Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 957 The Hacked Goddess (End)

"Oh no, it should be said, are you sure you can get out of here alive?"

As soon as Ling Wuxi finished speaking, the door was pushed open from the outside.

The first to come in were a dozen or so bodyguards pointing pistols at Feng Yan. Feng Yan's legs were so frightened that he almost collapsed on the ground.

However, he was not much better with his legs trembling because of fear...

The bodyguards automatically divided into two rows to make way.

Xi Ziqiu, who was wearing a white slim suit, came in from the door. As if he didn't see Feng Yan, he went straight to Ling Wupi and stopped.

He put his arm around Ling Wu's waist, kissed her on the cheek, and said softly: "The time is up, let's go out."

"Yeah." Ling Wuwen nodded with a smile, the sense of happiness that radiated from her body couldn't be fooled.

Ling Wu, loves the man in front of her! love...

Xi Ziqiu slightly bent his arm, Ling Wuwen took his arm, and walked outside with him.

When Xi Ziqiu walked to Feng Yan's side, he paused.

He turned his head and looked at Feng Yan with a calm expression.

Xi Ziqiu has a characteristic, he will emit a kind of oppressive force invisible from his body, making people feel breathless.

At this moment, Feng Yan felt that he was out of breath.

"Feng Yan? You're done." Six words, without the slightest emotion, and left the room with Ling Wuwen after finishing speaking.

And just these six words made Feng Yan inexplicably believe that he is really finished!

After Ling Wuyi and Xi Ziqiu left the room, Feng Yan ran out as if fleeing.

To his surprise, the bodyguards with guns did not chase him out.

Could it be... Xi Ziqiu was just trying to scare him?

Of course Xi Ziqiu didn't want to scare Feng Yan, he was very serious, very serious!

If Feng Yan is finished, then he will definitely be finished——

The door of the auditorium opened, and the wedding march began to play.

The guests sitting in the auditorium all turned their heads to look at the door, and their eyes fell on the pair of newcomers whose mouths were almost in sync.

Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu looked at each other, and saw that they were looking at each other.

Lift your feet, step on the red carpet, and walk forward——

After the wedding, Ling Wuwen and Xi Ziqiu returned to Li's residence.

Originally Ling Wuwen said that he would go back earlier, but Xi Ziqiu insisted on pulling Ling Wuwen to stay.

This stay is five years.

In five years, Ling Wuyi has withdrawn from the entertainment industry, except Weibo will be updated, basically no one will see her on other platforms.

For five years, Xi Ziqiu has pampered Ling Wumi like a princess.

Xi Ziqiu has completely let go of the business matter and left it to Geng Yang.

Anyway, he was going to leave with Ling Wuwen, so there was no need to make himself so tired.

For five years, all Xi Ziqiu's focus was on Ling Wuwen.

He is responsible for three meals a day.

Xi Ziqiu was originally very smart, but with a little research on cooking skills, Ling Wuyi couldn't compare to him.

Ling Wuxue is really looking forward to this, not only can she be lazy, but she can also eat delicious food!

Because she had agreed with Xi Ziqiu to stay in this world for five years, Ling Wuyi did not leave any children in this world.

Five years later, Bai Ruowei and Feng Yan had already been forgotten by Ling Wuyue.

As early as five years ago, Bai Ruowei hooked up with a married man, and the wife in the other's family was a ruthless character!

First, he stood still, and then installed a camera at the place where the two had a tryst.

This result, one can imagine!

The wife used this as evidence to divorce her husband and got all the property.

And after Bai Ruowei's video was posted on the Internet, there was basically no scene to shoot.

The only ones that exist are restricted movies.

Later, Bai Ruowei simply broke the jar and took a third-level film.

Because of her pure appearance, it can be said that she has become popular in the sex industry.

It's just that the lady is holding grudges, how can she make Bai Ruowei live a little more comfortably.

So she spent money to find a sick actor to film with Bai Ruowei, and then... Bai Ruowei also got sick.

After Bai Ruowei was ill, how could anyone dare to film with her!

So... how could someone as vain as Bai Ruowei and easily calculated by others be the heroine——

As for Feng Yan, after leaving Ling Wu's wedding scene, he was still in fear for a long time.

But it turned out that nothing happened at all.

Just when he let down his vigilance, he was cheated.

Someone tricked him into investing, and he spoke clearly and logically, which was very attractive.

The elders of Feng's family didn't allow Feng Yan to use the family's assets to invest, so they embezzled the company's assets to invest secretly!

In the beginning, he earned several times. Later, Feng Yanyue invested more and more, and even embezzled all the assets in the company plus the ones he earned.

In the end, of course he lost everything!

The turnover of the Feng family's company was not good, the operating funds were gone, and of course they had to go bankrupt in the end.

The shareholders of the Feng family company are not only the Feng family, but also other shareholders.

It is against the law for Feng Yan to embezzle public funds without authorization!

The other shareholders took Feng Yan to court with a paper of complaint.

In the end, for compensation, the company no longer belonged to the Feng family, and even all the real estate of the Feng family was confiscated and auctioned off by the court.

Feng Yan fell from a rich son to a homeless vagabond overnight.

Geng Yang went to see Feng Yan once, he was collecting trash, because of Xi Ziqiu's special instructions, no company dared to take him.

"Our husband asked me to tell you that if you are finished, you will be finished!"

At that time, Feng Yan knew that he had been punished by Xi Ziqiu...

Today, it was September 5th again, Xi Ziqiu made longevity noodles for Ling Wuyi early, and then woke her up.

Ling Wuwen was eating noodles while watching the news on her mobile phone.

The emergence of a piece of news made Ling Wuyi almost choke.

"Cough cough cough..."

Xi Ziqiu quickly stretched out his hand and patted Ling Wu's back, looked at her helplessly and dotingly and said, "I told you not to look at your phone while eating, you're choking on it."

Ling Wuxi coughed a few more times, then pointed to the phone and said with wide eyes: "No... According to the news, a female body was found in a trash can on Tongfu Road yesterday afternoon. After investigation, the identity of the female deceased was The former celebrity artist——Bai Ruowei!"

Xi Ziqiu didn't even move his eyebrows when he heard the words: "People who don't matter, let them die when they die."

He got up and poured a cup of warm water to Ling Wuwen: "Come on, drink it."

Ling Wuxi pouted, drank obediently, and then said, "President, you don't know. I'm surprised that the murderer has been arrested this morning."

Xi Ziqiu laughed: "Well, who is the murderer?"

"Feng Yan! Are you surprised?"

"Well, I'm so surprised." Xi Ziqiu said very cooperatively.

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Yes, I am also surprised."

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