her before she died.

Opening her mouth, she wanted to speak.

But Helian Wenqing told Ling Wuyi not to speak with red eyes, and wait until she recovers from her injury.

Ling Wuxi shook her head: "I... can't do it anymore..."

Helian Wenqing repeatedly shook her head and denied: "No, no! If you persist, I will take you to the imperial physician!"

With that said, Helian Wenqing hugged Ling Wuyao by the waist.

The sky was suddenly very bright, so bright that it attracted Ling Wu's attention.

I saw that there seemed to be a hole in the sky, and the edge of the hole was glowing with fire, as if it had been torn apart by the fire, and it seemed to be torn apart.

The hole got bigger and bigger, and the ground began to shake.

The violent vibration caused Helian Wenqing to fall to the ground holding Ling Wuwenqing.

Ling Wuwen felt that she was really dying, she looked at Helian Wenqing who was protecting her, and hoped that he could add that little favorability at the last moment.

But until Ling Wuxi lost her breath and lost consciousness, the last bit of goodwill was not added...

When Ling Wuxi's brainwaves left this world, the whole world was instantly destroyed——

Ling Wuxi's brain waves automatically returned to the Plane Association. As soon as she came back, Xia Lun lay on her nutrition cabin with concern: "Little 55, are you okay?"

Ling Wuyi ignored Xia Lun's concern and inquiry, but quickly came out of the nutrition cabin and asked Xia Lun, "Where is Qianmian?!"

"After knowing that Qianmian went to that novel world, Michael has already found Qianmian's body and asked someone to guard her body."

"Take me there now!" Ling Wuwen's eyes were terribly cold, she was completely blackened...

Xia Lun swallowed her saliva and boldly reminded Ling Wuyi: "Uh...we still need to change clothes first..."

Ling Wuxi looked down at the sterile suit she was wearing, paused, and then went to the dressing room to change.

She was wearing a red A-line sleeveless dress, a pair of 10cm stilettos, and her long black hair was tied up high.

That exquisite face was expressionless, and his whole body exuded an oppressive aura that no one should enter.

Ling Wuwen followed Xia Lun to find Qianmian, because she was worried that Qianmian would use tricks to leave, so Sun Maike had her locked up in the closed room of the Plane Association.

The door of the closed room opened, and Ling Wuyi saw Qianmian.

Qianmian was still dressed as one of the maintainers of the Plane Association, and his hands were handcuffed.

Seeing a strange woman, maybe it is intuition, Qianmian knows that she is Ling Wuyi.

She hooked her lips and smiled: "I didn't expect to officially meet so soon, hello ~ the wife of the future president!"

Ling Wuyi snorted, but didn't speak to Qianmian immediately.

She turned her head and said to Michael Sun, "Take off her handcuffs."

"But..." Sun Maike was a little hesitant, Qianmian was so cunning, he was worried that something would happen if he took off the handcuffs.

"got it!"

Ling Wu's tone was undeniable, and that imposing manner gave Sun Maike the illusion that standing in front of him was the president.

"Yes." Sun Mike replied, then took out the remote control and opened the handcuffs on Qianmian's hands.

Qian Mian, who was released from the handcuffs, stood up from the chair, almost at the same time, Ling Wu Nie had already arrived in front of Qian Mian.

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