Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 963: The Steamed Bun That Was Taken Away (6)

But Lu Meichen was a failure~

Since she is Shen Nanxia's fiancée, why is Shen Nanxia unwilling to get married at the age of thirty-three?

Why have you been engaged for so long and haven't gotten close to Lu Meichen?

Except for Shen Nanxia asking Lu Meichen to hold his arm when attending a party or something, Lu Meichen was not allowed to touch him at other times.

It's definitely not Li Ziyu's fault.

It can only be said that Shen Nanxia really really doesn't love Lu Meichen!

It is said that twisted melons are not sweet. Why didn't this Lu Meichen take it easy in her new life, and instead blamed Li Ziyu for all this?

Lu Meichen is also a poor person who can't love her.

But while she is pitiful, she is also quite hateful.

There are so many men in the world, can't we live without Shen Nanxia?

Seeing that Li Ziyu is a host mother and a good person, Ling Wuwen asked Xia Lun to keep a close eye on Lu Meichen, so as not to make any more fools.

As for Shen Nanxia...

Ling Wuwen thinks it's natural to let it take its course, let's see how strong is the fate between him and Li Ziyu?

After talking with Xia Lun, Ling Wuyi also finished eating the cake.

The door of the operating room was opened, and Li Ziyu was pushed out.

Qiao Yu helped Li Ziyu arrange a single ward, and the environment was very good.

Ling Wuxi sat on the chair beside the bed, looking at Li Ziyu who was still unconscious.

It's really unlucky to be missed by a reborn female matchmaker.

"Don't you plan to help Li Ziyu, little 55?"

"I asked you to watch Lu Meichen to help her? That's enough, why don't I help her catch Shen Nanxia?" She doesn't like to meddle in other people's business.

"Knock knock—"

There was a knock on the door of the ward, Ling Wuwen looked back, Qiao Yu went to the door and opened it.

Standing at the door was a handsome man in a suit with a stern face.

The man is very handsome, exuding a kind of domineering temperament all over his body.

His facial features are exquisite, and if you look carefully, you can find that Ling Wu's current body is at least six points similar to that of a man.

"Anan, you are here, come in!" Qiao Yu turned sideways.

Anan? Shen Nanxia? !

No wonder……

However, why did Shen Nanxia come here? !

Shen Nanxia raised his foot and walked in, his eyes first fell on Ling Wu who had been staring at him.

When seeing Ling Wuwen, Shen Nanxia was obviously stunned.

Then he looked at Li Ziyu who was lying on the bed: "How is it?" Shen Nanxia asked Qiao Yu.

"Oh, the doctor said it's nothing serious, but I have to rest well and take care of my body. I haven't woken up now because the anesthetic has not been withdrawn."

Shen Nanxia nodded: "I've already found a nurse to take care of me. As for..."

He lowered his head, and his eyes fell on Ling Wuwen again.

"What's your name?" Shen Nanxia asked Ling Wuyi.

"My name is Li Anyi." Ling Wuwen replied honestly, after all, he is a cheap father.

Shen Nanxia said lightly: "Well, Li Anyi, you come home with me."

"What?!" Ling Wuwen stared at Shen Nanxia with wide eyes.

"Your mother can't take care of you." So take you home.

Ling Wuwen said... can she go home with Brother Qiao Bai'an?

There was nothing wrong with it, Qiao Yu and Qiao Bai'an both expressed their willingness.

But this damn Shen Nanxia insisted on taking Ling Wuwen home.

Ling Wuwen wanted to protest, but she was not a real child after all, so she couldn't cry like that.

Sighing, Ling Wuyue could only honestly nod in agreement.

Shen Nanxia was also very satisfied with Ling Wuwen's obedience.

Although he had never hugged a child before, he felt an inexplicable desire to hug Ling Wuwen.

Seeing Shen Nanxia bent over to hug her, Ling Wuyi quickly got off the chair, raised her hand to hold Shen Nanxia's hand.

There was a soft and warm touch in the palm of his hand, which made Shen Nanxia stunned again.

Fortunately, he is a person with less developed facial expressions, so there seems to be nothing wrong with his emotions.

He lowered his head to look at Ling Wuyue, and led Ling Wuyue away.

The nurse was already guarding in the ward, and Qiao Yu and Qiao Bo'an also left the hospital together.

Qiao Bo'an looked at Ling Wuwen, who was led by Shen Nanxia, ​​and felt a little bit reluctant: "Uncle Shen, can you take good care of Sister Anyi?"

Shen Nanxia looked down at Ling Wuwen: "Will you be good?"

Ling Wuxi nodded, staring at Shen Nanxia with big eyes: "I will be good!"

If you don't behave well, will you be beaten?

"Yeah." Shen Nanxia nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Qiao Bo'an: "Don't worry, you can come and see her after school."

Qiao Bo'an thought about it, anyway, they all lived in the same villa area, and it was the same when he went to see Lingwu after school.

After bidding farewell to Qiao Boan and Qiao Yu, Ling Wuwen got into Shen Nanxia's car.

Shen Nanxia drove here by himself. For the sake of safety, he put Ling Wu in the back seat, and then fastened the seat belt himself.

Shen Nanxia, ​​who has always driven very fast, slowed down a lot in order to take care of a child in the car.

From time to time, he would look back at Ling Wuwen to see if she was moving.

Then Shen Nanxia discovered that Ling Wuwen was much more obedient than other children.

"An Yi, how old are you?"

Ling Wu, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly woke up when she heard Shen Nanxia's voice.

"I'm five years old, how about you?" Ling Wuwen added two words reflexively while answering.

I was stunned for a while, could it be that IQ is lowered because of entering a child's body? !

...I really despise myself, is she too adapted to the child's body?

"I am thirty-three years old."

Surprisingly, Shen Nanxia answered Ling Wuwen's question.

Ling Wu said: "Thirty-three minus five equals twenty-eight. You are twenty-eight years older than me."

Shen Nanxia nodded, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth: "Well, you are very smart."


The car entered the Shen family's villa, and Ling Wu was led out by Shen Nanxia.

Shen Nanxia is a filial son who has always lived with his parents.

The arrival of Ling Wuwen surprised Shen's father and Shen's mother: "This is... son, when did you bring your illegitimate daughter home when she was so old?!"

Father Shen blurted out these words the first time he saw Ling Wuyue.

And Shen's mother was also stunned: "It's too much like you when you were a child! Come, come, my good granddaughter, come to grandma!"

Ling Wuwen said that she was also shocked!

As expected, Shen's father and Shen's mother should be the kind of people who are very particular about being well-matched and very indifferent.

That's why they made a fiancée for their son regardless of whether he wanted it or not.

But...is it too different from what you imagined?

"Mom and Dad, it's not my child." Shen Nanxia explained.

But his explanation was too powerless in the eyes of Shen's father and Shen's mother, and Shen's mother ignored him at all, but came over and took Ling Wu away.

Ling Wuxi was in a bad mood after being carried away...why could anyone easily pick her up? !

Sister, is she a toy? !

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